组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-07-06
补全单词。根据首字母及句意写出完整单词。 (共5小题,每小题1分;计5分)

A: Hi, Peter. You seemed sleepy in class. Didn't you sleep well last night?

B: Your guess is totally right. I only slept for 4 hours last night. So I couldn't focus on what Mr. Wang said.

A: How ? I don't think we had too much homework last night.

B: Don't you know it was Halloween Day yesterday? I  my cousins in celebrating it.

A: I know it was Halloween Day. But you know, it came on the weekday. As a ninth grader, I  not waste any time doing anything else except study.

B: Don't take ninth grade too  even though there is an entrance examination to high school. Sometimes, we need to relax ourselves for better study.

A: Sounds reasonable. But the more time you spend on study, the more  you can get and then the higher scores you can get/

B: Not really. That depends. If you pay little  while studying, you will get nothing.

A: Haha, you got nothing just now because you  to listen to Mr. Wang.

B: You are making fun of me. But I don't regret going to celebrate Halloween. It was really exciting.

A: By the way, where did you celebrate it?

B: At Happy Valley. Every year on that day, a big parade attracted many young people like us. So it was really  there last night.

A: Did you feel  while watching many ghosts or witches walking beside you?

B: Not at all. On the contrary (相反), I felt the excitement running inside my body because of their wonderful performance even on the cold night.

A: I envy you. How I hope I have been there with you!

B: Don't worry. Next year, we'll invite you.

A: OK, next year there is no entrance examination to any school for me. I'll go with you.

B: OK. Hope we will enjoy more next year.

从下面方框中选出10个单词,并将其正确形式填入短文, 使短文意思正确通顺(每词限用一次)。

create,  expect,  grow, provide,  lose,  fail,

physics,  quick,  show,  student,  succeed,  they

This year some students at White Cloud Primary School became the world's first kids to be "taught' by an electronic teacher. This electronic teacher is a computer-created head that appears, when needed, oncomputer or phone screens. His name is Bill.

Bill teaches a special program about environmental-friendly powerby the sun and wind. This program, started in 2005, used to be taught by human teachers.

Just like human teachers, Bill is able torespond (回应) to the students' questions and opinions. Thanks to computer cameras, he is also able to see and react (反应) to students'actions. For example, if a student smiles at Bill, he smiles back. This two-way exchange helps get the students' attention. More importantly, it allows the program developers to improve Bill's behavior and knowledge base (库)when needed.

The program has been a greataccording to Smart Machines spokesman Robert Frost. "What is interesting to me is the children's reaction to Bill. He really drawsattention." Frost thinks kids don't find the experience of being taught by smart machines as strange as older people because theyup in a time of computers and smartphones.

It is doubtful that human educatorstheir jobs in the future, because even the smartest computer programs can't guess and react to all thesituations. Bill's future might be as a "personal tutor (导师)",kids with one-on-one help for different subjects and topics.


People have been fighting against COVID-19 for over two years. Since it broke out, many people have been living in fear.However, some people turn pale at the mention of "people from epidemic (有疫情的) areas", and some even make verbal attacks (言语攻击) on them.

Ding Baixing, a doctor at Huashan Hospital in Shanghai, has seen this himself. He treated a suspected (疑似的) patient Chen who traveled from Wuhan where people were fighting against COVID-19 hard.He worried that they would be afraid of him.

Zhao, a 20-year-old girl from Chengdu, was infected (感染) with COVID-19 in December, 2020. Someone exposed (曝光) her personal information online.Many people made verbal attacks on her, which hurt her a lot.

However, the real enemy is the virus not the patients. "The virus doesn't respect (尊重) nationality.Anybody can be infected," said Lee Hsien Loong, Singaporean Prime Minister.

It is not the patients' fault that they have been infected. There is no reason to blame (责备) them."Protecting them is just as important as protecting ourselves," Ding said.

A. That brought her much trouble.

B. This is normal, as COVID-19 is really dangerous.

C. Chen tried to protect himself from others all the time.

D. It does not check your passport before it goes into your body.

E. Chen appeared desperate (绝望的) and avoided other patients.

F. If patients didn't go to the hospital, the virus could spread to more people.


Hugging is an extremely positive form of communication. It expresses the values of love, agreement, thanks and forgiveness(宽恕). Research shows that hugs have more positive effects on children and adults than just some encouraging words and a smiling face. Giving our child a hug in different situations can make a world of difference in our young learner's lives.

 On the first day of school, giving a hug coupled with a few calming breaths just might help your little learner overcome "The First Day Fears". By the way, giving hugs for the first full week wouldn't hurt either. Hugs are both inexpensive and very healthy.

It's the day of the class play and your kid is not so confident about saying a few words as a wild turkey in front of an audience. Giving a hug coupled with a few encouraging words just might help them feel more confident.

Usually, bedtime is the scariest time of the day for most kids, who feel very stressed and may stay up. Giving a tight (紧紧的) hug coupled with reading their favorite stories or singing their favorite songs may help them have a good sleep.

Besides, according to Intelligence Quotient Development in Children on eHow. com. "A caring and inspiring environment is always helpful in developing a child's language skills. Make sure your child gets plenty of hugs and kisses and hears positive and encouraging words from you."

Sometimes we get caught up in teaching, parenting, providing, and protecting our children that we forget to hug them. If there's one thing your child or student may need from you to help adapt their behavior or improve their IQ, it may just be something as simple as a hug.

A positive hug could change the course of the day for you both when you least expect it. So, remember to hug your children often and put emotion behind it and really mean it!

The Positive Effect of Hugs


Hugging expresses positive messages, and it can  to children's lives.

◆Helping children


■Giving a hug and whispering to calm the kids down.

◆Building confidence.

■Hugging with a few words of encouragement.

◆Relieving (减轻)


■Hugging tightly and reading bedtime stories or singing their favorite songs.

◆Improving children's language skills and IQ positively.

■Creating  with plenty of hugs, kisses and encouraging words.

■Remembering to give children a hug out of a tight schedule.


A positive hug to children can be of great benefit to both the giver and receiver.
