组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库
根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

The biggest complaint of the modern world is not having enough time to read. It's because advance in technology has made reading less interesting.

But I often left many novels halfway for lack of time. I decided to take reading seriously. Here are some strategies that actually work even when I have a tight schedule.

Set a Reading Goal.

Having a dedicated reading goal can aid in developing a regular reading practice. Set a simple, attainable, and just slightly challenging goal for yourself. I changed it to "read at least 30 minutes daily" in March. You can create any goal that suits your needs for the month and do your best to stick with it.

Change Your Habits.

Already existing habits are hard to break, If you already have a habit of scrolling (浏览手机) before bed, replace that habit by reading instead. Pick up a book whenever you are tempted to open your phone. Or create a"cue" (提示) for your mind.

Track Your Progress.

I used to put a mark on my calendar whenever I lived up to my reading goal. Witnessing my progress helped me in keeping my morale (士气) up.

I hope this quick little list helps you in getting more quality reading done this year. However, that doesn't mean you need to read more books.

A. Remember to have fun while reading.

B. But there are enormous benefits of reading.

C. Like everyone else, I hoped to get a ton of reading done in 2021.

D. In February, I made the goal of reading at least 10 pages a day,

E. Even people who are keen readers struggle to make the time to read.

F. I always keep a book on my bedside table to ensure I pick it up before sleeping.

G. Even if you spend just 5 minutes truly enjoying a story, or a poem, you're doing it right.
