组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19

"Mom, I don't have anybody to play with. I really need a pet!" "Jamie, we've been through this1! Our apartment is too small. "Jamie's mother 2 up some socks from the floor and looked up at 3 son." And what have you got in that paper 4?" "Oh! Nothing." Jamie ran out of the house and down the street.

The abandoned (废弃的) buildings there were his playground. The buildings were near the 5. Sometimes water flooded in. Once he'd found a fish there, but it was 6. He'd never found7alive--until he found Sharon.

"Sharon, I'm here!" Jamie called. He held up the paper bag. "I brought a8, too. I'm going to light it, so I can 9 you better." Jamie 10the candle. The creature moved into the light. It was about Jamie size. Its head and body were covered 11 dark green scales (鳞片). Jamie took hold of the creature's finlike (鳍状的) arm. A thick green slime (粘液) covered his hand. "I'm trying to get Mom to let me bring you home." Jamie watched the creature's face. The creature didn't answer. It just looked at Jamie. Its mouth opened and something white shone. "I hope you're12, anyway, I brought you a chicken sandwich." The creature looked down at the sandwich, but it made 13 move to eat it. "I wish I could stay, 14 I have to go. I'll come back tomorrow after school." Jamie turned to go. The creature watched him. When Jamie had disappeared up the stairs, the creature15 its mouth. A human bone, clean of all flesh (肉), dropped to the floor. The creature moved back into its corner.


①Tomatina-Tomato Fight is a food fight festival holding on the last Wednesday of August each year in the town of Buñol in the Valencia region of Spain (西班牙巴伦西亚地区的布诺尔).

②It's said that one day, a small band playing music went through the street with pride. Maybe for fun, a group of young people picked tomatoes and threw to the players. This is the origin of the Tomatina- Tomato Fight.

③At this time of year, with local residents (当地居民), visitors from around the world gather in Bunol town , celebrate this exciting Festival. Here, the tomatoes bring not only happiness of harvest but the joy of carnival (狂欢).

④The tomato fight begins in the center of town. Before the fight the government will carry tomatoes to streets on both sides as the weapon of the fight. Tens of thousands of local residents and tourists took off their T-shirts. As soon as they hear the order of fight, they begin to throw tomatoes to other people who they don't know before. The rules of the game are tomatoes must be pinched (捏)before handing to avoid hurting others. Of course, this would also help to make tomatoes even more sticky. Soon people are covered with red tomatoes. Tomato juice on the streets of town makes a tomato sea.

⑤Then ,Bunol town residents and thousands of volunteers open all the faucets (水龙头)could work, begin to clean the streets. About one hour later, the square and streets are swept as nothing has happened. Bunol City begins the usual quiet again.
