组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19

Bob is heavy. He wants to keep fit(保持健康), and the best way to keep fit is swimming.

Mary is a student of Junior Three. She has long hair. But the long hair troubles(使烦恼)her a lot. She needs to have it cut short.

Tim can't see the blackboard clearly though(尽管) he sits in the front of the classroom.

Peter is a high school student. He grows a lot this year, and he can't wear all his old clothes.

Alan is young and tall. He is good at playing basketball. He wants to play basketball with more professional(专业的) players.

A. We offer(提供)professional optometry(验光), and you can choose(选择) any kind of glasses you like and they are cheap(便宜的).

B. Our clothes are cheap and comfortable. And the clothes of ages 1—3 are on sale.

C. Do you want to be thin? Do you want to learn swimming? Come to our club, and you can be thin and good at swimming one month later.

D. Do you want to look cool? Do you want to protect(保护) your eyes in the sun? Come to our shop.

E. Our store is in the centre(中心) of our city. You can buy nearly everything in our store, including(包括) clothes, shoes of all ages, and you can choose any kind you want.

F. Do you want to have your hair cut? Come to our shop. If you are a student, you can get 50% off.

G. Can you play football, basketball or badminton? Come to our club. A lot of good players will play with you.
