组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19

"BANG!" I shut the door. We were both in great1"Never set foot in this house again!" shouted Father. With tears(眼泪)in mv eves. I2out of the flat and ran along the street.

The street lights were shining, causing my feeling of3. I walked about and couldn't help crying, knowing4to go.

When I am growing up, dad is getting5.We are just two persons coming from two different worlds. It feels like there is a door between us that can6be opened. I walked in the streets. There were fewer and fewer people. When I finally reached the apartment in which I lived, I saw that the light was still on.

I thought to myself, "Is Father waiting for me or is he still7me?"

In fact, it was nothing. Perhaps, dad was throwing away some of his old stamps. Perhaps he thought they were8. I never had the courage to tell him that I liked collecting stamps.

All the lights were off except father's.

Dad was always like this. He has been a leader for so long that he always9everyone else what to do. Maybe he didn't know how to10himself. After shouting at me, he never showed any moments of regret.11, he has the habit of tucking me in(给...盖被子)while I am sleeping.

The light was12on." Am I wrong?" With the key in hand, I was as13as I had ever been. At last, I decided to open the door. As soon as I opened the door, tears14down my face. I suddenly realized that the15that I had imagined between us did not exist at all. Love-is second to none.


I was eighteen years old when I told my father that I wanted to go to sea. I wanted to make money and see the world. He didn't agree.

"A quiet life is best, son," he said. "Please stay with your mother and me. Your brother left us and we never saw him again. We don't want to lose you, too. If you need money, I'll help you. "He had tears in his eyes.

But I didn't want to listen. A year later I went to the city of Hull and boarded a ship for London. It was September, 1651.

That night there was a storm. Strong winds pushed the ship and I started to feel afraid and very sick. This was a mistake, I thought. I promise I'll go home to my parents soon. But the next day the sea was calm and it was sunny. My friend, whose father was the captain(船长), laughed at me. "A storm? "he said. "That was nothing. You're not a real sailor(水手)yet. Let's have some fun and forget about this. "And so I joined my friend and forgot my promise.

Then a few days later a bigger storm hit us. The waves were like mountains around the ship and all of the sailors were sick and afraid, not only me. After a few hours some men on another boat saved us, but our ship went down to the bottom of the sea. When we arrived on land, the people were very kind to us and gave us money.

My friend's father told me to go home. "The ship went down on your first voyage(航程), "he said, "The sea will only bring you more bad luck." I didn't listen. I went to London and boarded another ship.

This time I went on a voyage along the coast of Africa. The voyage was a great success, in fact, it was my only successful voyage. I brought gold home to England and sold it for three hundred pounds. Soon I decided to return to Africa and make more money. This time, I was the captain of the ship.(Adapted from Robinson Crusoe By Daniel Defoe)


①"Long distance never separates close friends." It's easier to make new friends rather than saying goodbye to old ones.

②When I was still studying in China, my school held a singing competition. I entered it because I really loved singing. I sang with a girl named Jenny. She's one of my best friends.

③Unluckily, I was nervous and I forgot thelyricsfor a moment while we sang. I was standing on stage, looking pale on the face. We lost the competition. I felt terribly sorry, but Jenny tried to comfort me by saying "There will be another chance."

④After about a week, our school's art festival began. I decided to enter it. The first person l thought of to join me was Jenny, although I wasn't sure if she would want to. But while I was asking other people to join me, she said she would join as well. We decided to sing the song See You Again at the festival because I would leave for UK after I finished the performance. We prepared for it for a long time.

⑤Finally, the day of the festival arrived. As I walked into class, people started clapping for me. Someone had written "Sally, Come On!" on the blackboard. My classmates wrote cards for me. After l completed my performance, everyone cheered for me.

⑥It was a really unforgettable and touching afternoon. I want to thank Jenny, who didn't give up on me when I felt down. I want to thank my friends for helping me and I really want to thank all of my classmates who were with me in my two middle school years as well.


A lost Buddha(佛像) head statue, which recently made the journey back to China, appeared during the Spring Festival Party of China Central Television. It was its first public show after being successfully sent back from Japan on the second Saturday of December, 2020.

The head, dating back to the Sui Dynasty (581-618), was originally placed on the northern wall in the No.8 Tianlong Shan Grottoes on the suburbs of Taiyuan,

capital of Shanxi Province, according to a statement from the National Cultural Heritage Administration (国家文物局).

It was believed to be stolen and lost overseas around 1924, along with about 240 Buddha imagesthatwere robbed in the 1920s.This 44.5-cm-high Buddha head is the first among these stolen items to be returned from Japan.

The National Cultural Heritage Administration learned in September a Chinese Buddha head statue labeled as from Tang Dynasty (618-90I) was about to be sold in Tokyo, and was thought to be a stolen piece from Tianlong Shan.

The administration soon began the process of returning it home. In October, the auction house in Tokyo, whose board chairman Zhang Kong Is a Chinese from Fangzhou, agreed to stop the auction.

After discussions between the National Cultural Heritage Administration, Zhang, and the local holder of the relic in Japan, the Buddha head was bought by Zhang and finally gave away to the administration.

The transfer ceremony(交接仪式) for the statue was held in the Chinese Embassy(大使馆) in Tokyo in November, and it arrived in Beijing in December.

After being shown on the Spring Festival Party, the Buddha head statue will be displayed in Beijing Lu Xun Museum from the first day of the first day of the Lunar New Year to March 14.


Deal with exam stress

It is normal to feel a bit worried about exams, especially if you're under pressure from school or family. Exam stress can cause you to feel nervous or depressed(沮丧的), and this might influence your sleeping or (eat) habits.

If you have any of these (feel) or are worried that exam pressure is taking over your life, you are not alone. Here are some things you can do.

Firstly, let your trusted friends and family know if you're having hard time, so they can be there to support you, encourage you and offer a listening ear. You don't have to go through this alone. Keeping it all in will only make things worse, don't be afraid to open up.

Secondly, think about all the practical support you need, and be honest with yourself about it. You (allow) to ask for help. Tell your teachers about your worries. They may have talked to lots of students are going through similar things, so they can give you some (help) advice.

Last but not least, be kind includes yourself. Think about all the things you have achieved so far. It can be helpful to write a list of all the things you like about , and the things other people value about you too.

If people around you— like your parents — are putting pressure on you, it can help to tell them you feel able to achieve, and let them know that your expectations(预期) are different from (they). You can also talk to a teacher you trust about the pressure you are under at home.
