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日期: 2024-09-18


Have you ever written anything on a wall? It's nothing new and for thousands of years humans have been writing messages on walls, bridges, and buildings as a means of expressing themselves.

Ancient Graffiti

Some of the first graffiti artists were the Vikings. You can read some at a prehistoric site in Scotland. The Vikings broke into the burial site about 800 years ago, hoping to find treasure. Unfortunately, there wasn't any; however, the cave was a good place to shelter from the terrible storm that night, where the Vikings left messages on the walls to pass the time. Interestingly, many of the things they wrote are typical of modern-day graffiti, for example, "John made this cross. "

Political Graffiti

At times, graffiti is used to make political statements. During World War, people in occupied Holland painted orange victory"V"signs on walls in major towns. Here's another example:" No more wars! "

American Graffiti

During the 1970s a new type of graffiti became popular in the States: tagging (标记) Bands of youngsters slipped away into the streets at night with cans of paint and left their tags on as many walls as possible. Sometimes they also responded to other people's graffiti. Some people see this form of graffiti as an example of urban art; others see it as an example of urban decline.

British Graffiti

In Britain, one of the most popular forms of graffiti is known as "toilet graffiti", which is common on the walls of public toilets all over the country. The graffiti often consists of a funny or rude comment. Occasionally it will be a response to another piece of graffiti, or at other times it will be a political comment.


Wang Shuang was just five when her parents divorced, dropped her at her uncle's and left. Football, as it often is, became an escape.

At seven, she was spotted by coach Xu Yilong, who found Wang quick in her playful behaviour. As the only girl in the boys' team, Wang's performances were impressive, earning her the nickname"Iron Girl. " And soon, she sensed the sport's power. Football allowed her to"release herself"and realize "whatever happens, football never leaves you alone. "

However, life was never smooth sailing. The constant jibes(嘲讽)from some people, who always tried to push her down and destroy her hopes, affected her so deeply that she lost confidence. "They were saying I had no talent at all. Gradually, I felt really so. "Wang once wrote. But never did she stop playing. When she was called up to the national team, aged 17, Wang thought, "Me? Are you sure?"When a world-famous club wanted to sign her, she was "excited that an excellent coach thought I was good. " It was only then that she felt confident in her abilities. "I felt recognized. Perhaps I had a bit of talent after all. "

Not any "bit of talent"; the genius is praised as China's once-in-a-generation player.

China is a pioneer of women's football in Asia and has won the continental championship eight times, including seven straight titles between 1986 and 1999. That was their golden age. Gradually, though, the dynasty declined. It is hoped that Wang will inspire the women's football of the country to its former height.

Coaches are almost always hesitant to speak about individual players. But when coach Shui was asked about Wang before the match against Vietnam, she couldn't stop mentioning her influence on the team. Unfailingly performing on the big stage, Wang did not let her team down. When they lacked a quality ball, she delivered two high assists that finally led her team into the last-four clash(交锋). 

"Nobody knows how hard it was, " declared Wang after the match. "We overcame difficulties. We also showed our strong spiritual power. I am proud of my team. "


As the saying goes: The Internet is forever; Once you've put something online-a credit card number, a silly photo, a heat-of-the-moment comment on social media-it can come back to disturb you.

But what are the risks, really? "There are two worst-case situations, " says Richard Klosowski, privacy and security editor of a product-recommendation service. "The most obvious one is a security issue. Everyone's e-mail address and basic details are let out somewhere online, and if you reuse passwords, that means a criminal or immoral person will have an easier time getting into you accounts.

The problem is getting worse: Identity theft cases more than doubled in 2020, according to a survey conducted by Harvard university, with reported financial losses from fraud(欺诈)overall climbing to $3. 3 billion from $1. 8 billion in 2019. 

"The second worse-case situation is more primal:embarrassment, "says Klosowski. And sometimes the pricks(刺痛) to our pride are far more personal than feeling ashamed over an awful photo. "Many of us store our most intimate thoughts in a digital notes app, draft e-mails we never send, or pour out our private feelings into a direct message to a friend. This is the type of thing that can be disclosed online, either through a provider being ignored or through your own misunderstanding of the often-confusing privacy settings in the software and services. "

With these sorts of slip-ups, the stakes can be high. But you're not powerless. You can stand up for your privacy and begin to take control, starting right now.


In May 2012, Australia's Macquarie Dictionary and the McCann Advertising Agency gathered a group of language experts to name a phenomenon common in the age of the smartphone. They called the phenomenon"phubbing", and defined(定义)it as "the act of snubbing (无视) someone in a social setting by looking at your phone instead of paying attention. " It's not the usual way words begin to exist.

A month later, the first example of phubbing in a major newspaper appeared in a letter to the editor of the Age, published in Melbourne. Since then, the word has appeared in various media the world over. Phubbing has yet to be fully adopted in the U. S. , but we have collected some evidence of it in use. 

On 29 September 2015, James A. Roberts wrote in the Hufininglon Post, "In the present case, phubbing is a combination of the words phone and snubbing. To be phubbed is to be snubbed by someone using their cell phone while in your company. The phubbing could be an interruption of your conversation with someone when he or she uses their cell phone or is distracted by it (steal glances when they think you're not looking) instead of paying attention to you. Maybe worse, you've been phubbed if someone used their cell phone instead of communicating with you while staying close to you. Oh, the shame. "

The meaning and various forms of the word have yet to settle out. Is it phubbing if you`re staring at your tablet instead of your phone? Is the singular noun (and the base form of the verb) spelled phubb, as in the example above, or phub, as in some other sources? These are the sorts of questions we'll need answers to before we're ready to consider phubbing and its relations for entry. In the meanwhile, you can of course use phubbing if you feel the need. It seems we all do these days.


Do you compare yourself to other people? Perhaps your best friend received something you really wanted for Christmas, or you're not allowed to go to a concert but your brother or sister is. Comparisons are normal and can sometimes be helpful.

Why does focusing yourself matter? We tend to compare ourselves to others who are doing better or not as well as ourselves, but comparing your achievements to your past self (where you started) and your future self (where you'd like to get to) can be more positive. . And you will be excited about what you might do. Focusing on your own goals is more rewarding than always trying to come out on top.

Comparing yourself to those around you is natural and we often do it without realizing. It can help us to measure our achievement and to form friendships with new people who have similar interests. , especially online and on social media. Taking note of how the comparison is making you feel matters, too. , choose a different role model or focus on your own strengths and what you're good at. It can help to boost your self-esteem and you`ll be in high spirits again after doing so.

Jealousy and envy are ordinary emotions, but focusing on improving your own performance can help you feel successful. . It can help not only to boost your friend's mood but can also help you feel good. It will encourage you to build each other up.

A. When you take notes

B. If you begin to feel quite low

C. In addition, celebrate success with your friends. 

D. Also, learn to celebrate your friend's achievements 

E. This can make you feel proud of what you've achieved

F. However, focusing on your own progress is important for your well-being

G. However, it's important to be realistic and remember that nobody is perfect


"Have you checked the oil in the car?" my father used to say to me, his version of "Hello, hope you are well. " Sometimes our phone calls would begin with an inquiry about the oil and end with one about the1 .

Fathers have a lot of love to give,2 it's often supplied through the medium of 3 advice. In my experience: It's mostly about your motor vehicle.

My student car—an old green Toyota bought for $500—was the vehicle4 his paternal affections. I bet it's5 been so. Back in ancient Rome, the father would test the son on the state of his carriage. 

Why can't fathers just say "I love you"or "It's great to see you"? The point is: You just have to6 from the language that is Fatherlish. Listen closely enough and the phrase"I love you" can be 7 in the slightly lengthier "I could come around Saturday and8 the scal (密封圈) around the basic of your toilet because I assume that thing is getting really smelly.

The affectionate phrase "You made my life9 from the moment you were born" may be rarely heard but there is the more 10 "I'll hold the ladder while you get the leaves off the roof. "

When I was 17, I went on my first road trip in that Toyota. My father stood on the corner. "Highways are11 " he raid," so don't try overtaking anything faster than a horse and carriage. And take a break every two12 . And every time you stop for gas, you really should 13 the oil. " At the time we thought his speech was pretty funny and would repeat " horse and carriage" every time I sped up to overtake some other speeding vehicle.

Dad's long gone now. But after all these years, I 14 that had I owned a copy of the Fatherlish to English dictionary. I'd have understood that the speech my friend and I so 15 was simply dad's attempt at affection.
