组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-07-03

Less work for students


Zhong Kaitong, a fourth-grader from Guangzhou, enjoyed a fun vacation this summer 1 of attending English or math training courses, she played football and basketball most of the time A new guideline (指导方针) introduced by central authorities (中央政府) on July 24 helped Zhong2some free time during the summer. Aiming to reduce the schoolwork on primary and junior high school student, the guideline calls for reducing homework, 3 the Quality(质量) of education and regulating (规范) after class4Xinhua reported. According to the guideline, children5 the third grade will not have homework any more. It should take no6 than 90 minutes for junior high school students to7 their homework.

Off-campus tutoring institutions (校外培训机构)8 not allowed to offer overseas education courses or advanced (超前的) teaching. No subject-based (基于学科的) training will be allowed9weekends, national holidays or during winter and summer vacations. More than 75 percent of children in Chinese cities from grades 1 to 12 are taking private tutoring courses, Global Times reported "Parents are 10 that if their children start behind, they will stay behind Some raining institutions have taken advantage of(利用)parents anxieties to make11" said Chen Xianzhe, a professor at South China Normal University. The12is meant to calm (安抚) the anxieties of parents and society as a whole.

"But this does not mean the tutoring courses will13disappear, because exams still exist(存在) " said Chu Zhaohui. One on-one or one-on two tutoring might see a 14because of this need. "So, schools 15 improve the education quality, take the main responsibility for students' education and not push them into tutoring courses." Chu added.


The earth is our home. We must take care of it. Life today is easier but there are some new problems. One of the biggest problems is pollution. Many years ago, the problem was not so serious. With the fast growing of people, man is slowly polluting the whole world. In other words, the more people, the more pollution. Pollution is beginning to harm our health and even our life.

Many countries don't let people bum anything bad for air in houses and factories in the city, Pollution by SO2 is now the most dangerous pollution. It's partly caused by heavy taffy People say it's best to ride bicycles. When you are riding, there is no pollution.

Plastic has been one of the most used products in the world But it is dangerous for plant, human and animal life. When people don't know what to do with plastic bags, they drop them into the ocean. Instead, we can use paper bags and bottles which are made of environment-friendly materials

The most importation thing to know about plastic bags is that they will take millions of years to decompose (分解) Environmentalists have been encouraging people to stop the use of plastic bags almost in every country It would be very helpful if more and more people make this word a better place with the help of recycling and not using plastic bags.




People fast. It means the more people, the more pollution


Pollution isto our health and even our life.


Air pollution

Reasons: 1. Burning something bad

2. Heavy traffic

Pollution by SO2 is ato the air.

Advice: 1. Don't burn something bad.

2. It's best to ride bicycles because there is no pollution.

Plastic pollution

Reason: 1. plastic bags

Plastic is widely used in the world, but people don't know how towith it.

Advice: 1. Stop the use of plastic bags.

2. Use paper bags while shopping

3. Carry on thepolicy.
