组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-07-02

As Chinese, I'm sure you know something about Taichi. It's a kind of sport and one of the symbols of Chinese culture.

Taichi is common in China. If you walk through a park, you might see people doing these slow and beautiful actions. They are doing Taichi, an ancient art called Wushu. Doing Taichi is good for our health. It can make us walk and move freely. During slow actions we can pay special attention to our hands and feet. We can control them better. Taichi also mixes slow actions and deep breaths perfectly. People will become healthier by practicing it.

But Taichi is more than a kind of sport. It shows how we see the world as well. The world is full of yin and yang, such as dark and light, soft and hard, full and empty etc. Taichi sets up good relationships between yin and yang, while they aren't opposite. Just like the picture on the left, a white circle is in the black area and a black circle is in the white area. After a dark night, the sun will rise. Leaves fall in autumn but grow in spring. Everything keeps changing— that is how we should see the world. Yin and yang depend on each other and make differences to each other. That is why humans can get on well with nature and people can use softness to beat hardness. Taichi makes full of yin and yang.

In China, Taichi has been practiced for about 600 years. At present, more people are encouraged to join in the Taichi and pass it on. Over 100 million people in more than 150 countries practice Taichi. It is getting more and more popular in the world.


government    first    without    great    hour    no    always    see    work    if

In Mianning, Liangshan, the village doctor Ma Li is at the health center by herself. On the door is her phone number. She ison call as long as the villagers fall ill.

When Ma Li arrived at the village for thetime, she was completely shocked. As a doctor, she felt very sad to learn that women often diedgetting medical care in time when they gave birth to children. It was just becausehospital was nearby. So she made a decision to help them.

Many years has passed, Ma Li is still sticking to her work. Every day she gets up early andhard. She sees at least 10 patients, sometimes even 30 or 40. It may be manywalk to a patient's home. It's dangerous to walk on those mountain roads. It is not easy for a woman. People often askshe is afraid. Ma Li says she is a daughter of the mountains, she has been used to life here. And she says the number of village doctors like her is about 1.3 million in China.

Since a targeted poverty relief project (精准扶贫) was introduced to the village,have made efforts to develop the village and the results are. There are lots of changes—a new health station is being built in the village, a bridge across the river is standing over the river...

As a daughter of the mountains, Ma Li is happythese changes. She will continue to be a village doctor in the mountains. She is a beautiful flower deeply grown in the mountains.


Have you ever done something that looks really silly, but makes you or your friends really moved? Today's story is about that. It's a story of a famous saying about the swan feather (天鹅羽毛) in China.

A Tang Dynasty officer in Yunnan wanted to show his respect (尊重) to the emperor. He sent Mian Bogao to take some gifts to the emperor.It was a very valuable gift at that time.

Mian took good care of the swan on his way to the palace. One day, he walked for a long time with the swan.But as soon as he set the swan free, the swan flew away, only leaving some feathers on the ground. Mian was very worried, but he didn't run away.He thought telling lies could lead to more trouble in the end. So he picked up a feather and kept going on his trip.

When Mian met the emperor, he told him what happened and said, "This swan feather is light, but it carries my deep respect for you." The emperor was moved by Mian's honesty and sincerity (真诚). He wasn't angry with Mian. The saying shows that a good gift doesn't have to be expensive.They play an important role in our life.

A. He decided to tell the emperor the truth.

B. One of the gifts was a beautiful swan.

C. He wanted to make good friends with the emperor.

D. This saying comes from a historic book called Lu Shi.

E. Actually, honesty and sincerity are more valuable.

F. He wanted to let the swan drink some water by a lake.

完成表格 ,阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成表格中所缺的信息,每空一词。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

Connecting with Nature

How do you feel when you hear birds singing freely in the trees? What's your feeling when you see butterflies dancing slowly and lightly in the wind? Whether you love researching the outdoors or watching far away, getting close to nature can take your mind off your worries and make you feel relaxed.

What is nature?

Nature means the world around us that is not man-made, including birds, mountains, trees, the sea and the stars. It's also a force that controls things like weather. We can find nature wherever we are and wherever we go —beaches, gardens, parks, rivers, and even unexpected places like cracks (裂缝) in the stones.

Why does nature make us feel good?

Spending time in nature brings peace, joy and wonder to our lives. It takes us outdoors, gets us active and lets us care more about the environment. Even a little gift of nature can make us feel free and hopeful, such as breathing in fresh air, listening to the wind in the trees or standing at a mountain. Ralphie, who is 10, likes being close to nature on a bike with his family. He says, "It makes us feel happy and takes our mind off things because we have to pay attention. We are away from traffic and we hear more birdsong and see more wild animals."

How can we feel closer to nature?

Feeling closer to nature is easy. We can build a connection with nature wherever we are using our senses. Try listening closely to birdsong, smelling flowers and feeling sand between our fingers. Paint a picture and take photos of the natural places that we like best. They may help us feel closer to the natural world. It's important to try and connect with nature, notice its beauty and how it makes us feel.

Connecting with Nature


★ Take youroff your worries

★ Make you feel relaxed

Definitions (定义)

★ The worldus that is not created by people

★ Athat controls things like weather

★ Bring peace, joy and wonder to our lives

★ Take us outdoors, get us active and let usmore about the environment

★ Feel free and hopeful when breathing in fresh air,to the wind in the trees or standing at a mountain


to get closer to nature

★ Use ourto build a connection

★ Listen closely to birdsong, smell flowers andsand between our fingers

★ Paint a picture and take photos of ournatural places
