组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19

Did you have cereal (麦片粥) for breakfast this morning? If you did, you're not 1 . Millions of people eat cereal for breakfast every day. In fact, cereal is popular all over the world. It all 2 with one man, Will Keith Kellogg.

Will was born on April 7, 1860, in Battle Creek, Michigan, USA. He got his first 3 at a sanitarium, a place for people who are ill for a long time or who are getting over a serious illness. Will worked hard and 4 became the manager of the sanitarium. His brother, John, was a doctor there. One big 5 at the sanitarium was the patients food. The patients needed 6 food, but it was also important for the food to be tasty. Will was trying to find a good food choice to take the place of bread, but it wasn't going very well. Then, 7 , Will found something great. He let some wheat (小麦)cook too long. As it was rolled out (擀平), it 8 large, thin flakes(薄片). He asked his brother to serve the flakes to the patients, and they 9 them! In fact, they liked them so much that they wanted the flakes sent to them even 10 they left the sanitarium. So Will started a new 11 : selling packaged breakfast flakes. Before long, Will's breakfast cereal was 12 in other countries, too.

Will did more than just selling breakfast flakes. His business made a lot of 13 . But he did not keep it. He used much of it to help children. He also used the money to 14  several other charities (慈善机构). Will Kellogg died in 1951. But his most famous 15  is as popular as ever.


Bell Luo, a student of United World College (UWC) in Changshu, started teaching English online in 2017 to students in poor areas in the country.

Bell's decision to start teaching students in poor areas was inspired (启发) by his parents. The young man named Fang lived in a small poor village. Thanks to Bell's parents' help, Fang was able to get a university education and now works at a bank in Shenzhen. Seeing how education could make a difference to someone's life, Bell decided that he'd follow in his parents' footsteps.

In 2017, with Fang's help, Bell contacted (联系) a teacher at Fang's high school. Bell was good at English. So he decided to teach English to the students online. With the help of Bell and some of his friends, the students' English improved quickly.

After being asked questions like "Have you ever taken a train?" and "Is KFC delicious?", Bell and his team decided to organize a summer camp. They held the camp in Beijing. Twenty students from villages traveled to Beijing and visited many places, including one of China's top universities.

Bell Luo says that his team needs more volunteers.  They are there to back Bell up while making a difference in the lives of other students like them.

A. He found that the students there needed help with their English most.

B. This inspired them to do better and it encouraged Bell to keep teaching.

C. Around 17 years ago, they helped a student through China's Project Hope.

D. He is really happy that his first group of students have become volunteers.

E. This way their students could travel and see more of the world for themselves.


Jack and Bob lived in a small village far from the city. One Sunday morning, they walked in the forest and found a big, deep hole. Jack looked at it and said, "Wow! That looks deep." "It sure does," said Bob. "Let's drop some stones into the hole. We can count until we hear the stones hit the bottom. They threw some stones and waited. There was no sound.

Jack said, "Wow! That is really deep. Let's throw some big rocks down there. Those should make a noise." So they picked up a few soccer-sized rocks and threw them into the hole. Again, they heard nothing. They looked at each other in surprise. Jack found a big log (木头). He got an idea. "Help me carry that log," he said. Finally, they carried the heavy log together and dropped it into the hole. Still, no sound.

Suddenly, out of the forest, a sheep showed up, running like the wind. It rushed towards the two boys, and then right past them. All of a sudden, it jumped into the air and down the hole. Jack and Bob looked at each other. "What just happened?" asked Bob.

Before Jack could answer, a farmer came out of the forest, too. "Hey, did you see my sheep just now?" Jack said, "Yes, we did. It's the craziest thing that I've ever seen. It came running crazily and jumped into that hole!" "Nah," said the farmer. "That can't be my sheep. My sheep was chained (被链条拴住) to a big log." Hearing this, Jack and Bob felt guilty (内疚的). And then …
