组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-18

Li Fang, when she was a teenager, dreamed of going to the United States.  "I had a picture of the daddy sitting in the living room, the mommy doing some cooking and their kids playing games on the floor."

Li Fang decided to go to college in California. When she arrived, however, it was not the dream world she had imagined. "People were too busy and sometimes seemed unhappy," She said, ""

One of her most difficult classes was P.E. When the class played volleyball, the other students were good at it, but she wasn't. One afternoon, the P.E. teacher had Li Fang hit the ball to her teammates so that they could knock it over the net. It was not a big deal for most people, but it made Li Fang scared,

A young man on her team seemed to understand what she was going through. He walked up to her and said, ""

Li Fang said, "You will never understand how those words made me feel. Four words: You can do that. I felt like crying with happiness."

Six years has passed. Li Fang is back in China, working as a salesclerk. "I have never forgotten the words. " She said. "From this experience, I have learned a lesson: Whenever you say something to a person, cruel or kind, you have no idea how long the words will stay with them." Now she still hears those four simple words: You can do that.

A. I felt very lonely.

B. Come on, You can do that.

C. When things are not going well, I think of them.

D. She was afraid of failing and being laughed at by others.

E. Most of what she knew about American life was from textbooks.
