组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-20

After growing up in the foster (寄养) care system, Shanté Elliott is working to help others transition(过渡,转变) out of it. Elliott is no stranger to the foster care system. She was forced to change schools and adapt to different homes over and over again before finally being adopted at the age of 13. Elliott became the first member of her family to graduate college, double majoring in literature and communication and earning a master's in education policy. Today she is pursuing her doctoral degree.

Elliott knows the challenges facing teenagers within the foster care system. "Often, teenagers are not viewed as children but as adults," she recently told Reader's Digest. "Think about it—most families looking to adopt want to adopt an infant or a young child, so they can experience developmental milestones with the child."

There are ways to help foster children without becoming a foster parent, but finding permanency is still what most foster youth need most. And for those who age out of the system without finding those forever homes, there are additional challenges to face. According to Youth.gov, these kids are at greater risk of homelessness, health problems, dropping out of school and legal issues, all of which can make succeeding in adulthood more difficult.

Elliott wants to see that stigma end. "We need to change the national dialogue around this in a way that highlights the needs of older children. All foster-involved children want consistent homes. Potential families need to realize this."

It's a reality Elliott is passionate about helping others realize. "The need for protection, love, opportunity, and safety has no age limit. If more teenagers were adopted, youth would have more successful long-term outcomes after foster care." That's something these older foster kids who found their forever homes can prove.


Diversity has always been a topic that arouses a wide range of reactions, from real enthusiasm (usually among the underrepresented) to eye-rolling or complete unfriendliness. However, over the following few years, not only did the representation of women on FTSE-100(富时100指数) boards more than double but the mindset shifted in the UK. This was no longer a special interest issue but everyone's issue.

But we're now at crossroads. The gender issue in particular is a well-worn subject but not yet one we have mastered. Yes, there are more female world leaders and company directors, but many women tell me they feel discouraged about their prospects. They can't see the link between their own reality and gender equality efforts that often seem targeted at a narrow group of white, privileged and highly educated women, rather than at all women.

I am optimistic that the next breakthrough is within reach. Technology has changed how we work, communicate and influence. Command & control power structures are rapidly breaking down, and emerging instead is a more inclusive notion of power. Leaders today need to be able to connect. This is good news for people who are empathetic, who are collaborative-qualities that are often described as feminine, although obviously men can exhibit them too.

Women of my generation who've made it to senior roles had to fit in with past practices to succeed. Today, we have an unprecedented opportunity to reinvent the rules, to create new ways of working, living and bringing up families. We no longer need to give in: instead, we can change the system.

But a new danger comes. The diversity agenda has gone off track and we need to remind ourselves of the basics again. Diversity is about being different, and inclusion is about welcoming those differences. Somehow that has become confused with the opposite notion, that valuing people as equals means preventing our differences.


Life gets busy, and before we know it, exercise is one of the first things to go when we have a tight schedule. You may find it challenging to make time to stay active with your busy lifestyle.

I'm sure you've heard this, "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." It may seem slightly cliche (陈词滥调), but this couldn't be truer when it comes to planning for success. When we plan in advance, we're less likely to lose focus of our goals when things get tough.

Join a fitness class

Working out in a group environment can give you the extra support you need to achieve your goals. When you join in a fitness class, you're surrounded by a fun group of like-minded people.You might just meet some friends along the way!

Find an activity you enjoy

When you find an activity you love, you'll be much more likely to make time for it.Try experimenting with a few different activities to see what you like. Once you find something you enjoy, you'll find it easier to stick to it.

Pack your workout tools

Keeping a pair of running shoes, and workout clothes in your car or backpack will certainly come in handy on those busy days.Some things I like to keep in my gym bag include a water bottle, headphones, running shoes and socks.

A. Plan Ahead.

B. Prepare for everything.

C. You shouldn't feel tired of the activity.

D. Therefore, you need to find an interesting activity.

E. This helps keep exercise inspiring and motivating.

F. Doing so, you'll be better prepared for your exercise plan.

G. Here are some tips to make activity a part of your daily routine.


It end to go slowly when I drive in the mountains of my home because the forest 1 is beautiful no matter what the season. This morning I was driving slower than 2 because a nearly March snow had turned the roads 3. Going up a mountain road, I had to slow down as I 4a sharp, snowy curve (弯道). That was 5I saw a majestic buck deer (公鹿) standing in the middle of the road. I came to a full 6and for a few seconds we just 7 each other. His eyes seemed wise and his composure (镇静) refined. Finally, he 8his head at me. I nodded in return and signed 9my hand for him to go on. He then 10 across the road, up the hill and back into the woods. I drove on smiling at the magic of this moment and was 11 that I had been going slowly enough not to 12this beautiful creature.

Most of us rush through this 13not knowing what we are missing. We 14get to enjoy what each day brings us. Wouldn't it be better to go slowly through our days here? Life is meant to be favored. Moments are meant to be 15. Days are meant to be lived in love and joy, not flown through at a frantic (疯狂的)16.

The next time you find yourself going too fast, slowdown. Take the time to watch the sunrise over the horizon and fill the world with 17. Take the time to look your children in their eyes, hug them and tell them that you love them. Take the time to smile, laugh and sing. Take the time to read, lounge (闲逛) and 18. Take the time to live your life with love and 19 in all the miracles each day brings you. If you do, your life will be so much better and more beautiful. And you might even 20not hitting a deer on your way home.
