组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-28

From an early age, we were taught that if we wanted to be successful, we had to study hard and get good results at school. In fact, good students may just end up doing jobs they don't like, and some even lead an unhappy life. Why is it like that?

In some parents' eyes, school grades matter most for their kids. In reality, there are many things to consider besides the school subjects, for example, how to be a happy person, what to do to keep healthy, and how to get along well with others. That is to say, school is not just enough if you want to have a great life.

Doing well in school is different from doing well in life. Studies show that people who failed at school may not end up failing in life. You may have already known that some famous people, like Thomas Edison and Steve Jobs, didn't do very well at school or even failed to finish school. In fact, there are a lot more than just the big shots who are successful in life without finishing school. They seize (抓住) every chance to learn and finally make it to the top.

Life is really a long lesson, so long that you can't define (界定) a person's success by just one

section (部分) of it. If you have already finished school, keep learning because what you have learned at school will never be enough to live a satisfying life. If you are still studying, whether you are good or bad at school, don't take your school results too seriously as long as you have put your heart into it. Keep learning to make the most of your talents (天赋). That's how you can live a happy and successful life.


Martin Strel is a swimmer, / best known for swimming the world's big rivers. He was born in 1954. He taught himself to swim when he was six and became a professional (职业的) swimmer in 1978. Martin holds Guinness World Records for swimming the Danube River, the Mississippi River, the Yangtze River and the Amazon River.

Of all his achievements, the greatest is his Amazon River swim. The Amazon is known as the largest and most dangerous river in the world. Several swimmers had tried to swim it, but all failed. Martin decided to go all out and make history. He wanted to show the world that people could achieve their dreams with hard work and perseverance (毅力). On April 7th, 2007, Martin Strel completed his Amazon River all the way from Atalaya (Peru) to the Atlantic Ocean at Belem (Brazil). He struggled (奋战)with the river for 66 days and swam 3, 274 miles in total. He became a worldwide hero.

Many people still cannot believe what he has done so far, so that is why they sometimes describe him as "Fishman", "Human Fish" or even "the Craziest Man in the World".

In 2009, American filmmakers produced a documentary (纪录片) called Big River Man. And the book, The Man Who Swam the Amazon, has been sold in many countries. It tells us an inspirational story of perseverance and hard work, which has encouraged many people.

Martin doesn't swim for money. Instead, he swims to teach people about the importance of keeping water clean.

Martin has always been looking for the challenges (挑战)of the impossible. What is his next?

阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

I looked at the words on the page. I knew how to say them, but my 1 wouldn't work It was my first class in this new school, so nobody here knew me. My teacher just asked me to read some text out loud. The whole class was waiting for me 2. I could even hear my heartbeats.

I just sat there. Seconds passed. Some students started to 3. "What's wrong with her?" one boy said. "Maybe she can't read at all!" said another student.

"Just open your mouth and speak!" I told myself. I tried to get the words out. But the first was always the 4. The teacher was waiting. More of my classmates were making fun of me. I wanted to hide under my desk. I soon felt tears(眼泪) running down. . .

I often faced situations like this during my grade school. 5? I had a stuttering (结巴) problem. Because of this, I often felt embarrassed (尴尬的)at school.

Thankfully, I met a great teacher, Mrs. Brown. She never 6 me when I was trying to talk. She helped me to relax when I was speaking, and would always wait 7 for me to finish my sentences.

Mrs. Brown offered me the most encouragement. She always let me know that my stuttering problem didn't mean I wasn't smart. She said, "Your brain is moving too fast, and your mouth just can't keep up!" Those simple words made me feel 8 and encouraged.

Great changes happened to me. When I entered high school, I almost 9 stuttering. In college, I had no trouble at all. As a child, I never imagined that I would become a 10 just like Mrs. Brown, passing love and care on to my students.
