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日期: 2024-09-18
听录音,从每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。(7. 5分)
在录音中,你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。(7. 5分)
在录音中,你将听到一段对话,对话后有五个小题,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。(7. 5分)
在录音中,你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。(7. 5分)

Walk or drive to work? Which way is lower in carbon(碳)? To be friendly to the environment, you may choose to walk. Have you ever tried to live a low-carbon life through your diet (日常饮食)?

A new study from the University of Oxford has looked into the health and environmental influences of 15 foods common in western diets. Among these, plant based (基于植物的) foods included fruits, vegetables, nuts and potatoes. It also studied animal-based foods, including red meat, chicken, milk products, eggs and fish.

According to the study's lead researcher, Michael Clark, "Choosing better and greener diets is one of the main ways people can improve their health and protect the environment. "That is to say, plant-based diets are much healthier for us and kinder to the environment.

To get this result, researchers compared the influence of eating another portion (一份) of each food with the increased risk of a few illnesses. They also found out the environmental harm for each animal-based food and each plant-based food.

By using this method, the study found that red meats were the most unfriendly foods to the environment. Keeping farm animals produces a large number of methane (甲烷) that keeps 30 times more heat than CO2. As well as making the earth warmer, eating too much red meat is known to increase the risk of a few illnesses, such as heart trouble.

Plant-based diets can give us the same health benefits in a much greener way. According to the study, without eating or using meat and milk products, global farmland use could be cut down by more than 75% and still feed the world.

Speaking to the Guardian(英国卫报), Tim Benton of Chatham House(英国皇家国际事务研究所) said, "If we can give people reasonable official(官方的)advice of what a healthy and green diet is, the world and its people would be in a much better place. "


China now has more than 30, 000 kilometers of high speed track (轨道), and this is expected to increase to 38, 000 kilometers by 2025, fully two thirds of the world's high speed rail (by length) is in China. Here, we track the exciting technological developments in high speed rail and consider their cultural influence.

While the main advantage of the high speed rail lines is convenience for people to get from one city to another as quickly as possible, some of these high speed lines have become popular tourist attractions( places that many tourists visit ). A good example of this is the Hefei-Fuzhou high speed line. Technically speaking, this was one of the most challenging high speed rail routes ever built nearly 90% of the track was laid either on bridges or in tunnels (隧道). However, the amazing views are worth it, as the train goes through some of China's most beautiful mountainous areas, including the Huangshan and the Wuvi Mountains Ranges.

As China has gained skills and knowledge in high sped all, it is trying to export (出口)is technology to other countries. Its first project on the international market was the line connecting Istanbul with Turkey's capital, Ankara. 530 kilometers away. This was followed by projects among other counties. Perhaps is most challenging project is a Trans Asian network(横贯亚洲铁路网)connecting China with Europe. Although it is diffcult, China will make every effort to take on his plan. It is hoped to be completed by 2030 as a part of China's Belt and Road Initiative(一带一路的倡议).

Thanks to high speed rail, the travel time between main cities in China has already been reduced to only a few hours. So his convince should improve the development within(在……内)and out of China. No doubt, it will also bring the people of the county closer together, and in time bring about deep social changes.

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)

Sleep is a physical and mental(精神的) need. We all need to sleep, though the sleep hours are different from person to person. Doctors do not know why we need sleep, but they all agree that sleep is very important to us.

One third of adults have sleeplessness. There are over 80 kinds of sleep-related disorders (失调). They sleep as soon as their heads hit the pillows (枕头). Do you sleep well? If you have sleeplessness, here are a few suggestions.

1 Make a timetable, and stick to it.

If your bedtime and wake-up time change from day to day or on weekends, your sleep rhythms(节奏)aren't predicted and the body doesn't know how to act. So it's important to have a regular wake-up time, even on weekends, vacations or after a night of poor sleep.


"The best sleep tip you can give somebody is to get up. "sleep expert Grandner said. "Whether it's the beginning of the night or the middle of the nigh, if you've been awake for 20 or 30 minutes, get up and reset(重新调整). Maybe you just need five minutes to get sleepy, or maybe an hour, but don't spend that time awake in bed. "

3 Change your thinking about sleep.

"Many people regard sleeping as the final thing they have to do for daily activities. They would like to work or watch TV very late rather than sleep on time. "Grandner said.

"Don't see your sleep as the time you have left in your day, " he advised. "See your sleep as the time you need in order to prepare yourself for an energetic tomorrow. " "It may sound like a small change in thinking, but it's an important one, " Grandner added.

A. Don't lie in bed awake.

B. We need to sleep at regular times.

C. I don't know how to change that.

D. That thinking needs to be changed.

E. Without enough sleep, the body may be weak.

F. It's difficult to hold your attention for too long.

G. However, other adults are lucky and have no sleeping problems.
