组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-10-05

Do you often use plastic straws (塑料吸管)?You probably use them to drink lots of things, such as soybean milk, cola or milk tea. Plastic straws are small 1 they are a big problem. They are made in 10 minutes, used in 202and normally remain on the earth for over 100 years since they are hard to be3.

But how do plastic straws get into the ocean?Through human mistakes, they are often thrown away everywhere and all gutters (排水沟) in some areas lead to our ocean. 4, plastic straws kill ocean life. Once a5was found bleeding because a 12﹣centimeter﹣long plastic straw was pushed into6nose. How terrible!

In fact, around 500 million plastic straws are used every day in the US alone. If we didn't act now, there would be more plastic in the ocean than fish by 2050.

Luckily, more and more people around the world have realized this problem. They begin to think about7plastic straws are necessary or not when drinking drinks.

So what can we do right now to reduce plastic pollution?The simplest way is to say "8" to single﹣use plastic, like straws. For example, next time if you go to a restaurant, make sure you order your drink without a straw. There are reusable straws instead.

Coffee house chain Starbucks has started to9 strawless cups and paper straws instead of plastic straws in almost l, 000 stores in Shanghai and Shenzhen. And McDonald's has10 taken action to reduce the use of the plastic straws. It is hoped that more businesses and customers will work together to protect our environment.


For centuries, children in North China wore tiger﹣head shoes. The shoes are so named because the toecap (鞋头) looks like the head of a big tiger. The traditional shoes are much like the animal itself.

It was until about 30 years ago, the shoes began to 1.However, Hu Shuqing, 51, from Henan Province, has spent many years2more than 10, 000 pairs of the shoes. She will give most of them to public museums, so that the next generation and the one after can see them. Chinese people began making tiger﹣head shoes in ancient times. The ancient people believed images (图像) of the animals, which were thought of as the king of beasts, could protect their children. That's one3why the shoes can still be seen now. On the other hand, the shoes look nice and can keep warm. In the north of China, it is very cold in winter. The shoes are good for keeping babies' feet warm.

Tiger﹣head shoes have many4.Some people change the images of tiger heads into frogs or peacocks, while more designs5spiders, snakes and scorpions (蝎子).

Hu was born6a family of paper cutters. Both her mother and grandmother could also make tiger﹣head shoes. "My daughter wore the shoes her grandma made when she grew up," she said.

But her hobby for collecting the shoes did not begin until 2000, when she found a 7pair at a Spring Festival market. "The images of tigers on the8were embroidered (刺绣) according to paper﹣cutting patterns," she said. From that day on, she has collected the shoes. She9collected in her home town, then in other provinces such as Hebei and Shandong.

Hu often goes collecting10September and December. "Kids wear tiger﹣head shoes in winter, " she said. "They are pretty and warm."


There was once a very wise man who lived in ancient times. He was elderly and educated.

One day while on a walk, he realized that his shoes were starting to wear out. He knew he had to buy a new pair. But he didn't want to buy the wrong shoes. He collected some books and spent a lot of time reading about how to know if a pair of shoes fit properly.

Following the books' instructions, the man took a stick and measured his feet with it. He then went to the market. However, he left the stick at home, which was far away from the shop.

By the time the man returned to the market, the shop was closed. And by that point, his shoes were completely worn out, so he had to return home barefoot.

The next morning, he walked back to the market with bare feet, but the shoes that he had chosen the day before had been sold. The wise man explained what had happened to the shopkeeper, who asked, "Why didn't you buy the shoes yesterday?"

The wise man replied, "Because I left the stick that I had used to measure my feet at home. And you have to have the correct measurements of your feet before you can buy shoes. I didn't want to buy the wrong size."

Even more surprised, the shopkeeper asked, "But your feet are always with you. Why didn't you just try the shoes on?"

The wise man said, "All the books say shoes must be bought with the exact measurements of the shoes you already own."

Laughing, the shop owner replied, "You don't need advice from books to buy shoes. You just need to have your feet, some money, and some common sense not to make things more difficult."


It's long been a scientific dream: to give people a special vaccine before birth to prevent them from getting terrible illnesses. Gene editing (基因编辑) is one way in which we could do this. But this method has also created some discussion.

In an online video posted on Nov.26, 2018, He Jiankui, a researcher at the Southern University of Science and Technology, said that he had helped to make the world's first genetically edited babies.

The babies are twin girls who were born in November. Their father had HIV. The twins' genes were edited in order to prevent them from suffering from the HIV virus.

He said he chose to do this because HIV is widespread in China. "I feel such a strong duty not only to be the first to do this, but also to set an example, " he told AP.

But his actions caused many questions. Although gene editing may help to prevent disease, many people are wondering if it is safe and ethicalto use it on humans.

Some believe that gene editing could be useful to HIV patients. HIV is "a large and growing public health problem", according to Harvard Medical School genetic professor George Church. Using gene editing for HIV is "a good idea", Church told AP.

However, others think that gene editing is still in its experimental periods and could result in terrible changes. "It could cause genetic problems later in life, including the development of cancer, " Julian Savulescu from the University of Oxford told BBC News.

Others fear that people might use gene editing technology to make "designer (设计的) babies". It would give parents the ability to choose everything from their baby's eye colour to their IQ.

"You could find wealthy parents buying the latest 'upgrades' for their children, leading to even greater unfairness than we already live with, " Marcy Darnovsky, director of the San Francisco Center for Genetics told BBC News.


I LOVE FOOTBALL.I started playing when I was nine years old, and football got me through difficult periods. It helps make me who I am today. And even though I did not reach the National Football League, I sometimes think I got more from achieving that dream, without realizing it.

My romance with football started when my dad drove me, kicking and screaming, to join a league. I didn't want to be there at first. I was naturally weak and small. Fear turned to awe (敬畏) when I met my coach, Jim Graham, a huge and strong guy. And he was really strict and old﹣school.

Coach Graham used to drive me hard. I remember one practice in particular. "You're doing it all wrong, Pausch. Go back! Do it again!" I tried to do what he wanted. But it wasn't enough. "You owe (欠) me, Pausch! You're doing push﹣ups after practice.

When the practice was over, one of the assistant coaches came up to me. "Coach Graham drove you pretty hard, didn't he?" he said.


"That's a good thing," the assistant told me. "When you're doing badly and nobody says anything to you anymore, that means they've given up on you."

That conversation has been with me closely my whole life. When you see yourself doing something badly and nobody's willing to tell you anymore, that's a bad place to be. You may not want to hear it, but those who always push you hard in your life are often the ones telling you they still love you and care about you, and want to make you better.

There's a lot of talk these days about giving children self﹣respect. It's not something you can give; it's something they have to build. Coach Graham knew there was really only one way to teach kids how to make it stronger: You give them something they can't do; they work hard until they find they can do it, and you just keep repeating.

When Coach Graham first got hold of me, I was a weak kid with no skills and no physical strength. But he made me realize that if I work hard enough, there will be things I can do tomorrow that I can't do today. I really felt thankful to Coach Graham for what he had done to me, though it surely didn't feel good at that time to do so many push﹣ups after practice.

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