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日期: 2024-09-20

Chess is a game that takes a lot of thoughts and skills. It's quite difficult for ordinary people to win the title of "National Chess Master", and even more difficult for a teenager who has lost half of his brain to do it. 17-year-old Griffin McConnell comes from Colorado, the USA. He started playing chess at the age of four. Recently, he won the title of "National Chess Master" after having his fourth brain operation (手术).

When Griffin was small, he was interested in chess. His passionfor chess made him dream of being a chess player when he grew up. However, Griffin suffered from serious brain diseases and they had a bad effect on his daily life. After discussing with his medical team, Griffin decided to have the first brain operation. During the operation, doctors carefully removed (摘除) about a quarter of the left side of Griffin's brain and separated (分离) the rest from the right half of his brain. In the following years, he had the other three brain operations.

After the operations, Griffin stayed in hospital for a few months. He had to relearn how to walk and speak and do everything on his own again! It was a slow and hard journey and he never used his right arm and hand freely. However, one thing he picked back up quickly after the operations was chess. He never gave up playing chess, even when he faced several terrible brain operations. Griffin said, "I felt like chess was one part of me. I wanted to relearn chess more than I wanted to relearn how to walk and speak."

Although Griffin faced a lot of challenges, he went on to win one chess match after another. He even won the Colorado Scholastic Championship! What an encouraging and excellent chess player he was!


The government of Tanzania has set up a new Internet service on Mount Kilimanjaro, a popular tourist area. At 5, 895 meters, Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa. It is also the world's tallest free-standing (独立的) mountain.

The mountain is part of Kilimanjaro National Park in the northeast of Tanzania. Around 50, 000 people visit the park each year. Most of these people—about 35, 000—are trying to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. But climbing such a tall,glacier-covered (冰川覆盖的) mountain is no picnic. About one-third of the people who try to climb it choose to give up in the end. Nape Nnauye, a Tanzania's officer (官员) , once said, "It was a little dangerous for visitors….without the Internet."

The government says safety is the most important reason for setting up the Internet service on the mountain. It will also allow people to post selfies (自拍照) with smartphones as they climb the mountain. The new Internet service can make it safer for climbers to reach the top of the mountain. They'll be able to use the Internet to check maps and find their ways. What's more, climbers will also be able to use the Internet to call for help if they need it. 

Tanzania depends heavily on tourists. Having people post pictures and videos on social media (社交媒体) as they climb Mount Kilimanjaro can certainly make it even more popular with tourists. 

阅读,第二节 阅读填空(共5小题;每小题1分,共5分)

Lu Xun is one of the greatest Chinese writers in the 20th century. He not only wrote stories, but also wrote articles about the living conditions of Chinese people. 

In 1902, he went to Japan to study at a school. At first, he hoped to be a doctor. When he was 25, he began to try writing. He was not good at writing at first. But he wanted to do something useful to help people by writing. He wanted to teach people something about society. He was good at writing and translating (翻译) and he even wrote several books.  He needed a job to make money. 

After working as a teacher for several years, Lu Xun wrote books again. In 1918, he wrote his famous short story Diary of a Madman This novel (小说) made him become a famous Chinese writer. Nowadays, a lot of people still like to read this novel. 

Lu Xun became successful, but he was still worried about China's future. In 1927, he moved to Shanghai. He didn't write stories. He only wrote articles to call on people to fight against the government at that time. Because of this, the government didn't let him publish (出版) books any more.

Lu Xun died in 1936. People felt sad about his death.  Today, we can read many of his writings in textbooks. 

A. Lu Xun was born in Zhejiang, China in 1881. 

B He couldn't use his real name to write the articles. 

C. In 1921, Lu Xun wrote his novel The True Story of Ah Q

D. Although he left us, his works still play an important part. 

E. He came back to China in 1909 because he needed money. 
