If you've ever seen a river rushing down a mountain or played in breaking waves at the beach, you'll know that moving water contains a lot of energy. A river can push you and your boat downstream, sometimes quickly, and waves crashing into you at the beach can knock you back, or even knock you over.
This energy of moving water originates from the water cycle, where water evaporates or is released from plants, rises to higher sea level, cools, and changes into liquid, forming clouds. Rain or snow that falls from these clouds flows downhill due to gravity, forming rivers or melting into existing water paths.
Hydropower(水电) uses this energy from flowing water. It uses turbines, which are turned by moving water. These turbines turn around a rotor inside a device called generator, turning the motion into electricity with the help of magnets.
There are two primary types of hydropower facilities(设施). The first is called the run-of-the-river facilities, which channel river water through turbines. The electricity production follows the timing of the river flow. When a river is running full with lots of spring rain or meltwater, the turbine can produce more electricity. Later in the summer, when the river flow decreases, so does the turbine's output. These types of power stations are typically small and easy to build, but there is limited ability to control the amount of electricity they produce.
The second type is the dam(大坝)-based facilities. These use a solid dam to hold back the flow of a river and create an artificial lake behind it. The dam operator releases water from this lake, which flows through pipes inside the dam. Turbines within the dam generate electricity as the water passes through them, and then the water flows out the other side. These facilities are usually large and can affect river habitats, but they can also produce a lot of electricity in a controllab le manner.
Hydropower depends on the availability of water in flowing rivers. As climate change affects the water cycle, some regions may have less rainfall and therefore less hydropower generation. Since hydropower is a form of renewable electricity, it can play a role in limiting climate change. Hydropower facilities can also help avoid any imbalance in electricity production from wind farms and solar power plants.