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日期: 2024-09-18
听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分
阅读(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 (A、B、C、D) 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Women Who Changed Science Forever

Ellen Ochoa (May 10, 1958–)

Ellen Ochoa is an American engineer and retired astronaut. Born in Los Angeles, California, Ochoa was the first Latina woman to fly in space as part of the crew of the shuttle Discovery in 1993. In 1990, Ochoa was selected to astronaut candidacy as part of Group 13, a group of twenty-three NASA astronauts, and became an astronaut a year later. Her first spaceflight was aboard Discovery as a mission specialist and lasted nine days, in which the five-person crew conducted scientific experiments and deployed a research satellite to study the solar corona.

Mamie Phipps Clark (April 18, 1917–August 11, 1983)

Mamie Phipps Clark was an American social psychologist, who specialized in child development in Black children. Born in Arkansas, Clark drew on her early experiences as a black child in the segregated (种族隔离) American South to help children growing up with the same inequalities. She initiated the famous Doll Test, which showed that Black children in segregated schools were more likely to prefer dolls with white complexions and yellow hair while discarding the brown dolls with black hair and assigning negative traits to them. Her husband, Kenneth, used their research to argue for school integration in the

1954 Supreme Court Case Brown v. Board of Education. This was the first time that social science was used in a Supreme Court case.

Katsuko Saruhashi (March 22, 1920–September 29, 2007)

Geochemist Katsuko Saruhashi was born in Tokyo on 22 March,1920. She developed Saruhashi's Table, a method for measuring CO2 using pH, temperature, and chlorinity, which has become a global standard. Saruhashi broke new ground in her study of ocean-borne nuclear contamination following the nuclear weapons test the United States undertook on Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands. Saruhashi's research played an important role in limiting nuclear proliferation (扩散) around the world, thanks to the signing of the 1963 treaty.

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 (A、B、C、D) 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Gabby Goodwin and her mother, Rozalynn, had a problem: Even after careful styling, barrettes (发夹) kept slipping out of the 5-year-old's hair. Gabby hated losing bows, and her mom was tired of buying replacements. As Rozalynn shared her frustration with other parents on social media, someone suggested that the Goodwins try creating their own barrettes.

"I was super excited," said Gabby, now 14. "I was nagging (唠叨) my mom every single day about these barrettes." Gabby's persistence persuaded her mother, and they began to deal with the problem.

First they examined Gabby's hair bows to see why they were falling out. Then they came up with a design for a double-face, double-snap barrette that attaches securely to hair.

When the Goodwins first showed their design to business investors, it was rejected. The product wasn't the right fit or the business plan wasn't good, companies told them. The setbacks made Gabby more determined.

Gabby and her mother didn't give up, and in 2014 they began selling the bows online. The barrettes were so popular that the Goodwins received a patent. Today Gabby is chief of Confidence by GaBBY Goodwin, and the barrettes--called GaBBY Bows--are available online and in 74 Target stores across the country. In 2018 Black Enterprise selected Gabbyas its Teenpreneur of the year. The following year, Gabby and Rozalynn set up a virtual academy to help girls learn business skills.

If you watch Gabby deliver a speech on a Facebook video, it's hard to imagine the South Carolina eighth-grader as anything other than confident. But learning to be the public face of her company was "really hard at first," she said.

Over the years, with a lot of practice speaking to audiences, Gabby grew more comfortable in her role.

She offers this advice to kids: "Keep doing what you're passionate about, then you'll be able to grow in confidence."

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 (A、B、C、D) 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Sleep apnea is when you have pauses in breathing while you're asleep. These pauses can last from seconds to minutes. You may have difficulty breathing a few times or dozens of times an hour. These breathing pauses can be dangerous if they cause the oxygen level in your body to drop or disturb your sleep. When oxygen drops, your brain does whatever it can to get you toresumebreathing. And then you may snore (打鼾), gasp, or make a choking sound.

Sleep apnea is a common disorder. Anyone can develop it. "Sleep apnea can occur in both sexes, in all races, and in people of all sizes and shapes," says Dr. Michael Twery, a sleep expert.

So, how can you tell whether you may have this disorder? One of the most common symptoms is excessive (过多的) daytime sleepiness. "Anyone who feels so tired on a regular basis — even if they allow enough time to get enough sleep on a regular basis and they still feel this way — needs to discuss it with their doctor," says Twery.

Another common symptom is loud, frequent snoring. But not everyone who snores has sleep apnea.

Other symptoms of sleep apnea may include feeling impatient or depressed, or having mood swings. You may have memory problems or trouble concentrating. Or, you may wake up with a headache or a dry mouth.

Your doctor can diagnose sleep apnea based on your symptoms. A sleep study, which records things like heart rate and oxygen level while you sleep, can show whether apnea is mild or severe. "The largest amount of the population with sleep apnea has mild sleep apnea," Twery explains. "Mild sleep apnea may or may not be associated with any daytime symptoms. People who are so sleepy that they're at risk of a driving accident are probably in the moderate (中等的) to severe range."

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 (A、B、C、D) 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Orbital structures are becoming increasingly important for worldwide communications and a new generation of technologies. But scientists are warning that the danger of space debris (碎片) is rapidly increasing. Space debris can include pieces of old rockets, non-operational satellites, lost tools and other items. They present a risk to spaceships, satellites and space stations.

In an effort to reduce the amount of debris orbiting the Earth, a group of economists at the University of Colorado at Boulder proposed a yearly fee, or tax, on satellite operators for their use of an orbital path. The group's study on the subject appeared recently in the publication Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Matthew Burgess helped write the study. He said in a statement: "Space is a common resource, but companies aren't accounting for the cost their satellites impose (迫使) on other operators when they decide whether or not to launch. So we need a policy that lets satellite operators directly factor in the costs their launches impose on other operators."

Akhil Rao was the lead writer of the study. He said most of the proposed answers to the problem have been based on using technology to clear away the debris. But, Burgess said, removing debris only means that operators will launch more satellites, and an international treaty calling for a yearly fee or tax would push companies to be more mindful about launching further objects into space.

Christopher Newman is a professor of space law at Northumbria University in Britain. He said that imposing a space tax could be tricky. Newman noted that such a cost could be seen as a restriction on the free use of space, and the effort to place a fee on the use of space could easily be slowed by the many details involved.

任务型阅读(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)

Five Daily Habits to Keep You Focused and Healthy at College

Are you struggling to stay focused this semester? There is always something going on for college students, including school projects, time spent with friends, and extracurricular activities. Below are five essential daily habits that can keep you going strong at college.

Express Gratitude

One of the keys to happiness is to express gratitude for the things you have already accomplished. Things as small as enjoying delicious food with your friends and having access to higher education can be your starting points for this powerful daily habit.

Get Enough Sleep

Sufficient sleep is a great way to maintain a focused and healthy lifestyle. Just like you set an alarm to wake up in the morning, try setting an alarm for yourself to go to sleep at night. One of my friends tried this.

Try it and reap the benefits of improving your memory, creativity, and stamina.


To boost your mental and physical strength, you should have a short workout every morning.

But a 15- to 45-minute daily workout will make a huge difference in your life. It is the key to starting a productive day. Workouts also help your sleep by promoting deeper and longer sleep.

Set Social Media Limits

However, excessive use of these can lead to depression. According to the BBC, recent research has found that young people who spend more than two hours on social media every day are more likely to report poor mental health. You should schedule a certain time each day to check your feed.

Take Control of Your Finances

You must gain control over your money. To cut costs, I recommend buying secondhand textbooks, cutting out junk food from your diet, and avoiding eating out at restaurants as much as possible.

Besides, think about getting an on-campus job to earn some extra money.

A. You should also study hard and apply for scholarships.

B. This habit is not designed to turn you into a champion athlete.

C. And it worked out pretty well as he was more rested during the day.

D. It is true that social networking apps and websites are positive in some way.

E. Your two best friends are the brain in your head and the money in your pocket.

F. Excessive use of social media can lead to negative social behavioral consequences.

G. This is a very helpful activity because you start your day on a strong and positive note.

英语知识运用(共 15 小题;每小题 1分,满分 15 分)
语法填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,满分 15 分)
应用文写作(满分 15分)
书面表达(满分 25 分)

A bright sun setting, Sylvia was driving home her cow, a valued companion, wandering through the forest, and listening to birds' singing. Suddenly the air was cut by a sharp whistle not far away. Sylvie knew it wasn't a bird's whistle.

"Hello, little girl," a young man came into sight suddenly, "I've lost my way. Do you think I can spend the night at your house?" Sylvia was alarmed, but still agreed.

When they arrived, her grandma, Mrs. Tilley, welcomed the guest with hospitality. The man explained to them that he was an ornithologist (鸟类学者). "Do you cage them up?" Sylvia asked doubtfully. "Oh no," he answered enthusiastically, "I shoot dozens and dozens of them myself, and preserve them with special chemicals."

"Sylvia knows a lot about birds, too." Her grandmother said proudly.

"Really? I caught a glimpse of a very rare bird, a little white heron (苍鹭), which keeps me around. Have you seen it, too?" He gently asked, looking at Sylvia with some hope.

But Sylvia was watching a frog in the narrow footpath.

"It's a tall, white bird with soft feathers and long thin legs. It probably has its nest at the top of a tall tree." The man continued eagerly.

Sylvia's heart gave a wild beat. She knew that special white bird! She had seen it on the other side of the forest and had once approached softly near where it stood.

The young man added desperately, "I would give $100 to you."

Her grandma gave amazed attention to it, but Sylvia still watched the road.

The next day the young man hovered about the woods, and Sylvia kept him company, having lost her first fear. They had such a wonderful day to enjoy the birds' songs and the thick branches. She had never seen anyone so handsome and charming. A strange excitement filled her heart. Sylvia would have liked him better without his gun. She could not understand why he killed the birds he seemed to like so much. She felt her heart tremble every time he shot an unsuspecting bird as it was singing in the trees.


1)续写词数应为 150 左右


Para.1 At night, Sylvia stayed awake while her grandma and the young man were sound asleep.

Para.2 Suddenly Sylvia's dark grey eyes caught a flash of white that grew larger and larger.
