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初中英语牛津版(深圳·广州)九年级下学期Module 1 Explorations and exchanges Unit 2 Culture shock综合测试题

日期: 2024-07-07

In China, teachers are highly respected and honored. As providers of knowledge, they are seen as playing an important1in the development of society(社会). In the US, teachers are supposedly just as respected. However, I believe salaries for most teachers are far too low.

In the US, most teachers can expect to2less than $40, 000 (272, 400 yuan) a year when they enter the field(领域), according to Business Insider. This might3all right, but in some parts of the US, it's not enough to get by(勉强过活).

In addition, teachers spend an average of(平均)$500 out­ of­ pocket to buy classroom supplies(日常用品)every semester(学期). Some teachers even have to take on a4job at night to make a living. Teaching is a(n)5job. It's about much more than simply passing on knowledge. Teachers have to be caregivers, therapists(治疗师), nurses. In fact, nearly any6that a child might face might end up being solved by his or her teacher.

Teachers spend years ­and lots of money­ earning an7of their own that will prepare them to become educators themselves.

It's not8to raise their salaries, either. Countries like Switzerland, South Korea, and Ireland pay their teachers more than the US does. The US is the richest country in the world9money can't buy knowledge. If salaries stay low, fewer people will want to go into teaching ­and society will suffer(遭受损失)10it .


Sun Ruifeng, a mother in Beijing, changed some of her plans for her 8-year-old son's summer vacation. She looked for an English training course, but in the end, she changed it to a swimming training class.

"Due to the stricter regulations (on subject-training classes, many parents like me choose sports or other projects for developing interests instead, " Sun said.

Sun's choice is part of the result of the government's growing efforts to lighten the academic pressure on young students.

On July 24, Chinese government introduced a guideline(意见) to ease the burden(负担) of excessive homework and off-campus training for primary and junior high school students. It lists requirements in areas such as reducing the amount and the difficulty of homework and improving the quality of education and after-class services provided by schools.

For example homework for children below the third grade is not allowed while homework for junior high school students should take no longer than 90 minutes to finish.

According to the guideline, training institutions(机构) cannot teach students content that is too advanced for the school curriculum. No training courses can be taught on weekends, national holidays or during winter and summer vacations.

According to Global Times, more than 75 percent of Chinese urban children, from Grade 1 to Grade 12, are enrolled in training programs. However, some training institutions take part in anxiety marketing, selling unnecessary programs that increase the burden on students.

Many parents showed their support for the new moves. "Subject learning is enough at school and we hope to improve the children's overall quality of life during holidays, " a parent surnamed(姓) Zhou in Guangzhou told Xinhua.

However, there are also some concerns. A parent surnamed Chen in Shanxi said that although she agreed on new moves, she worried about what her son would do after school if both parents have no time to be with him.

At present, nine cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang and Guangzhou, have been selected to carry out the guideline. It will later be rolled out nationwide.


We never get our childhood back once we're adults! For teenagers, life is not a playground, it's jungle (丛林). It's important to learn the rules which will help them to reach their goals and live a successful life. Follow the steps below, and you can achieve a successful teenage life.

Do best in school. No matter how boring it is now, education will help you be a productive member in society. Work hard for excellence in school. Doing so will help you get into a better university, which will enable you to get a great job in the future.

Draw your future. Life is full of amazing things to do and learn about. Start from one single step to reach your goal. Start thinking about careers you would like to be in, and make a good choice based on your interests and strengths.

Never hang out with someone who doesn't make you feel comfortable. Be with people who make you happy, and get rid of the ones who don't. Create a group of supportive and loving friends that can help you succeed in life and live your dreams.

Be proactive (积极主动). Being proactive is the key to unlocking the other habits. Proactive people understand that they should do what they can to get their own happiness.

A. Do what you love.

B. Choose your friends wisely.

C. School sets you on the right track!

D. This could be your job for the rest of your life!

E. The life of a teenager is full of difficulties and life-changing decisions.

F. They don't blame others for their own actions or feelings.


Have you noticed that the phrase "You're welcome" has largely been taken place by two new words — "No problem."?

Here is an example:

Shop assistant, "Here's your change, Madam." Me, "Thank you." Shop assistant, "No problem."

But to me, "No problem" is a . I want to be thanked for going to a shop. I don't want this automatic (机械的) reply. "You are welcome" means "You are welcome to shop here; thanks for us to help you." When I hear "no problem", what I think is: "You're not helping me. I'll go somewhere else next time."

There are some annoying phrases, of course. But this one especially seems to just push people to one side. It seems to say, "I've taken care of you, so now leave me alone." It seems that the shop assistant wants to say is that you are actually not "welcome".

It's part of a whole, lazy culture. People don't notice each other. People can't be bothered (打搅). People sit in cafes, but they don't talk. They just look at their mobile phones. If you ask one of these people to move their chair a little you can sit down, they reply, "No problem." I don't feel that means "You're welcome to the table." I feel it means "No problem that you only bothered me a bit."

Lots of people think this phrase is mainly used by younger people, just another word "whatever". But actually, "no problem" crosses generations (一代人). It's taken hold in a way that fits no single group of people. There is "no problem" wherever you go. Next time you're about to say those two words, stop for a minute. Make eye contact, and say with a smile: "You're welcome."

Be a bit more polite? No problem.
