组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Mr Brown was tired of (live) in the big city where he worked. He wanted to move to the country and live in a house from which he could get to his office in the city early every day. He (look) for a house when he saw an advertisement in a newspaper one day. The advertisement said that a suitable house in a quiet area was up for sale a reasonable price, and the house was within a stone's throw of a railway station from which there were frequent  (train) to the big city.

"That's exactly I need," Mr Brown said to (he). So he called the housing agency and arranged to go by train the next day (have) a look at the house.

The housing agent met him at the station and they started walking. It took them at least 15 minutes to get to the house. When they finally arrived, Mr Brown said (angry), "I should be very  (interest) to meet the man who threw the stone you mentioned in newspaper."
