组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-28
听力, 第一节:听对话选图片。(每小题 1 分,共5分)
听力, 第二节:听两段较长对话,回答问题。(每小题 1 分,共5分)
听力,第三节:听独白完成信息记录表(每小题2 分,共10分)
完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分。)
 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和 D)中选出一个最佳选项。

When twelve-year-old John Wilson walked into his chemistry class on a rainy day in late October 1931, he had no way of knowing that his life was about to change completely. The class1 that day was to show how 2 a container (容器) of water would bring oxygen bubbles (氧气泡) to the surface. The container the teacher gave John to heat, 3 , was not like the containers students had used before, because the laboratory assistant put the wrong label (标签) on the bottle. And4 John heated it with a Bunsen burner, the container exploded (爆炸), sending the hot water5 in all directions. John Wilson came away from it, completely 6 . 

Wilson spent the next two months in hospital. After he returned home, his parents went through a     7 time to find ways to deal with the accident that had happened to their lives. But Wilson did not8 the accident as a disaster. He knew he had the rest of his life to live. He learned Braille (盲文) quickly and continued his9 at the Worcester College for the disabled. There, he not only10 as a top student but also became an excellent swimmer, actor, public speaker and musician. 

Many people, faced with the11 John Wilson met with, would have12 about their experience. Perhaps they would have considered themselves to be disabled and don't have enough13 to do anything meaningful with their lives. Wilson, however, through his14 and life attitude, proved to us finally that it's not what happens to us that15 our lives — it's how we look upon what happens.

阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。(本题有15 小题,每小题 2 分,共 30 分。)

My five-year-old son makes friends with the woman. It starts with voices in the yard. When I come out to check on Daniel, his face is pressed on the fence. 

The woman says, "You wait right here; I'll be right back. "

She returns with a saw (锯子). There's a whirring. A circle in the wooden fence drops out of sight.

"Dad! Sandy just drilled out a hole in the fence. So Sandy and me can talk!" Daniel spins around. I hadn't known her name was Sandy. We've lived here a month before Daniel was born.

Daniel's and Sandy's murmuring voices continue. Whenever Daniel is outside, he circles near the fence that isn't a fence any more. Some days my son just goes to stand at the hole, yelling, "Sandy! Saaaaandyyyyy!" Sometimes I hear bits of their talk.

"We painted a ghost at school. "

Or: "Wheeler and Jackson were playing football, and they told me. I couldn't play. "

"That wasn't very nice, says Sandy. " " Did that hurt your feelings? Did you let them know that?"

I can't hear how he replies. A moment of envy runs through me. He never talks about his school things with me.

Daniel and Sandy not only keep chatting through the hole, they also exchange gifts. A coloring book, then a Hot Wheels car. It's unclear what Daniel gives Sandy in return.

One afternoon, I hear Sandy's voice floating over the top of the fence with the hole. "I thought maybe Daniel could come for a play date. "

We ring the bell on Sandy's porch. She's a middle—aged woman with smiling eyes. Sandy's yard is sweet with the smell of flowers. We have a pleasant afternoon with Sandy, my son's adult friend, the first friend Daniel has made on his own.    ▲ 

A month later, Sandy leaves to care for her mother in Kansas. She left behind a box of presents: a coloring book, sidewalk chalk, the missing orange part in the Hot Wheels track. When    I    look    at    Danielhe's looking downat his    shoes

He sometimes wanders down to the fence. Instead of calling "Sandy! Saaaaandyyyyy!" he cries. "Hello! Helloooooo!"

One day, Daniel receives Sandy's postcard. They write frequently, warmly.


①It's known that green tea is a symbol of Chinese culture. Also, it helps to improve health in so many ways that some people think of it as a kind of medicine. Perhaps that is why the Chinese have been using it for more than 4, 000 years to treat all kinds of medical problems. Today, scientists know that there are catechin, caffeine, vitamin C and theanine in green tea that are good for health.

②Catechin is helpful for lowering (降低) cancer (癌症) risk. It protects the body from cancer-causing substances ( 物 质 ) and slows the growth of cancer. Besides fighting cancer, catechin prevents serious health problems like heart disease. 

③Caffeine causes the heart to beat faster. That's why it was once thought that caffeine was not very healthy, but studies suggest that there are also good reasons for drinking caffeine. Specifically, caffeine has to do with a lower risk for Parkinson's disease and liver ( 肝 脏 ) disease. Yet, caffeine also has some weaknesses. It can influence sleep and make people nervous, so experts advise teenagers not to have more than 100 ml of caffeine a day. This is about the caffeine of a small cup of coffee.

④Vitamin C is something that the human body cannot make enough by itself. So we have to get it through food and drink. The vitamin may play a role in improving physical conditions to colds and the flu. Also, it helps people to get well more quickly from those illnesses. 

⑤Theanine is another healthy substance found in tea. It has been shown to lower stress, both mental and physical, and increase mind abilities. It is also used for preventing some brain diseases. 

⑥As you can see, green tea has many good values. Drinking it may help you stay healthy. Of course, as with any healthy substance, it is important to check if there are any bad influence as well. 


When someone has a sharply different viewpoint from our own, we naturally choose two common ways, either avoiding a conversation with that person or trying to convince (说服) them they are wrong. Research shows there is another way: using receptive(接纳性的)language, showing that we are truly interested in a new point of view. 

Many of us try to avoid disputed (有争议 的 )discussions. We prefer to talk with someone with similar opinions. This happens because we usually think that talking to someone who has disagreements will be more unpleasant than it actually is. When we do have to talk with people holding different views, we typically try to convince them to give up their belief because we think we are right and try to "win" the argument. And the other side is likely to think the same way, which leads to even more difficult problems to walk through.

A more effective method is being conversationally receptive. Research shows that when we appear receptive to others ' different views, our arguments sound more convincing. Receptive language can also make those with whom we disagree more receptive in return. It makes us more likable, and others more interested in partnering with us.

Researchers suggested three tips that can help us improve conversational receptiveness in even the most heated disagreements. 

Recognize the other person's point of view. Say "I understand that . . . or" "I believe what you're saying is . . . " to show that you take an active part in the conversation and find value and even trust in their points.

Hedge your statements. When we talk, we usually hold the opinion that we should be strong and confident and express our views in a direct, forceful way. But if we show that we are not so sure about our belief, our views will be better received. 

Express your arguments in an acceptable way. You might say, "Let's consider the possible benefits of having fewer people working on the project "rather than" "We should not add more people to the project. " The second sentence sounds unpleasant, showing that the speaker is not open to the possibility of further discussion.

By following these tips in our communication, we'll be more likely to have an effective conversation and bridge the differences.

任务型阅读 (本题有5小题,每小题 2 分,共 10 分。)
 下面文章中共有 5 处(第 41-45 题)需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A 、B 、C 、D 、E 和 F)中选 出符合各段意思的标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。

Some people like watching TV dramas, but do you know how TV scripts( 剧 本 ) are written? I interviewed a famous TV drama scriptwriters (编剧). Let's take a look at this job.

I learned writing and directing at The Central Academy of Drama ( 中央戏剧学院). After school, I wrote scripts for TV programs and reality shows before I turned into a TV drama scriptwriter as I am now. 

There are mainly three kinds of work for us scriptwriters. First, you write your own script as you like. The companies buy your work and turn it into films or TV shows. But this only happens to a few top authors and very lucky people. Usually, scriptwriters are given a project and asked to either change a novel into a screenplay (影视剧本) or write scripts based on a given topic. 

Writing a novel is much more personal and free. A novelist can write about large number of feelings and thoughts. But scriptwriters have to draw a clear picture of everything and have a plan. We should know who does what, when and where, and even their body language and facial expressions. 

A scriptwriter doesn't rely on his or her inspiration or talent but on skills and hard work. Around 70 percent of screenplay writers come from drama and film schools, so we've learned many skills to build stories.

For a 45-minute episode (剧集), we usually write around 35 scenes and 15, 000 words. A whole TV series usually has nearly 1 million words and a movie about 30, 000 words. I have made a rule for myself— writing at least 5, 000 words and for eight hours per day.

A. How do you gain inspiration from your daily life?

B. Why do you choose to be a scriptwriter?

C. How many words do you have to write in a TV drama?

D. What's the difference between writing a novel and a screenplay? E. What were your experiences of being a scriptwriter?

F. What does a TV drama scriptwriter do?

单词拼写(本题有 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分。)
语法填空(本题有 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分。)
书面表达(本题 有 1 小题,共 20 分。)