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备战2021年中考英语专题复习——选词填空 1(真题)

日期: 2024-07-04

able   catch    difficult    hold    learn    little    possible    speech   success    tie    true    we

    A man walking through an elephant camp was surprised to find that the elephants weren't being kept in cages or held by chains. All that was holding them back from running away from the camp was a small piece of rope— it was just  to one of their legs.

    As the man looked at the elephants, he couldn't understand it. Why didn't the elephants just use their power to break the rope and run away?

    Wanting to know the , he asked a trainer nearby why it was so.

    "When they were very young and much smaller, we used the same size of rope to tie them, and at that age, it was enough  them. As they grew up, they still believed that they couldn't break away. Even now, they believe the rope can still control them, so they have the  courage to try to break free, "the trainer answered.

    The man was . These animals were able to break away from the rope whenever they wanted, but it was only because over time, they believed that it was just .

    How many of us go through life like the elephants—believing that it was beyond (超越) our  to do something only because we failed once or some times before?

    Failure is part of . If we fail at something, we can still get something from it. Failure in the past doesn't mean we can never  in the future. We should keep on trying with confidence  even after we have experienced failures in life.


everything,  trouble,  sick,  because,  quiet,  come,  about,  allow,  eye,  run

    In January 2020, a virus we now call COVID-19 broke out. This virus was highly infectious (易传染的). It made lots of people terribly and sometimes even killed them. At that moment, was put into lockdown (封锁) in Wuhan as if the stop button (按钮) was pressed across the city.

    Before the lockdown, my family went to my parents' hometown in Caidian, a suburb (郊区) of Wuhan. Life went on . All the villagers closed their doors and didn't go out. Soon, I began to worry my study. Our government and several companies made it possible for students to study at home. Through live streaming (直播课), we were able to learn all the subjects online. At first, I was afraid I couldn't keep up my studies the Internet was very slow in the countryside. Sometimes I had connecting to my online classes. This made me feel a little nervous. My parents often encouraged me and helped me a lot.

    Without my textbooks, I had to read and do exercises on a computer screen, which hurt my . Luckily, our teachers taught us to do eye exercises. They provided us with psychological guidance (心理辅导) as well.

    Gradually, life fell into a new routine (惯例). I studied online, went to bed and got up early. Every afternoon, I around the backyard for a while to keep healthy and strong. I wanted to be prepared for the entrance examination for high school.

    It was my birthday when Wuhan was to reopen. I was very happy to see stores selling hot dry noodles again. I think I'll remember this birthday forever.

阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,从方框内所给11个动词中选择10个意义相符的词,必要时进行词形变化 (可添加助动词或者情态动词),填入空白处。

attend, return, set, wake, know, educate, eat, sleep, not do, study, ask

    Parents are the first teachers of their children. Many people in Beijing return to school only because they have become parents. Ding Rong, a teacher from the Fourth Middle School of Beijing, said, "Many parent either love their children too much or behave badly to them. They little about home education and thus make mistakes." Because of this situation, parents' school are badly needed.

    "I to school next month, and it will help me treat my children in better way," said Xiao Chengjun, a 40-year-old woman worker. "I decided to do it when the question `Do you really know your child?"

    One pupil complained in a composition that his father always left so much smoke in the living room that he his homework there. Another wrote that his father often played mahjong (打麻将) at night while he . The noise always him up.

    "It's the father's fault not to educate his son himself," is an old saying. "But, it's also the father's fault if he his son a bad example," said Zhen Yan.

    A parent said, "I in the parents' school for one year. After the school, I know more about my child and she also understands me more. "

    Do you think your parents know how you properly? Do you want them to enter parents' schools?


deep  thank  give  one  or  be  whole  until  work  people

Lei Feng Spirit Carrying on

    "It is not hard to do one good deed, but it is hard to do good deeds all your life." Chairman Mao said. And he called on people to learn from him. Do you know who the man is? He is Lei Feng.

    Lei Feng was born in a poor family in a little mountain village of Hunan Province, on December 18th, 1940. He didn't go to schoolhe was 10 years old. At the age of 18, he became a steel. He was often praised for his good job. On January 8th, 1960, he joined the army and several months later, he joined the Communist Party. He loved the Party and the people, and kept doing something good for others. When he got, he always said, "It's my duty and it's just that some people need some help, there should be someone standing outthem a hand." He became a model soldier one year later.  To our sadness, Lei Feng died in an accident in 1962.

    March 5tha "Learn from Lei Feng Day" since 1963. When Lei Feng's Diary came out, People began to know more about him than before. Now the term "Living LeiFeng" has become a name for anyone who is brave, anyone who haslove for his country, anyone who works hard,anyone who is always ready to help others…

    Lei Feng's spirit will live inhearts. Lei Feng's spirit will be remembered by thenation forever. And we will surely practice his spirit in life as he did.


bad  British  consider  fun  hope  pleasure  power  they  total  understand  we  win

    Is it true that we British people have a different sense of humor from people in other countries? Let's have a look at what we laugh at in .

    To us British people,  and important people often cause laughter. It's not just politicians (政客) who make us laugh, but anyone whose job is to tell other people what to do and who takes  too seriously.

    We laugh at the power, but also, pitifully, at anyone who is treated . We know they cannot win, but if they do win sometimes, it's even . Our clowns (小丑) are often silly people doing silly things, while in America, they are often clever people doing clever things-and  at last.

    The fact that we laugh when other people might feel  is one of the strangest things to learn about British humor. We do have a strong sense of irony (反讽). After some terrible experience, we might say, "Not very ." And we might say in the middle of a typhoon, "It's a bit windy today." Or "There is a tiny problem," when something has gone  wrong. We don't like to express strong feelings, but just "keep calm and carry on".

    Another things that can make it difficult  British humor is that we don't always laugh or even smile when we say something funny. We often keep a straight face or use an unsmiling expression when we're making a joke.

    Do you think the British sense of humor is special?


by   take   quick   exciting   return   without 
he   rule   which   result   achieve   different

    As a famous piano master, Paderewski was admired by many people. Wishing to make progress on the piano, one day, a boy to a Paderewski's concert by his mother. After they were seated, the mother saw a friend and walked up to greet her, leaving the boy alone in seat.

    Catching the chance to explore the wonders of the concert hall, the little boy stood up and finally made his way through a door was marked "No Admittance(进入)". Soon, the mother to her seat, she discovered that the child was missing.

    Suddently the lights focused on the piano on the stage. In surprise, the mother found her little boy sitting at the piano. knowing where he was, the boy was picking out Twinkle, Twinkle, Little star.

    At the moment, the great piano master appeared, moved to the piano , and whispered (耳语) in the boy's ear, "Don't stop. Keep playing." Then he sat down and added a running obbligato (伴奏). Together, the old master and the young beginner changed an embarrassing situation into a wonderfully creative experience. It became one of the parts of the whole concert that evening. The people were touched so much by the master and the mother was shocked. She believed that such an experience would make a big to her boy's life.

    In fact, that's the way it is in life. What we can do on our own is hardly unusual.

    We tried our best, but the aren't excatly smooth music like what we have expected. But when we trust in the hands of a greater power, our life's work can be truly beautiful.

    Next time, you set out great works, listen carefully. You can hear the voice of the master, whispering in your ear, "Don't stop. Keep playing."
