组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-07-02

The Communist Party of China (the CPC,中国共产党)was founded(成立) in 1921. People around the city have held all kinds of activities to celebrate the100th anniversary(纪念日).

In the City Art Museum, citizens(市民) show great interest in hundreds of paintings about the history of the CPC. The art show has 3 themes about the CPC. Some paintings describe Chinese people's poor and painful lives in the past. Some show that the CPC overcame difficulties and led Chinese to build the People's Republic of China(中华人民共和国). Others tell citizens about great changes that have taken place in China in the last 100 years. Seeing these paintings, a lot of citizens have a better understanding of the CPC and feel lucky to live in new China. Li Hua enjoys all the paintings and says,"It's amazing that China has progressed in such a rapid way."

Besides the painting show, a speech competition gets tons of attention. Tangtang lakes part in it. He says that the CPC has given him a lot of chances to achieve his China dream—to become an excellent writer. As a party member, he makes an effort to serve people without thinking about himself. He often sends books to the children in the mountain villages. He also writes a lot of beautiful poems about our country. He thinks these poems are his best gifts to the 100th anniversary.

From these activities, we have realized there would be no China without the Communist Party.


Have you ever taken traditional Chinese medicine? Do you like its taste? Some people dislike it because of its bitter (苦的) taste, but more and more people are becoming interested in traditional Chinese medicine for the reason that it's an effective way to cure (治疗) illnesses. For example, if you have a sore throat, you could drink hot water with Gancao.

Chinese people have been using traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. Before the western medicine appeared in China, Chinese doctors went to the mountains to pick herbs (草药). Then they made the herbs into Chinese medicine soup to cure patients. When we talk about Chinese medicine, we always think of Li Shizhen, one of the most famous doctors in ancient China. He used to travel in the countryside with a bag of herbs and cure patients. He spent 27 years writing Compendium of Material Medica (《本草纲目》).

In 2020, COVID-19 (新型冠状病毐)hit China and many other countries. Ever since then, traditional Chinese medicine has played an important role in the fight against COVID-19. It's reported that 91.5% of the COVID-19 patients in China received the traditional Chinese medicine treatment (治疗), and it worked well on more than 90% of these patients. In September, 2020, Zhang Boli was honored as "the People's Hero" for his contributions (贡献). Zhang shared the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine like LianhuaQingwen with foreign doctors.

In a word, traditional Chinese medicine is the treasure of China.


Chang'e Flew Up to the Moon

Once upon a time, there lived a strong young man Hou Yi and his beautiful wife Chang'e. Hou Yi was the best archer (弓箭手) at that time.  The weather became so hot and dry that no food could grow and many people died.

Scene One

When seeing this, Hou Yi decided to save the people.  At the top of the mountain, he shot down nine suns, leaving only one in the sky.

Scene Two

After Hou Yi shot down the nine suns, everything began to grow on the earth. A goddess on Mount Kunlun (昆仑山) gave him some magic medicine to thank him. Whoever took it could live forever.

Scene Three

Hou Yi returned home with the magic medicine and he wanted to share it with Chang'e. He gave the medicine to Chang'e and she kept it in a box. They planned to take it a few days later.

Scene Four

A bad man, Pang Meng heard about the magic medicine and wanted to steal it. When Chang'e was alone at home, he came to their house and asked Chang'e for it. Then she became very light and flew up to the moon.

Scene Five

After Hou Yi got home, he couldn't find Chang'e anywhere. He felt very sad. One night, when the moon was round and bright, he found Chang'e was on the moon. He called out her name to the moon.

A. He made his way to Mount Kunlun.

B. Hou Yi was happy and accepted the medicine.

C. There were ten suns in the sky one day.

D. How he wished they could get together again!

E. People were very thankful to Hou Yi.

F. After this, people started the tradition of eating mooncakes.

G. Chang'e refused to give it to him and took it all.


Yuan Longping,"Father of Hybrid Rice(杂交水稻之父)'', died at the age of 91 in Changsha on May 22nd, 2021. ⒈People were completely shocked when they heard the news.A lot of people hurried to Changsha to express their condolences(哀悼)over his death. As the car with Yuan's body was moving down the street, people on both sides of the road cried and shouted his name to the car.

Many old people still remember clearly that they didn't have enough food to eat in the early 1960s. Yuan made up his mind to keep all the Chinese people away from hunger (饥饿). He and his team began the research on the hybrid rice in 1964. ⒉你无法想象成功的路有多难They failed many times but didn' give up. In 1974, Yuan and his team developed the world's first hybrid rice successfully. This great achievement helped solve the problem of feeding all the Chinese people. ⒊However, he and his team continued the research and improved the hybrid rice. He once said he had two dreams— "to enjoy the cool under the rice crops(庄稼) taller than me" and "that the hybrid rice could be grown all over the world." Now, the hybrid rice has been brought to more than 100 countries such as the United States, Japan, Brazil and so on.

Yuan has made a big difference to the lives of Chinese people.Without doubt, Yuan Longping is a real superhero. Behind all his great scientific achievements are his spirits of never stopping trying his best, always challenging himself and his love for his country and the people all over the world. ⒌我们都以他为傲并应该向他学习。
