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日期: 2024-07-02
单项选择 (共15小题, 每小题1分, 计15分)


完形填空 (共15小题, 每小题1分, 计15分)
阅读理解 (共20小题, 每小题2分, 计40分)

This is a typical day for Yang Jinlong.

At 9 a. m, he drives to primary schools and middle schools in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, to teach students about Shaanxi kuaiban. It is a traditional Chinese form of storytelling to the rhythm of bamboo clappers (响板), which the art form is named after. Sometimes, he helps students prepare for competitions. Usually, his classes run until about 6. p.m., and then he returns home to prepare classes for the next day.

On June 10, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced 325 national intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) items in Beijing, increasing the list to 1,557 items. Shaanxi kuaiban, which appeared during the late Qing Dynasty, has been included. The art form has been introduced to local schools as part of their art education.

Yang has been teaching young people the art form since 2003 after graduating from the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts in Beijing. He studied quyi there. Quyi is general term for Chinese folk art forms, including storytelling, crosstalk and clapper talk.

"Art education is important for students in China. Just as many students learn to play Western musical instruments like the piano and violin, there are many people learning traditional Chinese folk arts, including Shaanxi kuaiban, which I'll work for my whole life," he said.

Kuaiban is popular in northern China, including Beijing and Tianjin. According to Yang, Shaanxi kuaiban was influenced by the art of different areas. The art form can be played by a group of players or only one. With one or two pairs of kuaiban of different sizes in hand, the players speak in the local dialect (方言) while telling stories, which are usually about heroes. The player tells stories while playing kuaiban, and it's easy for the watchers to remember the stories since all the lines rhyme.

Thanks to artists like Yang, this traditional Chinese form of storytelling is passed on and stays alive in our country.


On Nov 8, Wang Yaping, a female astronaut of Shenzhou XIII mission, became China's first and the world's 16th female space walker. The expected six-month journey in space has left many curious about the differences between male and female astronauts, especially in terms of performing extravehicular (舱外的) activities (EVAs). Despite (即使) physical challenges, female astronauts have unique (独一无二的) advantages.

Understanding between astronauts is very important for carrying out EVAs, which is based on excellent communication skills. Women are superior (更好的) in communication and language expression, and this helps female astronauts do extravehicular activities, according to Yang Yuguang, vice chair of Space Transportation Committee of the International Astronautical Federation.

Men and women are different in body size, which also gives women unique advantages for spacewalks. "Their generally smaller size is an advantage, as women will be able to control their weight better and perform a wider variety of tasks," Pang told China Daily.

Women in general weigh less, eat less food, consume less oxygen (氧气), and therefore required less fuel (燃料) to get into space. An astronaut must weigh between 55 kilograms and 70 kilograms to ft in the cabin of spacecraft and consume less fuel, according to CGIN.

A different body shape requires a different spacesuit. A tailor-made spacesuit was prepared for' Wang's extravehicular activities, which was lighter than the males'. Designers optimized the pattern of this spacesuit in the lower limb (下肢) area to make it more suitable for astronauts with slimmer figures.

According to Pang, many studies have found that female astronauts are more suitable for space missions and have advantages over male astronauts in qualities such as attention to detail and thinking comprehensively (全面地).

Men tend to excel in shorter-term, goal oriented (目标导向的) situations while women are better in longer-term habitation-type (居住类) circumstances, according to National Geographic.

Women's participation in EVAs is an integral (不可缺少的) part of space missions, and we are witnessing history thanks to Wang's bravery, according to Yang.


On that Saturday afternoon, the Harpers and Aunt Polly's family went into mourning (哀悼). The village was unusually quiet. The villagers talked little but sighed (叹息) often. Children had no heart in sports and gave them up. People were sad to know that Tom, Joe and Huck were drowned (淹死).

In the afternoon, Becky found herself walking around the yard and feeling very sad. She said to herself, "I haven't got anything to remember Tom by. He's gone now. I'll never, never see him any more."

Then there was a debate about who saw the dead boys last in life. Many said they did and offered evidence. When it was finally decided who saw the dead boys last, the lucky ones took upon themselves some self-importance.

The next morning, when the bell began to toll (鸣钟), the villagers got together in the church. No one could remember when the little church had been so full before. Aunt Polly entered. She was followed by Sid and Mary and by the Harper family. They were all in deep black. As the funeral continued, people felt sorry that they did not treat the boys well before. They only saw faults (缺点) in them. People gave way to their feelings and cried.

A moment later, the church door opened slowly. People raised their eyes above handkerchiefs and they were surprised. They saw Tom, Joe and Huck—the three dead boys—walk into the church! They had been hiding and listening to their own funeral!

Aunt Polly, Mary and the Harpers threw themselves upon their children and kissed them again and again. Tom got hundreds of kisses that day. Before this, he didn't know he was loved by so many people.

阅读下面短文,从所给选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 使短文通顺, 结构完整, 其中有一项是多余选项。

A peaceful mind is very important forour effectiveness (效率).It keeps us calm and allows us to stay happy during the day, no matter (无论) what the situation (情况) is. So, here, I would like to share the ways to have a "mind like water". Pick the ones that work for you:

●Listen to your heart

It is where your deepest values(价值) live. Following what your heart says helps you be true to yourself, and that helps you get a peaceful mind. So learn to listen more to your heart, and do what it tells you to do.


Getting more information often means introducing more noise into your mind. That's why limiting (限制) your information in take is important for calm and peaceful mind. You shouldn't take in more information than necessary (必要的).

●Slow down

Whatever you do, you do not need to bein a hurry. Doing so will only take you faster in the wrong direction.

●Don't think too much about yourself and do something for other people

We usually think about our own needs and problems most of the time. But self-centered (以自我为中心的) thoughts can't bring peace into our mind. So don't think too much about yourself.

A. Instead, it may make us feel stressed.

B. A state of mind that is as peaceful as calm water.

C It's necessary for us to have a mind as peaceful as water.

D. Your heart tells you what is the right thing to do.

E. Don't take in too much information.

F. Slow down 50 ha you can clearly hear the voice of yow heart.

阅读并回答问题 (共5小题, 每小题2分, 计10分)
根据句意和汉语提示写出单词, 完成句子。(每小题1分, 计5分)
根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。(每小题1分, 计5分)
单词拼写(每小题1分, 计10分)
根据短文内容及首字母提示, 填写所缺单词, 使其意思完整。

It was my first year teaching in aspecial school and I wasn't sure what to expect at our school sports meeting. My students f a lot of challenges, from mind learning disabilities tocerebral palsy (脑瘫).

Mark was one of the latter. He had to get around in a wheelchair. But he always had a positive attitude and greeted everyone with a huge s .

His classmates loved him, especially Mike, Andy and Lucas, three boys who were good at sport. I knew Mark wanted tobe l them.

W track and field day came, Mike, Andy and Lucas placed well, giving the crowd something to cheer about. Mark sat on the sideline, cheering them on.

The final event of the day was the 400-metrc race. Everyone was invited to either walk or run. We watched as they took off. Mike, Andy and Lucas all wanted to p who the better athlete was.

But when the three reached thef line, they stopped and turned to look behind them. At the back of the crowd was Mark, he was alone on the track with over half the distance left.

Mike, Andy and Lucas looked at each other, and a s thought passed between them. Slowly they ran back towards their friend. They formed a circle around Mark and kept pace, cheering him on a he had done for them before.

In the end, the four crossed the finishing line together to the excited shouts of their teachers and classmates. Seeing the look on Marks face, I came to u what makes the Special Olympics so special. Everyone deserves their o time to shine.

书面表达 (共1题, 计20分)