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备战2023年中考英语阅读话题训练 专题05 中国名人

日期: 2024-07-07

Zhong Nanshan is a Chinese famous medical expert who played a huge role in studying the origin, of SARS, a lethal(致命的) respiratory(呼吸的) disease in 2003 and controlled the SARS outbreak in Guangdong Provinceback then.

In 2020, while many people in China are taking high-speed trains back home for Chinese New Year holiday, Zhong was caught traveling on the high- speed train to Wuhan.

Zhong Nanshan is a Medical Professor of Guangzhou Medical College. He graduated from Beijing Medical College, majoring in Medical Science. From 1979 to 1981, Dr. Zhong worked as a associate researcher at the Department Respiratory Medicine, Royal Infirmary, University of Edinburgh and St. Bartholomew's Hospital,

University of London. He was President of Chinese Thoracic Society ( 2000-2007 ) and. the former President of Chinese Medical Association (2005-2009). At present, he is Director of Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Disease, and Director- General of China State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease. Besides, he has been an acadermician of Chinese Academy of Engineering since 1996, which is the highest academic position in the field of medicine in China.

In 2003, people in China and around the world went through a terrible experience, SARS. By Aug. 7,2003, it had taken about 916 lives worldwide, according to the World Health Organization.

In the middle of this deadly disease, Zhong Nanshan became a trusted name across China. At the age of 67 at that time, Zhong stood on the front line in the fight against SARS. Some doctors and nurses died after getting infected(感染) with SARS themselves. But Zhong was not afraid. He asked for the most badly affected patients to be sent to his hospital. .

Zhong always told the truth. When some experts said chlamydia(衣原体病) was the main cause of SARS, Zhong had a different opinion. He thought chlamydia might be one cause of death, but not the only cause of SARS. Not long after that, he created a great treatment method for SARS. Guangdong Province ended up with the lowest deaths for SARS in China thanks to his success.

His work to find the truth not only earned him fame. More importantly, he got the trust of his patients and respect from the people. "When others say something, people may not believe them, a friend of Zhong's said to Life Week." But when Zhong says it, they believe in him. "This trust has gone beyond the medical research. Zhong is not just a doctor, but a spokesperson for public health, according to Life Week. Zhong, now 85, still sees patients at his hospital, as well as teaches young doctors.


On June 5,Chen Dong, Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhen—the astronauts of Shenzhou-14 spaceship—got into China's Tianhe space station, starting their journey in space. They returned back to Earth and successfully landed at the Dongfeng landing site on December 4. Do you want to be an astronaut like them? How did they get there?

Health is important.

To be an astronaut, you need to be very healthy. Good eyesight, a strong heart and healthy lungs(肺)are important. You'd better not have other small problems. For example, a decayed tooth(龋齿) could get worse in space and bring trouble to astronauts. You can't have scars(伤疤) , either. They may split(裂开)in space, as Pang Zhihao, a space scientist, told the Beijing Morning Post.

Become stronger with hard training.

In China, you must be a great pilot before you can be an astronaut. You must fly more than 600 hours without accidents. You'll start training when you become a backup(预备的) astronaut. It's very difficult. For example, you need to build your muscles(肌肉) as strong as possible like professional athletes by running, swimming and doing pull-ups.

Learn science.

Knowledge(知识) is important as well. Astronauts take 60 courses to get ready for a mission, including math, English, spacecraft design, physics and many more. So they will know what to do when something dangerous happens during the mission. They can also do scientific experiments (实验) in space.


Yuan Longping (1930—2021) is known as a great scientist who was the first person to develop hybrid rice (杂交水稻). His research greatly solved the problem of the food shortage in the world.

Yuan Longping started the research in 1964. He put forward the idea of hybrid rice, did experiments (实验) on the farm, and succeeded in 1973. The new technology was tested in many areas of South China in 1974, and then he continued to test it in other areas. China has become the first country that can produce hybrid rice and Yuan is called "Father of Hybrid Rice".

Besides being a respected scientist, he was also a romantic husband and a caring grandfather.

Yuan's granddaughters remembered that when he traveled to Hong Kong, he wanted to buy his wife a new watch, but it was too expensive, so he bought a candy instead. When he was 90 years old, his family held a birthday party. Hundreds of people came to the party. There was a moving moment: Yuan cut the first piece of cake and immediately gave it to his wife. They also said that their grandfather paid much attention to their English and math studies. No matter how tired he was after work, he would still ask about their studies.

Yuan Longping loved playing the violin, swimming and driving. What's more, he had a special habit—playing mahjong (麻将) with friends for an hour every evening to train his brain. Just like common people, the scientist laughed when he won and didn't hide his disappointment when he lost. He is just like any of us in his daily life.

This is Yuan Longping: an ordinary person who made great achievements.


On Nov 8, Wang Yaping, a female astronaut of Shenzhou XIII mission, became China's first and the world's 16th female space walker. The expected six-month journey in space has left many curious about the differences between male and female astronauts, especially in terms of performing extravehicular (舱外的) activities (EVAs). Despite (即使) physical challenges, female astronauts have unique (独一无二的) advantages.

Understanding between astronauts is very important for carrying out EVAs, which is based on excellent communication skills. Women are superior (更好的) in communication and language expression, and this helps female astronauts do extravehicular activities, according to Yang Yuguang, vice chair of Space Transportation Committee of the International Astronautical Federation.

Men and women are different in body size, which also gives women unique advantages for spacewalks. "Their generally smaller size is an advantage, as women will be able to control their weight better and perform a wider variety of tasks," Pang told China Daily.

Women in general weigh less, eat less food, consume less oxygen (氧气), and therefore required less fuel (燃料) to get into space. An astronaut must weigh between 55 kilograms and 70 kilograms to ft in the cabin of spacecraft and consume less fuel, according to CGIN.

A different body shape requires a different spacesuit. A tailor-made spacesuit was prepared for' Wang's extravehicular activities, which was lighter than the males'. Designers optimized the pattern of this spacesuit in the lower limb (下肢) area to make it more suitable for astronauts with slimmer figures.

According to Pang, many studies have found that female astronauts are more suitable for space missions and have advantages over male astronauts in qualities such as attention to detail and thinking comprehensively (全面地).

Men tend to excel in shorter-term, goal oriented (目标导向的) situations while women are better in longer-term habitation-type (居住类) circumstances, according to National Geographic.

Women's participation in EVAs is an integral (不可缺少的) part of space missions, and we are witnessing history thanks to Wang's bravery, according to Yang.
