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2023年浙江中考冲刺练习:07 任务型阅读【短文回填+回答问题】

日期: 2024-09-19

Some Ways for a Happier Life

Here are some scientifically proven but simple ways to get happiness.

 Whether lending a hand or offering a handout, giving to others can make you feel better. A study from the University of British Columbia found that people who spent money on gifts for others or gave to charity reported being happier than people who spent money on themselves. Volunteering can make you feel good too. Giving your time to help others may lead to better health.

Listen to music.  According to a research from the University of Missouri, it works well if you actively try to be happier when you're listening. Scientists from University of London also found that people who listened to relaxing music are likely to look brighter than it actually was.

Keep a diary. It's really good to write down your feelings.  Little things like a nice cup of tea, watching a pretty bird in the garden or a phone call from a friend are worth thanking, according to Californian researchers.

Go outdoors. Lots of studies have found being outside makes you feel relaxed. If it's a green space, even if it's just your local park, that's better still.  According to a University of Sussex and LSE study, researchers asked people to number their happiness levels on an app and being by the sea on a warm weekend day came out top.

A. Help other people.

B. Plan your own journeys.

C. But best of all is a visit to the beach.

D. Relaxing music is good for your body.

E. Write down the things you are thankful for.

Write down another way to be happy. (回答不多于5个单词)


Inventions usually make a big difference to people's lives. Here are some of the most useful inventions in families according to a survey (调查).

The most helpful and creative invention for kids is the reading pen. With the specially-designed pen, kids find it easy and fun to learn. Little kids can learn a lot including story-telling, poems and music . Kids can learn by themselves in this way.

Mopping robots are popular with people who are too busy to do housework. They are more popular with office ladies . With their help, people don't need to spend much time on housework. They can enjoy a more relaxing life after work.

As for old people, an electric foot basin(盆) is the best invention. It's a good choice to buy one for your grandparents. It can help keep their blood pressure normal and improve blood circulation(循环) . The special basin can keep the water warm.

Another popular invention is the home projector (投影仪). The machine is light, so it can be moved freely at home. The whole family can watch movies at any time, just like watching in the cinema. . If children take online classes at home, it can reduce the damage to the eyes.

A. So washing feet with it will make old people healthier and more relaxed.

B. They start learning by touching the contents in the books with the pen.

C. Also, the machine is less harmful to our eyes.

D. It will help us to search for intelligent life outside of the earth.

E. They can help people clean dirt and hair easily.

Which do you think is the best gift for your grandma? Why?


Is there a connection between music and language? According to recent studies, the answer is yes: Music improves certain language abilities in the brain. Here, we look at two examples.

A recent study by researcher Kraus shows that playing a musical instrument can improve a person's hearing ability. The people in the first group were musicians, while those in the second group had no musical training. The musicians were able to hear the talking person more clearly.

 Think about violinists in an orchestra (管弦乐团). When the violinists play with the group, they hear their own instrument and many others, too. But the violinists must listen closely to what they are playing, and pay no attention to the other sounds. In this way, musicians are able to focus on certain sounds, even in a room with lots of noise.

Schlaug, a doctor at Harvard Medical School, works with stroke(中风)patients. Because of their illness, these people cannot say their names, addresses, or other information normally. However, they can still sing.  Why does this work? He isn't sure. Music seems to make different parts of the brain work, including the damaged(损坏的)parts. This might help patients to use that part of the brain again.

A. It can help sick people get better.

B. He was surprised to find that singing words helped his patients to speak.

C. Musicians hear better because they learn to pay attention to certain sounds.

D. In his study, two groups of people listened to a person talking in a noisy room.

Is listening to music good for us to learn English? Why or why not? 








As we all know, taking notes in class is re ally important. In fact, we can be better prepared for exams with good note-taking. It is the key to remembering, reviewing and studying class material. It was found out to work quite well.

The Cornell method was invented in the 1 940s by Walter Pauk, a summary teacher at Cornell University. It helps his students take and organize their notes in class. What's more, it makes reviewing easier after class.

The Cornell method requires very little preparation. First, divide a page in a notebook into four parts. Then write down the title on the top of the page. Now we can take down all the notes in class into the Note-taking Column. Next, write down cues(提示)like key questions and words on the left. Finally,

summarize (概括)the main ideas of the lesson on the bottom.

Try to answer the questions in the Cue Column by covering the Note-taking Column. It will help review the lesson better.

A. It's the wider main part on the right.

B. How can we make good use of the notes after class?

C. One of the ways to take notes is called the Cornell method.

D. Try to take notes in class.


What do you think of the Cornel method? Why?
