组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-18

    Curiosity(好奇心) is part of human nature. Children are famous for wanting answers to tons of questions. Books and TV shows often depend on curiosity. People keep reading or watching them because they want to find out what happens. But curiosity also provides many practical benefits(益处).

    Many of history's greatest discoveries were made by curious people. People wondered how processes worked or how certain tasks could be done more quickly. Thanks to their curiosity. people now know far more about the world and have useful technology to help them.

    Even if you don't plan to be an inventor or a researcher curiosity can still help you in the classroom. If you develop the curiosity of learning, classes will become more fun. And you'll be good at it because you will enjoy the process of learning. Even if you' re no longer a student, curiosity will make you an able worker.

    What will you do if you're not curious? Luckily, curiosity is a skill that can be improved. If you act like you're curious, you'll quickly start to feel curious. Often, the more you learn about a topic, the more interesting it becomes.

    As you learn about a topic, get information from as many sources(来源) as possible. Read all kinds of books, watch or listen to speeches and ask questions. Don't always get your information from the same source. Instead, learn to understand the facts that different people know and the different opinions that they express.

    Don't assume you already know everything. Instead, search for other possibilities and points of view. Remember, everyone knows something that you don't know. Find out what it is, and ask about it. This lets you learn something and makes the other people happy by letting them show off their knowledge.


How will the Internet change the world? Will we enjoy a smarter life in the future? Many of the world's biggest Internet companies took part in an important meeting. They talked about how to build a future for our online world. The companies at the meeting showed us some of their latest technology.

Lip reading Machines can not only read faces. They can also read your lip movements. The Chinese internet company Sogou has made lip reading technology. You don't need to speak aloud. The machine turns your lip movements into voice or text. Police can also use this technology. Sometimes they see criminals(罪犯) on city-monitoring(城市监控) cameras, but they don't know what they say. The lip reading technology can help people with this.

Smart shoes  Your feet might hurt if your shoes do not fit you. This won't happen if you wear "smart" custom-made shoes. The Xiemofang company brought a machine to the meeting. The machine scans(扫描) your feet. It records 39 parts of your feet. It even records how long each toe is. It also has a database(数据库). The database has more than 10,000 kinds of shoes. You can choose the color and style. It also gives you suggestions for your choices. The suggestions are based on records of other people's feet. You can get your new shoes after 10 days.

Unmanned(无人的) supermarkets You walk into a supermarket, pick out your goods and go to check out. But there is no worker. There is just a tablet(牌) that says "Please smile". When you smile, it gives you a discount. Your money goes from your Alipay account(账户) to the supermarket. The Alibaba company has made this supermarket.When you go into the supermarket, it knows your face and your Alipay account.
