组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-17
阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 从所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案, 使短文连贯完整。

Not long ago, a 72-year-old Italian woman started her long walk from Venice to Beijing. She wanted1 the path of Marco Polo, a famous trader and traveler, along the Silk Road.

2woman is Vienna Cammarota. She loves traveling around the world on foot. She3a crazy walker for more than 30 years. After visiting many 4 , Cammarota got a new idea a few years ago — following the footsteps of famous people. 52017, Cammarota made a trip by walking along the path described in a book of Goethe, a famous German poet, 6 walked through Germany, Austria and Italy.

However, after taking so many trips, Cammarota did not stop. Instead, she decided to challenge 7Instead, she decided to challenge herself again. In April, 2022, she left Venice, and planned to walk through 15 countries to arrive in Beijing in 2025. 8 Cammarota has to face many difficulties along the whole journey, for example, the bad weather. However, she has made up her mind to meet her goal(目标). Aside from her backpack, she takes a camera with her to record9on the way. Also, she takes a phone with a health app. Her doctor can check on her health through it from far away.

Cammarota 10strong and she hopes to be hosted(招待) by people she meets along the way. She wants to talk with them and learn the stories of the countries. "I love history and culture, and I walk in order to see and tell, "said Cammarota.


Coldplay is one of the most popular bands in England. On April 3, during Coldplay's Mexico tour, a special guest went on stage to1 a song with the band.

His name is Huillo, a 12﹣year﹣old boy with autism(自闭症). Huillo has a deep love for 2 , and Coldplay is his favorite band. He often follows Coldplay's music videos and 3some instruments at home.

In 2016, Huillo became 4after his father put a video online. In the video, the little boy was moved to tears during a Coldplay concert. The5 melted(融化) the hearts of millions of people, and even the members of Coldplay themselves were deeply 6 . " This kind of thing makes it all worthwhile, "they said.

This April, Huillo met Coldplay again, this time in person in Mexico City

7in the country. They gave Huillo a big surprise. They not only invited Huillo to attend the show, but also performed with him. On stage, Huillo played the piano and sang the song Different Is OK by himself 8. It's Huillo's first piece of music, which is to encourage people to accept their differences. Many fans cheered his 9 performance.

For Huillo, music is the most important therapy(疗法)and has great power. It helps him a lot. Now10 more and communicates much better with others around him. Huillo's parents wrote on his personal website, "For us, everything started that day at the Coldplay's concert."


Before arriving in China, I had read lots of books about China. Therefore, when I arrived, I was excited to be living in this huge historically and culturally rich country. It was so greatly different from the UK. The food, the landmarks, the big cities and everyday life一I couldn't wait to explore.

However, learning Chinese hadn't even entered my mind, not because I was lazy, but because I had no confidence to learn the most complex language in the world. Besides this, once I moved to China, I lived in Shanghai. It is an international city, with many people speaking English as a second language. So I thought English would besufficient.

But after a year in China I found many expats() spoke Chinese. Perhaps it was achievable after all? I felt uncomfortable because so many Chinese people could speak English while I couldn't even speak the most basic Chinese. To face the challenge, I decided to begin my language journey and my only regret is that I didn't start earlier.

In the two years since starting to learn I have made great progress. Now, I am able to talk in Chinese on many topics(话题). Learning to speak Chinese isn't as difficult as I once expected. When I speak to Chinese people in Chinese, they almost always understand me. The most challenging thing is listening since Chinese people talk at such a speed. I can't always understand what's been said, but my weekly online language exchanges help with this. Learning Chinese has taken a lot of hard work. But there is still a long way to go before I reach my goal of fluency(流利).

 Learning Chinese not only helps me in day-to-day life, but deepens(加深) my cultural understanding of such a great country. So, to all my non-Chinese friends I say this, don't be afraid, face the challenge and be confident.

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(5分)
根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Have you heard of International Volunteer Day? ?When did it come into being?

I worked as a volunteer at a Children's Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. My role was to help make the kids feel happy while they were staying in the hospital. Sounds interesting, right? .

Let me tell you why I did volunteering. The main reason was to help create a better future for people, no matter who or where they are. In this big world, so many people need help. . They felt scared and lonely facing all the difficulties since their parents also had other kids to care for. So, why not try to help as many people as possible? That was my thought.

 . And volunteering at the hospital showed me a side of the world I did not know about before. I met people from all over the world, each with their own ideas, experiences and dreams. We got to share so much with each other.

I really felt close to these people. . I wanted to go back to my country with new experiences and ideas so that, together, we can help more people and create a better future for everyone!

A. When is it

B. But people understand why I did it

C. Look at the children in the hospital where I worked

D. Volunteering and helping people in Africa let me see other parts of this planet

E. But some people can't understand why I did it

F. These people were very surprised to work with me

G. We shared amazing memories and grew together


John Smith is an exchange student from New York. Here is a letter to his friend in his hometown.

Dear David,

How time flies! It's been 3 months since I came to China. I'm having fun on my student exchange program here. I am used to life here and have known a lot about traditional Chinese culture. I will share some with you.

In China, there are many different kinds of traditional art forms, such as paper cutting. Chinese clay art, kite making and so on. Among them, the kite interests me most. The first ancient Chinese kite appeared more than 2,000 years ago. Then flying kites spread to Japan, Korea and Malaysia during the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty. Kites are regarded as the earliest craft(飞行器). They played an important role in the process of inventing the plane.

Tea culture is important in China. Tea was discovered as a kind of drink by accident about 5.000 years ago. It is believed that tea was brought to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries. It didn't appear in England until around 1,660. The tea trade from China to Western countries took place in the 19th century. Now tea has become one of the most popular drinks around the world.

Lastly, I'd like to tell you something about the Mid-Autumn Festival Chinese people have been celebrating it and enjoying moon cakes for centuries.

If you'd like to know more about traditional Chinese culture, I will talk about it in the next letter.

Best wishes!


