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【备战2023高考英语】全国甲卷真题变式:05 阅读·七选五

日期: 2024-07-03

Important Things to Know When Dining Out

Cultural dining etiquette (礼节) might surprise you with some of its important rules.  Knowing some tips will help ensure that you have an enjoyable meal with friends or family-no matter where you are in the world.

Chopstick Rules

The way you handle chopsticks is important to avid annoying your companions. When you put them down between bite, always put them down together so they are parallel with the edge of the table in front of you.  

Hands or Utensils (餐具)

In India and the Middle East, it's considered very rude to eat with your left hand. People in France expect you to cat with a utensil in each hand.  instead preferring to use their hands. In chide, you may never touch any fool with your fingers. People in Thailand generally use their jerks only to push food onto their spoons.

Making Requests

 . In Portugal, this would be a serious mistake, because it shows the chef that you don't like their seasoning skills. Similarly, in Italy, never ask for extra cheese to add to your food.

Some of these cultural dining etiquette rules may seem random and strange, but they are important in various countries. , the more con for table you'll begin to feel with its foreign cultural practice.

A. The more friends you make in your lifetime

B. The more time you spend in any given country

C. Mexicans consider it inappropriate to eat with utensils

D. Don't get caught making an embarrassing mistake at a restaurant

E. It's a good sign for the chef if you make a mess around your plate

F. Never stick them upright in your food or cross them as you use them

G. It may seem like a simple request to ask for salt and pepper at a meal


How is eating in space different from eating on Earth?

If you send astronauts into space, you have to send along food as well. But what do astronauts eat, and how do they eat it? Scientists take several factors into consideration as they plan meals for space.

First, and possibly most important, is nutrition (营养).Providing junk food to eat, such as potato chips, sodas, and pizza, would make the astronauts unhealthy.

If the food that has been provided is distasteful, then the astronauts may avoid eating it. If you've ever tried to concentrate on something important while your stomach doesn't feel well, you'll know why the scientists in charge of a space mission (task) want their astronauts to eat regularly.

The lack (缺少) of gravity (pull) in a spacecraft also determines what foods can or cannot be eaten in space. Meals must be packaged carefully so they won't spill(洒落/溢出) into the cabin (one of the areas inside a spacecraft). Water or tiny bits of food could get inside a machine or electronic device and damage it.A loose knife bouncing (弹起) around inside the cabin would be dangerous.

The weight of every object included in a spacecraft must be calculated (计算) in order to ensure that there is enough fuel and power to carry the craft safely into space and back home again.Most foods are stored in plastic bags, and often, the foods are dehydrated (使脱水). When an astronaut is ready to eat, hot water is added to the meal and warm it up.

Despite all these requirements, much of the food eaten in space is actually similar to what you might eat on any given day.

A. Taste is also important.

B. Finally, weight is an important concern.

C. Believe it or not, they also have fresh fruits and vegetables.

D. Food packaging is made to be as light as possible.

E. Nutrition and practicality (实用) are important things to consider.

F. Keeping astronauts' physical health is a top task for any space mission.

G. For the same reason, sharp knives and folks are never used on board.

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

A Simple Guide to a Healthy Diet

Here are the healthy foods you should eat more and the unhealthy ones you should eat less.

Eat more nuts and seeds. They have an incredibly powerful mixture of healthy at fiber and other important nutrients(营养).. For example they have a wide range of beneficial effects on your livers and on your brain functions as you age. Regularly eating a proper amount of nuts and seeds can also help you stop weight gain.

Eat more fruits and vegetables. It should come as no surprise. And they don't have to be fresh to be healthy.. If you can get canned fruits or vegetables that don't have a lot of salt or sugar, that's fine, too.

. There's about 400% more salt in processed meat than in unprocessed one. The most obvious problem with too much salt is that it raises your blood pressure which can lead to heart attacks. But if you really love it, you can wash it off with tap water to get rid of the extra salt before it is cooked.

Stay away from sugary drinks . In particular, such sweet drinks are linked to a much higher risk of obesity(肥胖症)and heart attacks.

In short, healthy eating can be easy if you follow this simple rule:.

A. Shy away from salty bacon and sandwich

B. Reduce the consumption of processed meat

C. If they don't have a lot of sugar, it would be fine

D. Such nutrients are very important for your health

E. If you can get frozen fruits or vegetables, that's great

F. Stick to eating fresh and green while avoiding too much salt and sugar

G. Liquid sugar from soda and energy drinks is the worst way to consume sugar


How to Build a Better Breakfast

We've all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and that may actually be true. A study found that breakfast eaters were more likely to lose weight than those who didn't eat a morning meal.  But it's not just when you eat; it's what you eat. These tips will help you really rise and shine:

⒈ Eat even if you're not hungry.

Although you might not feel like eating first thing in the morning, it's a good idea to get something into your system. Eating within 90 minutes of waking up will jump-start your metabolism (新陈代谢) and keep you from getting hungry later.

⒉ Be boring.

Changing what you eat is a good idea in theory, but if you are watching your weight, you might want to stick with the same old menu. People who allowed their breakfast calories to change have larger waists (腰围) and a higher incidence of metabolic syndrome (代谢综合征) than folks who keep their morning calorie intake constant, no matter how much they eat the rest of the day.

⒊ Add peanuts or peanut butter.

By eating peanuts or peanut butter, the carbohydrates(碳水化合物) are taken in more slowly and blood sugar does not rise as high.  So they are less likely to snack later.

There's an old saying that advises ''Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper." It's worth following. Those who eat a balanced 700-calorie breakfast over a 12-week period lower their blood sugar and blood pressure twice more than people who eat a 200-calorie meal. They also lose an average of 19. 2 pounds and have lower levels of ghrelin, the "hunger hormone (激素).

A. Go big.

B. Pile on the produce.

C. Other studies link skipping breakfast with a higher risk of developing high blood pressure, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes (糖尿病).

D. So it's worth making the effort to hold it steady.

E. It could set you up for overeating throughout the day.

F. Just a banana will do the trick.

G. Plus women feel fuller for up to 12 hours after eating the peanut butter or peanuts.


    Politeness is the practical application of good manners, the goal of which is to make all of the parties relaxed and comfortable. It's a flexible management of words and actions, by which we make other people have a better opinion of us and themselves. It seeks to build a positive relationship. .

    However, in the rush of daily life being polite is social behavior that we find rare nowadays. . They don't even take the time to look around. This has led to the loss of simple social rules some might take for granted and that are particularly powerful.

    , people become less and less attentive to others' feelings, for human interaction (互动) is almost lost. Take for instance the rudeness we tolerate when a person is looking at his phone when talking to us.

    Being polite is not just a simple social elegance. . These days "Please" and "Thank You" are forgotten. And not many people are aware that these two simple words can easily open or close any door to us. Unfortunately, they often forget to say these words.

    Hope is not lost. There are many ways we can improve our behavior to achieve skills in politeness. There are simple things we can do to be considered as a polite and well - mannered person., they will respect you back. Just make a change in our behavior to start. Use simple words like "Excuse me", "Please", and "Thank you" every day. Be kind to receive kindness. Care and politeness will get you far in all aspects of life.

A. As technology progresses

B. People have become more self - absorbed

C. As long as you show your politeness for people

D. Since for many people being polite remains a challenge

E. Many languages have specific means to show politeness

F. It aims to respect a person's need to be liked and understood

G. It's also about being kind, caring and respectful to another person


Children learn by example. It has been said that the values and ideas we want to teach the children should be done in the early years. If this teaching-learning period is handled responsibly by parents and guardians, a lot can be achieved.Simple politeness should be shown right from the beginning. Parents must talk politely to their children and expect the same from them. All rude responses must be firmly rejected.

This can be done by giving them simple duties as early as possible. Duties can be as simple as putting toys away when the children are done playing with them. They can be taught to put away their clothes or shoes in the respective places on a daily basis. Children are quick to learn.

 Children should be taught to sit down and play quietly or read a book if they can. In creating this habit, parents play a vital role as they also have to sit down and occupy themselves.  They want things to be exciting and fast-moving. If parents themselves do not read or spend time quietly, it is hard to expect the children to do so.

Of course, we must also realize that some children will be different.  They will want to test the limits set and want to be individualistic. Parents may have to allow some space so that creativity and inventiveness can be developed. While some amount of discipline is good, it must not be allowed to destroy their imaginative nature.

A. It is not an easy task but it can be done.

B. Good habits can be taught in the early years.

C. Children must be taught to be part of the family.

D. In this fast world, everyone expects to be entertained.

E. Good habits formed during this time will stay for a lifetime.

F. They will not always follow what parents instruct them to do.

G. Children are not expected to do things for themselves in some homes.


If you need to interview someone for an article but you have never interviewed before, it can be frightening. Here are some tips for preparing for and conducting a successful interview.

 If the person is a known author or speaker, take the time to read or listened to his/her work, or at least get familiar with his/her most recent or most important work. If the interview will cover events, review whatever is known publicly about those events..

Being arecording device(录音设备). You can use your phone or an audio recorder. In this way you needn't struggle to write things down.  And this will make it easier to include direct quotes when you start writing.

Remember to make it a conversation rather than a list of questions. Prepared questions are just a guideline. . You can also try to ask your interviewee about his/her personal thoughts and reactions to events and people they deal with.

Appropriatefeedback(反馈) is also important. Feel free to say words that show you are listening, like "yeah" and "Mmmm".  You can also give more facial feedback like smiling.

 If the interviewee changes suddenly from one line of thought to another, lead them back to the area you are focusing on. Guide the interview but don't keep interrupting with many questions.  

A. Politely ask if you can interview them.

B. Do your homework before you pick up the phone.

C. Then you can focus all your attention on the interview.

D. Consider how all the questions can be asked in a short time.

E. Nodding your head can be an encouragement to the interviewee.

F. In order to get the information you need, you should guide the interview.

G. You can try to ask questions based on what they have said to you in previous responses.


Imagine you receive an e-mail like this: ARE YOU GOING TO CLASS TODAY? This e-mail “sounds” like the writer is yelling because using all capital letters in an e-mail is usually the way that people shout online.  Virginia Shea's book, Netiquette, lists a basic set of dos and don'ts for communicating appropriately with others in cyberspace. Following are someof her suggestions.

First, always remember that you are sending messages to a real person, not just to a computer. Don't type anything you wouldn't say to someone's face. Also, remember that the person who receives your message cannot hear the tone of your voice, or see the expression on your face.

 Don't take anything without paying for it, unless it's free. Don't use information that someone else has written, and say it's yours. Do share your knowledge of the Internet with others. It's a big place with lots of information, and there are many new things to discover.

Remember that people judge you by your words as well as your actions, so do try to write well. Good writing skills, as well as correct grammar and spelling, do matter.  If you are uncertain about how to spell a word or which phrase to use, look it up. There are lots of helpful books and websites.

It's okay to express your opinions online in forums like chat rooms or message boards, but don't start arguments with people. “Flame wars” in online discussions can be interesting to read, but are often unfair to other members of the group.

A. So make sure your meaning is clear.

B. Send polite, well—written messages to others.

C. Don't do anything online that you wouldn't do in real life.

D. Remember, you're not the only one traveling on this high way!

E. Knowing when to use capital letters is one example of online etiquette.

F. Express your ideas, but remember that fighting on or offline is not appropriate.

G. When you're online, just as in “real” life, try to respect other people's space, privacy, and feelings.


Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the most important festivals in Chinese calendar. The festival typically involves family getting together to share mooncakes while watching the moon. Typical Chinese mooncakes are round in shape, and measure around 10 cm in diameter and 4-5 cm in thickness. Most mooncakes consist of a thin tender skin enveloping a sweet, dense filling.

. It is a custom for housewives to prepare mooncakes at home when the festival is approaching. Now let's learn to make traditional Chinese mooncakes.

Above all, full preparations should be made, including materials such as dough (生面团), flour, water, sugar and vegetable oil, and fillings—lotus seed paste (莲子蓉) and eggs.

Mix together all the materials to get a dough.  

Next, separate the egg yolks from the whites and salt the steamed yolks. While the oven is preheating to 180 degrees Celsius, roll the lotus paste and the dough into small balls. .

Then, shape up with each consisting of a dough wrapper, one ball of lotus paste, and one half of a salted egg yolk. Make a hole in a ball of lotus and put the yolk inside. Similarly, cover the lotus ball (with the yolk inside) with a wrapper. . Then shape it with the mold (模具).

. Take them out after 5 minutes and brush them with the egg wash. Put the mooncakes back until they become golden brown.

Remember to wait to eat the mooncakes for two days when they will be soft and also look shiny.

A. A mooncake ball is made.

B. Prepare the salted egg yolks.

C. Finally, put all mooncakes into the oven.

D. Flatten each piece of dough into a thin wrapper.

E. There're many stories about mooncakes and Chang'e.

F. Mooncakes are the must-eat food for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

G. Covered with plastic wrap, it should be set aside for at least 3 hours.


                                                                             The Lost Rules of Etiquette

        Etiquette, or good manners, used to be the glue that held society together.Sadly, these days it has mostly gone by the wayside. This list is several best rules of etiquette that have now disappeared.

Opening the Door

        In days gone by, a gentleman would always open doors for ladies.This has now almost entirely disappeared and it is pot entirely the fault of the men. I have seen women laugh at men for opening a door for them. They seem tobe confusing manners with chauvinism(大男子主义).

Writing Thank-You Notes

        In days gone by, whenever a personreceived a gift, they would write a thank-you note as soon as possible.  Parents would sit children down after a birthday or Christmas and coach them in theirfirst thank-you note. It is a shame that gift giving has now become a virtualobligation and the idea of a thank-you note would be laughed at.

        We seem to have completely lost theconcept of correct timing when it comes to parties these days.

 After all, aparty normally has a guest of honor-this is usually the oldest woman present.It was considered extremely rude in the past to leave a party before the guestof honor-and once the guest of honor left, it was a signal to all that theyshould begin their own preparations to leave.

A. Arriving on Time.

B. Leaving at the Right Time.

C. People leave with various excuses.

D. It enabled people  to get on well with each other.

E. This rule was true even if the giverwas a relative.

F. It could be the lady they weredriving, or a stranger.

G. We've thrown away the concept of aguest of honor at will.
