组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

备战2023年中考英语专题复习—— 完形填空(记叙文)

日期: 2024-09-19

It was the first time Moham went to a restaurant in his new neighborhood. He looked up at the menu board, and 1 how he could understand what all of these strange names meant. Moham decided that be would 2 ask the waitress for ice cream in a cup. She smiled brightly, wrote down his 3 and disappeared behind the big glass display case (陈列柜).

A moment later, she came back with a tall paper cup, 4 it was a long straw (吸管) and some kind of drink. Moham, quite 5 took the cup and thanked her, thinking about the possibility that be had used wrong words.

"It's the soda you ordered, " 6 said, "an ice cream drink in a cup. "

He smiled at the waitress, pointed at one of the 7 in the display case, and said, "That one, please, " which seemed to 8 better.

Moham took the cake and his unexpected soda to a table and sat down to eat. Why was it that English had been so 9 for him in his classes in Tunisia, but when it came to 10 speaking, he couldn't even get what he wanted to eat?

Just then, a girl, who sat at the next table and had watched the whole 11, smiled at him and said, "Hey, welcome to our beautiful city! Don't feel 12 about your English-you'll get better at it 13 you've lived here for a while. I'm from Spain, and the first time I tried to order a salad here, I 14 with a plate of pig's feet. At least you got a soda!"

Hearing this, Moham felt much better. He wasn't the only one 15 to communicate, and his new city began to feel just a little more like he could call it home.


My brother is exactly one year older than me. We look like twins, but we are completely1. By the time we got to middle school it was clear that my older brother2meditation, while I was a born performer who liked the stage. I took his silence to be unfriendly. We simply didn't3well.

    I didn't mind having a bad relationship with my brother4I was busy at school. I5threw myself into the world of music. When I practised singing in the6every day to remain at my best, my brother would meditate on a window seat. He might feel high school was already hard enough7my noisy singing. So space to practise became a(n)8between us because we shared a room.

At the start of the term, I practiced "Circle of Life" for a musical play. This was the first time I found it so9to learn a song, because my voice cracked when I changed to a head voice. I was upset those days and10practising, thinking I had reached the top of my singing career. For the first time in11my brother experienced the quiet when I got home.

After two days of this, my brother asked me to12him in meditation. For some reason, I accepted his suggestion. My brother said,  "When your mind calms down, you simply come back. Don't blame yourself. " I got the message, and learned it by heart. It seemed that13went well as I kept trying at the song. And just in time for the trial performance, I was able to keep power even when I changed to a head voice. It was important for me to learn that you don't have to always get everything14the first time and that good things come with effort. I now understand15my brother prefers the quiet.


We bought a lovely parrot as a pet. We named1Dolly. Unluckily, my family2Dolly when her cage was open and she got outside. We3the neighborhood hard but in vain. We had to face the fact that such a lovely little bird4not survive in the wild for very long. Five days passed with no5of Dolly. We lost hope of ever finding her.

We were even6when we found out that our friends' four-year-old daughter, Shayna, was confirmed leukemia--a special kind of cancer. Shayna's parents were heartbroken. Wanting to help our friends, I began to visit Shayna in the hospital each time she7her medical treatment. There was little I could do but cheering her up. Each day, I wished for Shayna's cure.

Then, one evening I8a phone call from Shayna's mother. "I think we've found Dolly, " she said. When I arrived there, I saw my sweet little bird at first sight! My friend9what had happened. "Shayna was in the backyard, feeling 10. When she saw a small bird in a tree, she expected her to come down. And the bird flew directly to Shayna, landing on her shoulder. Shayna then led her to an old cage in the garage. I got home and she told me the whole11. "

I was12to see my lovely bird again, but there was more. I knew13that neither Shayna nor her mother knew. I considered it a miracle that we had really found Dolly again. I felt at that moment that Shayna would recover.

Today, Shayna is thirteen years old and cancer-free. We make sure that Dolly lives a happy life14it was through her that we were all given the greatest gift——the gift of15.


A Little Coaching

I always felt nervous about the running race. I was too thin to be an athlete. So when our class needed a1in the two-mile race around the lake, l hoped 2would notice me.

I hid under a3when our teacher Bronto called the names of the runners. I got more nervous when I heard, "Noah! Where's Noah? He's in this race!"

He saw me under the tree and shouted, "Noah, we 4 a boy to run the two-mile race. "He pushed me to the starting line. I pleaded(恳求)with him. ""I don't know the way around the lake!"

"It's not a problem. Just5Craig and you'll know the way. "Bronto smiled. Craig was the fastest runner in our class. Then Bronto said, "For the last hundred meters, 6throw your head back and run."

l stood next to Craig and trembled (颤抖). Then I heard the gun and sixteen of us started to run. I ran 7behind Craig.

But gradually (渐渐地), the distance between Craig and me became wider.

It was8. I felt very tired. My energy was spent. I was about. to9. But then I looked ahead and10only three boys were in front of me. The crowd was shouting, but I could hear Bronto shouting, "Run!"

l threw my head back and told my legs to go. I never looked ahead and I never looked back for those last hundred meters. I felt11. Nobody was telling me what I was, or what I wasn't. My legs were running a race against my brain and I was winning!

I didn't know when I crossed the finish line. Bronto caught me and shouted," You flew! You flew, man!12! You passed two boys!"

However, the best prize that I got was 13. That year I discovered I could do a lot of things14I believed in myself and put my energy into them.

I never got to say goodbye to Bronto right after the race. But later, I saw him over the lake. He was coaching another kid. I had no15that the kid was also going to win.


During those years, I used to compare my mom with my best friend Kayla's mom.

Kayla's mom always gave her lots of money to buy the most fashionable1and favorite food. Her mom allowed her to do anything she liked. I really2Kayla. My mom didn't give me much pocket money3she always told me that I should behave myself. I was really4and we didn't talk with each other for days.

Whenever I didn't get what I wanted, I would complain to my mom, "Kayla's mom would give her that! How I wish she were my mom. " Every time, my mom would calmly say"5Kayla". I couldn't understand her. "She shouldn't be feeling sorry for Kayla!" I thought. "She should be feeling sorry for6. "

One day, I couldn't help7to Mom, "Poor Kayla? Lucky Kayla! She gets everything she wants! Why do you feel sorry for her?" I cried sadly.

My mom sat down next to me and said8, "Yes, I do feel sorry for her. I have been teaching you a(n)9that she will never be taught. "

I looked up at her. "What are you talking about?"

Mom said with care, "One day she will really10something. Maybe she'll find out that she can't have it. Her mother won't always be11to give her money, and what's more, money can't buy everything. "

She 12, "I have taught you important lessons by not giving you everything you want. You'll know how to look for bargains(便宜货)and13money, but she won't. You'll understand that you need to work hard to get the things that you want but she won't. When Kayla is a grown woman, she'll14one day and she will be wishing that she had a mom like the one you've got. Life lessons are more valuable than modern clothes and delicious food. "

It took some time, but I 15understood my mom's words. Now I am a happy and well-behaved Grade Nice girl student.


Ouyang Honghong, a fireman in Nanjing, walks his 15-year-old dog named Bingjie at the hill. Bingjie, a black-and-white dog, is1as a hero as it once helped save 13 lives in the earthquake that hit Wenchuan County of Sichuan Province in 2008.2Bingie can no longer take part in rescue(救援) with Ouyang, it still waits for his orders. Its eyes are always on him while the trainer trains3young search and rescue dogs.

Bingjie's training and work from the early years have left many4on its body. "It has poor hearing ability and even has difficulty eating food." said Ouyang. Bingjie and Ouyang became partners in 2007 during a dog training course. They finished difficult tasks together5earthquakes and snowstorms.

"No matter how6the task was, Bingie never thought about itself." said Ouyang. "When we7a local kindergarten(幼儿园), Bingjie8rushed to the building that had fallen down and started barking(吠) at a corner," said Ouyang. "Then we9Bingjie to the corner and heard a child's cry for help."

"It is 15 years old. I have spent more time with Bingjie than with my family. For me, it is both my friend and my family," Ouyang said, "Sometimes, it acts like a cute child10me to play a ball, but keeps the ball in its mouth on purpose. Then we play happily."

"I just want to spend time with it every day, while it is alive," said Ouyang.
