组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-18

①Tracking (跟踪) apps are becoming more and more popular. A study in 2019 showed that 40% of parents in the UK were using tracking apps every day. A 2020 study found that 33% of parents in the US use tools to keep watch on their children. With tracking apps, parents feel closed to their children even when they're not at home. Although many parents want to know where their child is, some people think that tracking is bad for children. What do you think? Should parents track their children?

②Tracking apps mean that parents know where their children are. They can also set alerts(警报) for themselves, so they know when their children leave a place or are on their way home.This makes parents feel safe and relaxed. Instead of being worried while their children are out, parents can relax because they'll get alerts if their children are running late. Tracking apps also give young people a taste of independence, especially if their parents would not let them move around so freely.

③Tracking apps take away a big part of childhood. You will feel free when you go out without a parent. If young people know their parents are "watching" them, they won't have that same excitement and feeling of freedom. Children may also feel that they can't go anywhere without their parents following them. Young people may also become worried. Because this is only the beginning of parents watch their life. Parents may also become dependent on tracking apps and not learn to believe in their children. Children need to have true freedom so that they can live better.

④It's true that tracking apps are good for parents, but most children still dislike them. Whether parents track their children or not is still a big question in the future.
