组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19

A teacher was once teaching life lessons to his students. Jack stood up and asked why many people always felt1. After hearing this question, the teacher took these students toward a2. The students felt strange and3to ask each other why they were going to the forest. The teacher listened to all this, but he said nothing and moved forward. The students also4him.

With deep curiosity (好奇) in the mind, the students were talking with each other. They began to5why the teacher was taking them to the forest. A student said that there were lions in the forest and that they might be6. Another student said there were wild elephants. Hearing these, all the other students started to feel afraid. But the teacher7said nothing and just walked in peace.

After walking for about 40 minutes, they8arrived at the front of the forest. The teacher said, "Don't be afraid. I'm not taking you into the forest9, I just want to tell you that our life is like a journey. Many people get entangled (被缠住) in other things and they can't10their journey, just like you all. When we started the journey11the forest, you didn't see the trees and the clouds, and anyway, you didn't give importance to12. All the way, you worried that wild animals would eat us. All of you were worried about why we were going to the forest. " After listening to the teacher, Jack got the13. He and all the other students14 the teacher happily.

The present is the best time. It decides our future. We should try not to15about the future and live the present well.


Q: My younger brother tore up (撕坏) my workbook one afternoon. My mother said he was just a child so I shouldn't blame (责备) him. I think it's so unfair. What should I do?


Dear Ashley,

I think everyone with younger brothers or sisters has had your experience. I'm sure that you want justice (公正). It sounds like that you want your parents punish (惩罚) him. But I don't think it will be very helpful. Young children have little understanding of what is

important. So he has no idea why that book is important. If someone punishes him, he will be confused (迷惑的). He may still not know why he is wrong.

In other words, this is a chance for you to teach him something. Give him a book and crayons so that he can draw. You can draw together with him. In this way, he will learn that a book is something we love and enjoy, not something we can tear up. He will also get some good time with his older sister.


Dear Ashley.

I also have a little brother. He was very naughty (淘气的) and he always tore up my things. At first, I was angry and always shouted at my mother for it. But I soon found it was not a good way. Later I told him that those things were important to me. And I asked him: “Will you be sad if I tear up your things?" Then he understood it. So don't worry! Little kids are so young that we can't punish them. But we can talk with them patiently (耐心地). If you do it kindly, he will listen to you.



Recently, I saw a film called Embrace Again. It really touched me. It shows how common people helped each other during the early days of the COVID-pandemic (流行病) in Wuhan.

One story is about Wu Ge and the famous actor Jia Ling played the part in the film. Wu Ge is a food delivery (外卖员) woman. She is a careless girl but she works hard in the wind and rain to make a living. She delivers food, runs everywhere and always becomes the first place in the WeChat movement. One day, when she sends some medicine to a piano teacher named Ye Ziyang. Ye Ziyang falls on the ground suddenly because of his brain problem Wu Ge is afraid at first because she isn't sure if he has got COVID-19. But later she still chooses to send Ye Ziyang to the hospital. Later, the two persons become good friends and experience a lot together.

Another story is about A Yong, a deliveryman. He puts many people together and volunteers (志愿) to help send different things to hospitals, though hospitals are the most dangerous places at that time. He works day and night without enough sleep. Even he has not been home since the day he volunteered. Of course, he cannot be with his family during Spring Festival, but his son, a fan of cartoons, _____________. And his wife also encourages him and gives him a lot of help in the face of difficulties.

Besides, there are also many funny parts that make you laugh. These everyday heroes have their own problems and worries. This makes the stories more closely connected with us.

The pandemic is not yet over. The movie might be a good reminder (提醒) that we still need to take good care of each other.


Do you play with your phone before bedtime? According to a US study, looking at screens at night can cause us to sleep badly.

In the evening, our bodies make melatonin (褪黑素),Melatonin helps us feel sleepy and relaxed. It's an important part of our sleep cycle (周期). However, our electronic screens stop that cycle from working normally. That's because phones, computers and TVs make blue light. Blue light stops our bodies from making melatonin. Even just a little bit of blue light can make a difference. Eight minutes of blue light can keep our brain (大脑) "awake”for another hour, according to the study. Even if we fall asleep, we may have lots of dreams. Our brain won't have a good rest.

It's even worse if you play an exciting game before going to bed. Games make our hearts beat faster, so we have a harder time falling asleep. Then, when we fall asleep, we don't get enough "deep sleep". So next day we will feel very tired.

Use these following tips to get a good night's sleep.

★Have a relaxing habit every night. Take a warm shower, or read a book, and then you can relax yourself.

★Sleep in a dark, quiet room and the room is not too warm or too cold. This can help you fall fast asleep.

★Count sheep. It's the oldest way, but it can really work! So if you can't get to sleep, try this one.

★Don't eat a big meal or have caffeine, but you can drink some milk. Don't run around or exercise for three hours before bedtime.


Noise levels

30 dB soft music, whisper (耳语)

40 dB home noise

60 dB normal talk

70 dB office noise

75 dB vacuum cleaner (吸尘器)

80-90 dB heavy traffic

90-95 dB subway

100-105 dB school dance

120-129 dB sports crowd

130 dB car race

140 dB siren (警笛)

We all need to quiet down! "The rising noise pollution in cities will become a top environmental threat (威胁),the United Nations (UN) said in a report on Feb17. It asks governments to take action as soon as possible.

What is noise pollution?

According to the UN, unwanted noise above 65 decibels (dB,分贝) is noise pollution. Noise becomes harmful when it's over 75 dB and is painful above 120 dB. People who live near airports or highways get lots of noise pollution. When neighbors remodel (装修) their homes or stomp (跺脚) around above you, that's also noise pollution. When you hear such kind of noise, you may not get good sleep at night.

Why is noise pollution bad?

"High levels of noise is harmful to human health," the UN report says. According to Science magazine, too much noise causes health problems like stress and tiredness from poor sleep. More serious problems may be heart disease (心脏病) and hearing loss. In Europe, 12,000 people die each year because of noise pollution, according to CGTN.

How can we solve the problem?

The European Commission says cities can fight noise pollution. One great way is to build barriers (围栏) along railroads and highways. Some European countries have also used rubber (橡胶) to build roads. It's the same rubber as your school's running track on the playground. It makes cars quieter.

How can you and I help?

We can stop stomping around our houses!
