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浙江省新目标(Go for it)版2021年中考英语模拟卷(6)

日期: 2024-10-05

    Love it or not, flying is necessary if we want to get to a faraway destination. Taking a flight in China can be a boring experience. This is because Chinese airlines didn't allow smartphones to be powered on during flights. However, the launch of a new Chinese satelliteShijian 13has changed the situation. Now, many Chinese airlines allow passengers to use their smartphones freely, that is, we can finally catch up on our favorite books and songs while at 30000 feet in the air.

    The communication satelliteShijian 13can transmit (输送) 20 gigabytes (GB千兆) of data per second and cover most parts of China's land. This makes it the most powerful communication satellite China has ever developed. In fact, Shijian 13 has a higher message capacity (容量) than the total capacity of all China's communication satellites launched.

    The powerful satellite has greatly improved the Internet, includingthaton fast-moving transportation vehicles such as planes and high-speed trains.

    Withshijian 13, people are able to get a download speed of up to 150 MBps on their smartphones. According to Zhou Zhicheng, head of the communications satellite department of the China Academy of Space Technology, the speed means it takes less than one minute to download a 1-GB movie. Watching online TV on planes and high-speed trains has come true.

    But the satellite's benefits are far greater that that. China is trying to have 22 communication satellites in the sky by 2025.Shijian 13will be able to cover wider areas, including mountains, oceans and deserts. When people have emergencies while hiking or sailing, the satellite can help them report and ask for help. It will also help people in natural disasters.


    The spring season brings warm weather, flowers and other changes for people to enjoy. For some restaurant cooks, the most exciting spring arrival is ramps.

    Ramps are a wild plant in the eastern mountains of North America. They are one of the first plants that grow in the spring. Usually between April and May. They are recognized (识别) by their red stem (茎), and two long and wide green leaves. They are also famous for their strong taste, similar to onions (洋葱).

    Ramps are not as well-known as other vegetables, but they have a long history in the United States. In the Appalachian Mountains, ramps have been an important food for a long time. During spring it is common for small towns in the Appalachian area to hold large ramp dinners for the community.

    However, over the last 30 years, ramps popularity has grown quickly. They are now a highly-desired vegetable for many nice restaurants in cities like New York and Washington D. C.

    One reason the plant is popular is that it grows in the wild. It is difficult to grow them on farms. Most restaurants get them from foragers, who collect ramps by searching forests for some small pieces of land wheretheygrow. Ramps have a short season. Within a few weeks of full growth, the plant is done for the year. This short life is some reason for their popularity.

    And that popularity could lead to their disappearance from Earth. In 1995, the local government in Quebec, Canada stopped people selling the plant to businesses in order to protect the plant against being over-dug.

    The season is short, but it has not ended yet. If you are in the right place, You still have time to try a taste of ramps yourself.


    I used to watch her from my kitchen window, she seemed so 1 among the tall kids on the playground. The school was 2 the street from my home and I would often watch the kids as they played during a break. She would 3 dribbling (控球) and shooting over and over again.

    One afternoon I asked her 4 she practiced so much. She smiled, "I want to go to University of California. The only way I can go is to get a scholarship (奖学金). I like basketball a lot. I believed that if I were 5  enough to play college basketball, I would get a scholarship. My Dad told me if the dream is big enough, the 6 don't count."

    Well, she appeared to be very confident. I 7 her from junior into high school.

    One day in her senior year, I saw her sitting in the grass 8. I walked to her and asked what was wrong. "Nothing," replied the girl in a  9 voice, " Many people told me that I was too short to play for a top team 10 I should stop dreaming about university.

    I asked if her father had known it. She said that her father thought they were 11. They just didn't understand the great 12 of a dream. If she truly wanted a scholarship, then nothing could 13 her except one thing — her own attitude (态度).

    The next year, because of her excellent 14 in the California Championship game, she was chosen by a college recruiter (招生人员). She was going to receive the college education that she had 15 and worked toward for all those years.

    It's true: If the dream is big enough, the facts don't count.


Drawing might help you think

    When you're sitting in class, have you ever drawn pictures in the margins of your notebooks? If so, your teacher might have told you (stop). Many people think of doodling (涂) as a distraction (精神涣散) from more important things. But it might be just the opposite.

    One study shows that doodling may help you remember things you hear. In 2009, researchers asked two groups of people to listen to a phone message. One group (encourage) to doodle, but the other was not. Neither group knew that it would be asked to remember information from the message. But the group that doodled remembered 29 percent more.

    Other people (suggest) other uses for drawing. Jesse Prinz, a professor who studies doodling, says it can help you think creatively.  (walk) away from a problem to draw might actually help you solve it. When you come back, you (have) a fresh perspective and figure out an answer more quickly.

    Two years ago, an author named Sunni Brown (write) a book on doodling. She argues that doodling is a tool that can help people think. She admits that people see doodling as doing nothing, but she wants to change that. In fact, she runs a business that helps companies improve organization and planning doodling. Brown (believe) doodling is helpful because it incorporates (整合) many ways of learning. You learn in four ways: seeing, hearing, reading or writing, and through movement. The more ways you use, the(well) you learn. And when you doodle while you (listen) to a lecture, you use all four.

    You might think that being good at (draw) is important for doodling. But if the point of doodling you think, then it doesn't matter what the picture looks like. Even if you're not an artist, doodling can help you. So next time you need help focusing, pick up a pen and doodle away!


To be a good listener in your family

    Communication is important for strong family relationships. However, if you don't r listen to others, it can be difficult to communicate.

    When listening to a family member, it's important to stay in the situation to make your family member f he is heard. Remember to put your phone away and give them your full a. Just think about the speaker's words instead of what you'll say next when talking. Wait for a moment when the speaker stops. This will allow you to make sure w they have completely finished. Everyone wants to feel valued, so try to talk about your feelings or t after the speaker finishes. For example, "So, it sounds to me like you're a little sad with mom b you feel like she is not treating you like an adult." This can help you make sure you u the speaker.

    Besides these, there are also some "Don'ts" you should remember while communicating with family members. First, don't start talking until the other person has finished. Second, don't offer advice u you are asked if someone just wants to talk. Third, don't change the subject even if it may make you feel unhappy, let your family member e themselves clearly. Fourth, don't hurry the speaker along. Never say things like, "Can you get to the point?" This will make it seem like you have never enjoyed the conversation. A these "Don'ts" will help you and your family communicate better.
