组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-07-04

One day, a father and his son went to a kite-flying festival. When they arrived, there were already many adults and their 1 playing in the park. When the son saw the sky 2 with colorful kites in different shapes, he was excited and wanted to get 3 too. His father agreed to buy one for him. So they went to a kite shop and chose a beautiful one.

With the string (线) in hand, the son started to fly the kite. Soon, the kite was high up in the sky. After a while, the son said, "Dad, it seems that the string is stopping the kite from flying higher. If we cut it, it will be free and fly ever 4. Can we cut it?" The father didn't reply, but just cut the string off the reel (线轴). 5 the kite began to go higher, which made the son much happier. However, to his surprise, the kite was 6. They waited for quite some time. Slowly, it fell onto the grass. The son felt upset and asked, "I thought that after cutting the string, the kite would fly higher. Why did it fall down?"

The father smiled and said, "The role of the string was not stopping the kite from flying higher, 7 helping it stay in the sky, because the kite itself can't fly up. By 8 the string you help the kite go up in the right direction. When you cut the string, it could not 9 the kite."

In our life, we may sometimes feel like there are certain things that are holding us back and stopping us from growing. But in fact, these might be the things that support us most. We can really grow up and become stronger by realizing the 10 of these things.


Many years ago in 1971, the US table tennis team was at the World Championship in Japan. The team from China was also there. This championship took place during the days of Cold War, so the American and the Chinese players didn't even talk to each other.

Glen Cowan, form the US team, didn't like this situation. One day, he saw a Chinese player and invited him to play. They played together for 15 minutes, and Cowan missed the US bus back to the hotel.

Then, something surprising happened. One of the Chinese players waved to Cowan from the Chinese bus. He thought for a moment and then he got on the bus. But the Chinese players didn't talk to him. Suddenly, Zhuang Zedong, three times world champion, came up to Cowan. "What are you doing?" said the other Chinese players. "Don't talk to him! Don't make trouble!" Zedong gave Cowan a silk scarf. "I give you this to show the friendship of the Chinese people to the American people," he said through a translator. Cowan wanted to give something back, but he didn't have anything with him.

Then the bus arrived at the hotel. There were lots of reporters — it was big news to see an American and a Chinese player together. Later, Cowan bought a T-shirt with a peace flag on it, and he gave it to Zedong. The two men became friends.

In the same year, the US team got an invitation to visit China, and in February 1972, US President Richard Nixon went to China on a historic visit. Mary people say that the two men and their friendship made a better relationship between their countries possible.


Have you ever paid for educational podcasts (播客) or live videos? Ask some people and most of them will say yes. "Pay-for-knowledge" has been more and more fashionable these years. The contents of these "pay-for-knowledge" products are from language learning to gardening or baby-caring. Everything you think of can be found online at this moment. "Pay-for-knowledge" is on the rise(兴起).

Why is "pay-for-knowledge" industry developing so rapidly? First, its development is based on the Internet. With a fast network and a smartphone, anyone who has passed the identity (身份) check can be an online teacher, and anyone with an online account (帐户) can buy "pay-for-knowledge" products. Second, people are afraid to miss any information. On one hand, people hope for more useful information. On the other hand, such information is usually at the hands of experts who serve famous companies and universities. Moreover, the need to learn new skills in today's job market also pushes people to learn on such educational podcasts.

The industry of "pay-for-knowledge" has proved tobe lucrative.It promises possibilities of turning information into money. It is good for the development of our country and it can help sellers make lots of money. Besides, buyers can enjoy self-growth from it. What's more, this is a reflection(反映)of respect for knowledge and talents.

However, the rapid rise of "pay-for-knowledge" has a few problems. For one thing, the market is full of eye-catching words such as "How to be an Industry's Expert in 5 Hours" and "15 Classes to Be a Master of Appreciating(欣赏) Classical Music", which sound like if you pay for it, you are sure to succeed. For another, a large number of customers buy them just for showing off. In fact, those who have really had self-growth after buying online courses may be the kind of people who need them least. In other words, with or without these courses, they can make it anyway, because they are those who have the ability to learn by themselves.

In general, the best is the one that suits you most. "Pay-for-knowledge" may be used as a good start for self-growth. Be careful! Otherwise, your dream of success may not come true.


Noisy neighbors are a problem in a society where many people live closely together. And this can be the most important when you share walls, floors or ceilings with neighbors in a flat—noisy neighbor can make life challenging, especially if noise goes well into night, or happens during early morning hours. This situation needs to be dealt with properly, which needs your ability to keep calm.

First, you should try to tell your neighbors about the noise. This conversation should be polite and friendly. It can begin with words like "I am not sure you know that." Explain the problem in an honest way, and ask the neighbors to turn down the music, or not to hold parties until 3 a.m. You can also say that you realize they hear your noise too, and you're willing to try to stop anything in your behavior that is creating much noise.

You should know that not all neighbors are going to follow your requirements, and some may act in a bad manner. If the noisy neighbors don't change their behaviors, the next step should be to write the neighbors a letter. The letter should show your grievances (不满) and the dates when the noise was quite terrible. For example, if your neighbor has loud gatherings every Friday night that last into the early morning, then write down those dates.

When the noise remains going on, you should report it to local authorities (权力部门), or even call the police, when it is really necessary. Often, however, you can solve the problem when the noisy neighbor knows you are going to call the police.

Be aware that you can't always make noisy neighbors be quiet. When the noise remains going on, it is wise not to deal with it in an angry way. If you have completed the steps and letter don't start hitting walls or floors around in your home or turning up the music to make your neighbors angry. Just have patience and remember that communication is the most important.


A noisy neighbor makes life challenging, but the problem needs to be dealt with.

with your neighbors

●Start the conversation with politeness.

●Explain the problemand ask the neighbor to reduce noise.

●Admit that you make noise too, and promise not to create noise.

Writing letters

● Some neighbors won't, your requirement or change their behavior.

●Show your grievances and thewhen the noise was quite terrible.

Reporting to local authorities

●If the noiseyou should report it to local authorities when really necessary.

●Usually, the problem will bewhen the noisy neighbor knows you will call the police.


●Don't deal with the problem in an angry way.

●Keepand try to talk with your neighbors.


The Chinese life is colorful with many interesting folk ways. The Lantern Festival is on the 15th day of the first lunar month, it has a Chinese name Yuanxiao Festival. Yuanxiao comes from the fthat people call the first lunar month the Yuan Month and night Xiao. The night of the 15th day of the first lunar month m the beginning of the first full moon. On the Lantern Festival, the Chinese people have the custom of e lanterns and eating glutinous rice dumplings. There is a common saying that "Playing on the Lantern Festival."

The custom started during the Han Dynasty, and has a h of more than 2000 years. On that night, every place is decorated with lanterns and streamers(饰带) and there is a bustling atmosphere. As night f, people go in crowds to the sea of colorful lanterns: palace lanterns, wall lamps, figure lanterns, flower lanterns, revolving horse lanterns, animal lanterns, and toy lanterns, of all types and c. Some lanterns have riddles(谜语) on them, which encourage people to try to be the f to find the answer.

It is a a traditional custom to eat glutinous rice dumplings at this time. As early as the Song Dynasty, there was such a kind of food, a round ball m of glutinous rice flour with a filling of sugar and kernels(果仁). Since it is eaten on the Lantern Festival, people call it yuanxiao. The Chinese people hope that e is satisfactory (yuanman in Chinese), and to eat glutinous rice dumplings on the first night with a full moon in a year is to wish that family members will remain united, harmonious, happy and satisfied.
