组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19

Twenty-two-year- old Sarah James went hiking with her dog, Duke, in Banff National Park, Canada. She was walking along the side of a deep valley (山谷) when she1. She hurt herself badly in the fall, breaking her left leg.

Sarah tried to stay2, telling herself that she would be saved soon. She shouted for help more loudly than she had ever shouted before, but it was no 3. She was trapped(受困), more than forty kilometers from the nearest town. Duke stood above her, barking4. He tried over and over again, 5he couldn't climb down to be with her.

That night was too cold for Sarah to go to sleep, she stayed6and worried. Duke was worried too. Two days later, at noon, she realized her only7 was to get Duke to go for help. She8instructions up to him and with a comforting bark, he ran off. 9Duke was hungry and thirsty. He walked for twenty kilometers and saw no one. Could he find anyone to help Sarah?

On the fourth day, Sarah drank the last of her water and cried. She was sure she was going to 10. But somehow she found herself still alive the next morning. A few hours later she heard a 11"woof". "That must be Duke", she cried and12 to see Duke standing above her! He wasn't by himself. He had found a couple who were on holiday from Japan. He13on the man's trouser leg and ran forwards and backwards until they followed him.

The couple gave Sarah water and called for help. Duke couldn't follow Sarah to the14, but the Japanese couple 15 him until he could be with Sarah again! That must be an indelible memory of life.


If you were to look in your wallet right now, you might be lucky enough to find some money. Even though credit and debit cards are more popular than ever, most people still carry around a few bills with them. Paper money is something we are all familiar with, but is it really made out of paper?

Regular paper is made out of wood cellulose(纤维素), which is a product that comes from trees. Paper-makers mix chemicals with the wood to break it down into cellulose fibers(纤维). Machines then press these fibers together and roll them into thin sheets to create the material we call paper. When paper gets wet, the cellulose fibers become very weak. This can cause most paper to completely fall apart when it is wet.

Paper money is not made out of this material. Think about the last time you found a dollar in the pocket of pants that went through the washing machine. The dollar was probably a bit wrinkled (皱的), but it did not completely fall apart because of getting wet.

Money is not made from the same paper that you write on. It is made out of something called "rag paper". Rag paper is a mixture of 75%cotton and25% linen(亚麻布). Cotton and linen fibers do not become weak when they get wet. They are much stronger than cellulose fibers. Unlike regular paper, money can be folded many times without causing serious damage to the bill. According to a U. S. Government blog,"it takes about 4. 000 double folds (first forward and then backwards) before a paper bill will tear"The material that money is made out of is much stronger and much moredurablethan regular paper.


Jenna looked out of the window and said, "It's still raining! Now my day with Nikki is not going to be fun. It's so boring. "

Jenna's cousin Nikki was coming over for the day. They had planned a picnic at the park. Rain drummed harder on the roof. "And it's noisy!" Jenna shouted.

Grandma came into the living room. "Did I hear you describe the rain as boring and noisy?" she asked. "Sounds like somebody got up on the wrong side of the bed."

"I did not, "'Jenna said." I got up the same way I always do. "

"You know what I mean. "" Grandma said.

"Look, "Nikki came in and said. "I've been so patient. I've been waiting for months to wear these boots (靴子)! The yellow ducks look just like bath toys. Let's go walking in the rain!"

"I don't want to get wet, "Jenna said. "I want it to be sunny so we can go to the park. That would be fun. "

Grandma looked at Jenna and said, "That's enough. I know you're down about the park. But you can still have a fun day. "

Jenna thought for a while. She knew Grandma was right. She was being kind of silly. Nikki sat down next to her. "I'm sorry you're sad. " Nikki said.

"Oh, it's okay, "Jenna said. "Do you still want to go walking? I can get my rain boots. ""Sure, "Nikki said. "And I have an idea for what to do then. We can have an inside picnic!" "An inside picnic? How can we do that?" Jenna asked.

"We can get the picnic blanket and put it on the floor. Then we can make a picnic lunch. We can eat it inside. We won't get wet, and there won't be any bugs!" Nikki said.

"That sounds like fun, "Jenna agreed. "We can walk around outside first. Then we'll make lunch. Can we make cookies too, Grandma?" she asked.

Grandma said, "Yes!"

"     ▲    "Jenna said.


You may have heard of the Red Cross, an international organization which cares for the people in need. In the United States, if it were not for the passion(热情) of a young woman named Clara Barton, the American Red Cross may have never been formed! Clara passed away on April 12, 1912.

She was born on December 25, 1821 in Oxford, Massachusetts. When Clara was young, she was so shy that she was unable to make friends. Her parents sent her to a boarding school, hoping it would make her more comfortable with her classmates. Unluckily, it had the opposite effect. After only one term, she had to be brought home. One day when she was 11 years old, her elder brother was badly injured. Clara took care of him the whole time during his illness. Through this experience she learned something valuable and how to look after patients. She found out that she came alive when she cared for others.

Soon, Clara began taking care of injured animals. Neighbors began bringing their pets to her. And, almost always,she made them better. When she was older, she became a nurse in the American Civil War and helped save hundreds of soldiers.

After the Civil War, Clara traveled to Europe to rest. But that did not last long. Soon she was caring for soldiers in battle once again! But this time, she learned about an organization called the Red Cross who worked alongside her on the battlefield. It aimed to help those who needed medical care most.

She thought the Red Cross was badly needed in America. Over several years, she asked four different presidents to bring it to America. They all said no. But then, thanks to her persistence(坚持), one of the presidents finally changed his mind! And from then on, the American Red Cross was born.


As we all know, swimming is an all-body workout. It works small muscle(肌肉) groups that often get ignored in other workouts. As you move in the water, many small muscle groups are working to help you keep balance.

Meanwhile, swimming also has some downsides though. It is not a perfect sport without any risk of injury. For example, many types of swimming use repetitive arm movements. Over time, the repeated movements can cause shoulder and neck injuries.

However, when compared to the health benefits(益处), those downsides seem manageable to the swimming lovers. Coach Wass agrees, "You know, swimming can have some injuries from high repetition. But, in general, it's one of the safest and healthiest sports out there. "

Besides the great workout you can get from swimming, a woman called Paloma brings up another important benefit. It can help to keep you alive. She said, "My husband and I believe that swimming is a life skill. If it's a life and death situation, you can swim your way out of it. That's why I taught my daughter to learn swimming and wants her to do well in swimming. "

Paloma's daughter, Pryia knows that swimming is good for her body. But the reason she likes to swim is more basic. It's just fun.


Ideas about Swimming

Advantages(优点)of swimming

It is an workout.

It works many small muscle groups to help keep balance.

Disadvantages of


It is not a sport without any risk of injury.

Other ideas about the benefits of swimming

Coach Wass: It is mostly one of the and healthiest sports.

Paloma: To be a good can keep you alive in a life and death situation.

Pryia: It is good for the body and just fun as well.


Do you know Roma people? They were . (普遍地) known as Gypsies(吉普赛人)because they came from Egypt(埃及). For a long (时期) of time, they travelled from place to place.

Today, the Roma are living all over the world. They have kept their language and many (风俗). For example, it's important for Roma to marry other Roma and the parents usually choose the person their children will marry.

Romany is the language Roma people used in their (日常的) lives. However, because the Roma have moved a lot, their language has developed in many different ways. So, it is without (疑问) that Roma in one part of the world can hardly understand Roma from another part.

Roma music is famous around the world, as many Roma throughout history have been musicians. Their music has a great (影响) on many other kinds of music, like classical and jazz.

Roma don't usually assimilate(同化)into host countries, as governments (阻止)them from marrying the (当地的) people. They even can't travel or wear their traditional clothes. They have been (对待) as slaves (奴隶) and forced to change their names.

But today, the Roma are finding ways to live peacefully with others while keeping their own culture. "There is a will within us to continue to live as a people, "says George Kaslov, "All the other ethnic (种族) groups who came to America assimilate (逐渐地) with time going, but not the Roma. We hold out. "
