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日期: 2024-09-19
听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满门7.5分)
听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选 出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)

In 1989, fresh out of school, I had the difficult task of choosing a career path before college started in three months. With limited options, I was in deep trouble. My uncle suggested that I should do a work placement to gain experience for a month in a bank followed by a month in a hospital so that I could make a decision. It seemed like a brilliant idea.

Near the end of my month at the hospital, I began thinking about my two experiences. The bank had offered a more relaxing atmosphere, better working hours and less stress. The hospital was full of excitement and unpredictability, but the studying and training was difficult. It seemed that the bank was going to win out.

Then one day I was driving home from the hospital. Before me was a public bus, with college students sitting on the roof. As the driver weaved (迂回前行) through traffic, I could see the boys shaking from side to side.

Suddenly, a boy rolled off and hit the road face down. He lay motionless in the middle of the road as the bus sped away. The cars directly behind the bus braked to avoid the boy, but none stopped. Actually, I wanted to keep going too, but the urge to stop and help was stronger. I got out of my car and tried to stop his bleeding but didn't succeed. With the help of some bystanders, I lifted his unconscious body into the back seat of my car, and raced back to the hospital.

The next day, the doctor introduced me as "the person who saved your son's life" to the boy's parents, grandparents, sisters and brothers. Everyone got up, with grateful smiles on their faces. The boy, now managed a smile though unable to speak.

What a feeling it was to help save the life of another person! I spent the rest of the day in a state of excitement. Driving home that evening, I knew what I would prefer for the rest of my life.


Farewell to the IOC's "Mr. Normal"

Jacques Rogge, who has died aged 79, will be remembered for his term as president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) during which he firmly set up his "Mr. Normal" image on the organization.

Modest and humble, he left the role as the most powerful man in sports in 2013, having restored glory and honor to the IOC, which he leaves in strong financial health.

"Have I enjoyed it? Not always. Was it exciting? Definitely, and it was a privilege to be president," said Rogge when asked to sum up his term in charge.

Rogge was elected the IOC's eighth president in Moscow on July 16, 2001, defeating four other candidates to succeed Samaranch, a former president who ran the committee for 21 years.

Rogge enjoyed a "Mr. Clean" reputation and moved quickly to break away with the IOC's unpopular image. Within hours of coming to power, he announced that he would stay in the athletes' village rather than the IOC hotel during the Salt Lake City Olympics.

Considered to be the right person at the right time,Rogge helped the IOC out of a lot of turmoil (动荡) and brought stability to the organization.

After serving an initial eight-year term, Rogge was reelected unchallenged in 2009 to a second and final four-year term. He stepped down in September 2013 in Buenos Aires, where German lawyer Thomas Bach was elected.

"I received an IOC in good shape from Samaranch, Rogge said in an interview before handing over to Bach. "And I believe I will leave an IOC in good shape to my successor."

True to the last, though, Rogge remained emotionless as the members poured praise on him, fighting it off with his self-deprecatory (自嘲)humor.

No more so than when the man who replaced him as president, Bach, said he would disobey him on the eve of his stepping down and pay him a praise.

"Your disobedience tells me that I have reached the level of no importance," said Rogge.


Harry Potter, Transformers, Minions and Jurassic Park. If you are a fan of Hollywood movies and want to relive the exciting and heartwarming moment when you first saw these typical characters and film scenes, welcome to Universal Studios Beijing.

The theme park, which is part of Universal Beijing Resort that also includes Universal CityWalk and two hotels, officially opened on Monday. All tickets for the opening sold out within a minute, despite the ticket sales system crashing because of the number of people trying to purchase them. That the high-priced tickets sold like hot buns shows how enthusiastically Chinese visitors have embraced the new entertainment venue in Beijing. The fifth Universal Studios worldwide is the Chinese capital's first foreign-brand amusement park.

The 35 billion-yuan ($5.4 billion) project, first proposed 20 years ago, is expected to attract around 12 million visitors each year, and thus give a huge motivation to Beijing^ cultural and tourism industry. The resort has become a new growth point for the region, as it has already created 12,000 to 15,000 jobs after the start of formal operations, and will indirectly provide 90,000 jobs in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei area.

It is clear that the theme park has opened its doors to the public at a time when Sino-US ties are being damaged by their differences on issues such as trade, human rights, Taiwan and the South China Sea. Despite this, the popularity of Universal Studios in China reflects the role that culture can play as a bridge to improve understanding and good relationship among people, which is the foundation of healthy bilateral relations.

The opening should also increase confidence in the Chinese market as a heaven for foreign investment (投资), including that of US companies. "The future among foreign businesses in China remains positive, largely due to the Chinese govemmenfs early and strict response to the pandemic, an improving investment environment,and expectation of a more predictable policy environment," according to the 2021 Business Climate Survey released by AmCham China earlier this year.

任务型阅读 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)

Everyone loves parties. They're a chance to relax, have fun, and catch up with friends. Ever wondered how rich teenagers celebrate their birthdays? You need to watch My Super Sweet 16. It's an American reality show. Each episode follows a wealthy teenager as they plan and then celebrate the sixteenth birthday party of their dreams (with their parents' money, of course!). How spoilt? One girl, Amberly, flew to Paris to shop for her party dress. And then she had her own perfume designed especially for the big night. And another girl dyed her dogs pink just so they'd match her party's theme.

According to one of the millionaire fathers, "If you can afford a grand celebration,then why not" A British comedian called My Super Sweet 16"everything that's wrong with our civilization."

What are their parties like? In 2001 American CEO Dennis Kozlowski flew guests to Sardinia to celebrate his wife's 40th birthday. The weeklong cost $1.5 million. And then there's American Idol judge Simon Cowell. He threw himself a $1.9 million 50th birthday party at an 18th century English mansion.

What's the most expensive birthday party ever? Probably the Sultan of Brunei's 50th birthday in 1996. He invited 60,000 people (including Prince Charles), and hired Michael Jackson to give three concerts. Total cost? Just over $20 million.

Of course, extravagant (奢侈的)celebrations are nothing new. In 1520 King Henry VIII of England and King Francis I of France wanted to improve relations between their two countries. So, they threw a three-week party in the countryside near Calais, France. There were a great many banquets, two fountains flowing with red wine, jousting tournaments and wrestling competitions.

A. Rich people prefer showing off.

B. Of course, not everyone agreed.

C. People came up with various reasons to have parties.

D. Then what about super rich adults?

E. But some rich people take partying to the extreme.

F. The parties always cost a large sum of money and most of the kids are spoiled.

G. And King Henry slept in an enormous tent that was in the shape of a palace.


The novel, Of Human Bondage, is considered a masterpiece of the 20th century. It is also a semi-autobiographical (半自传的)story of author W. Somerset Maugham.

At first sight, the book seems to 1 the unusual moral values of courage and kindness. 2 ,

readers will see that the author was exploring the same kind of values. The only difference is that he delivered his 3 through a story with more 4 .

The main character, Philip Carey, leads a 5 life,Besides having to live with a clubfoot (畸形足), his peers 6 him for it. Though he is 7 a scholarship from Oxford, he turns it down. He would rather study "things that matter" in Germany. He 8 helps a woman with whom he is fascinated, but this causes him to 9 medical school—he gives her all his money. 10 he becomes a hunger-stricken vagabond (流浪汉),takes a low-paid job for 11, finally gets back to medical training and settles down.

Philip's altruism (利他主义)is often regarded as a(an) 12 by other characters, but does this lead to his downfall? Quite the 13. Philips goodwill to a patient, Mr. Athelny, 14 his marrying the eldest Athelny girl, who 15 him with all her heart.

Moreover, even in his unsuccessful early days, Philipp courage in 16 circumstances helps him form friendships and a support network that 17 him through tough times. This is 18 he finds his most valued long-term empathy (共情).

As French writer Romain Rolland 19 it, "There is only one heroism in the world: to see the world as it is, and to love it." Of Human Bondage  20 that.


It was already hot and wet on a July morning. I enjoyed a couple of hours of peace and quiet before my teenagers awoke. With a second cup of coffee steaming in front of me, I planned my day: take out some cash at the bank, and maybe go to the mall to shop for a new pair of sneakers.

Sometime around noon I grabbed my purse, said goodbye to the kids and headed for my car. The bank was two miles from the house. I stopped my car in front of the ATM machine, and jumped out of the car with the engine running and the air conditioner on.

Trade completed, I came back to the car and pulled on the door handle. If ever I had an uh-oh worst moment, it was then. The door was locked.

The sun was beating down on me while I stood frustrated, wondering what to do. I didn't enjoy the thought of a two-mile hike back to the house to get the spare set of keys.

I entered the bank and took a deep breath of cool air before approaching a teller window. The young woman who greeted me listened sympathetically (同情地)as I told her my problem. When I asked if I could make a call, she cheerfully responded by showing me a telephone.

"Hello, Fawn." I said when my daughter answered.  "I locked my keys in the car at the bank, and the engine is running. Can you go next door and ask Eddie if he would bring me the spare set, please?"

Fawn came back on the line a few minutes later. The news wasn't good—Eddie was out. I hung up and told my dilemma to the teller.

"You're Fawn's mother?," she asked, sounding a bit apologetic for listening in on my conversation.

"Yes. I am."

Her face lit up. "I'm Carmen. Fawn and I often work together in the church nursery. She's a wonderful person. I just love her a lot. You must be a great mom."






Paragraph 1 :Carmen dug through her purse and pulled out a set of keys.

Paragraph 2: Fifteen minutes later I returned with my spare keys, and my daughter.
