组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19

On a sunny afternoon, I sat on a seat in the park. I could see two 1 racing on their skateboards (滑板). The one in front was laughing and calling to the other to go faster. The one 2 seemed angry and hurt. He was trying to follow his elder brother. 

It made me think of myself as a boy. I often 3 myself with my elder brother, Paul. He was better than me at everything. I tried hard to 4 him. But I never could. I felt angry with myself and promised to beat him one day. 

I waited and waited 5 the special evening came, the evening of my first victory over Paul. We had our final exam results and 6 were excellent. At dinner I wanted to show them to my parents 7 . I waited for Paul to speak first. Instead of saying a word, he just ate a little and then went to his room. 

I didn't understand. What was happening? Then it hit me. Paul had failed his exams! I was finally 8 than Paul! But I didn't feel happy or proud. I only felt sorry for my poor brother. Victory was not 9 . It had a bad taste.

I found Paul crying in his room silently. I put my arms around him and said, " Don't worry, Paul. I still 10 you. You're the best. " Paul held my hand, " No, you're the best, the best brother in the world! "

I looked again at the two brothers, smiled and said to myself, " Having a good brother is better than winning a race. That's true. "


Watching videos is becoming a part of our daily life. Most of us like to watch them to relax or kill the time. Some videos are just for fun, some are news and some are short films. . . 

Two retired (退休的) teachers are well-known for making short videos. They make them to share knowledge. 

Wu Yuren is a retired physics teacher. She has become known as " Grandma Wu" by making videos. She uses a humorous and easy-to-understand way to do physics experiments (实验) online. She is good at using everyday tools to experience the magical world of science. She wants young people to be curious aboutdaily life. In this way, young people enjoy finding out the knowledge of science hidden in our life. Wu is more than 70 years old now but still works hard. 

Wang Pinxian is an 87-year-old marine geologist (海洋地质学家) and teacher at Tongji University. During the past two years, he has used his videos to share his knowledge of the sea. He often studies things like the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle (百慕大三角) and whether there are sea monsters (怪物) in the sea. 

These videos have been popular and thousands of people have watched and shared them. Many fans express their thanks for the chance to learn new things and stay in touch with the world around them. 

Their videos are like " classrooms without walls and universities without barriers (障碍)" . The two gray-haired people have created real energy(能量) to society through their actions. 


Zengzi, also called Zeng Shen, became a good student of Confucius(孔子)when he was 16. 

Early one morning, Zengzi's wife left for the market. Her little son wanted to go with her. But he was too young and the market was too far.

Then she cheated(欺骗)her son and said, " I will soon be back. You stay at home and wait for me. If you do as I say, I will kill a pig and make a nice dish for you. " The child went back to the house happily. 

When Zengzi's wife got back from the market, she showed no sign of killing a pig. So Zengzi himself prepared to do that, but his wife rushed to stop him and said, " Don't do that. I just cheated the child. "

" Honesty(诚实)is the most important thing," Zengzi said. " Children are like blank(空白的)pieces of paper. They understand nothing but they can learn from their parents' actions. Because you have cheated your son, he won't trust you anymore. In the future he will cheat others. "

Hearing her husband's words, Zengzi's wife regretted cheating the child. So she wanted to keep her word. She joined Zengzi in killing the pig, and cooked nice dishes for the child. While eating, the boy was happy and thankful to his parents.

One evening, when the child went to bed, he suddenly got up and ran outside. Zengzi asked him where he was going. The boy replied, " I promised I was going to return a toy to a friend today. But I forgot, so I am going to return it now. " The couple exchanged(交换)satisfied smiles, and waited until the boy came back. 


As we all know, plants and animals depend on water to live and grow. In fact, water is needed everywhere. Here are some cool facts about water. 

Water in our body

Water isn't just an important part of our planet. It's an important part of our body, too. More than half of our whole body weight is water. Our body loses water whenever we sweat (流汗) or take a shower. That's why we need to drink plenty of water every day.

Water in our life

We drink water. We use it to cook, clean, and carry waste out of our homes. Believe it or not, we probably use between about 300 and 380 kilos of water every day. 

Water and weather

Water vapor (水蒸气) is the most important gas (气体) around us. It usually stays in the air for less than 2 weeks. It can become the rain which is good for plants. It can also become the snow and children love to play in it. Do you know that the biggest snowflake (雪花) fell in 1887? It was even bigger than a dinner plate (盘子). Is it surprising?

From water to electricity ()

Water can run very fast. When it rains heavily, its speed through the air may reach at 20 miles an hour. Because of this, people use moving water to make electricity. For example, people built the Baihetan Hydropower Station (白鹤滩水电站) in Sichuan. 

Title (标题):

Water in our body

★Water is important not only forbut also for our body. We need to drink plenty of water every day. 

★Water is necessary in every part of our life. We use too much water every day. 

Water and weather

★Water vapor is than any other gas around us. It can become different forms such as rain and snow. 

From water to electricity

★The moving water , so people can make electricity with it. 
