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日期: 2024-09-16
单选题(本大题共15小题, 共15. 0分)
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Christmas Carol sends the message that Christmas is a time to think about other people. It is a time to forgive and a time to be generous. The main character, Scrooge, was a cold, greedy, mean(吝啬), old man!1liked him. He refused his nephew to have Christmas dinner with them. Two gentlemen came to ask him to raise money to buy the poor some clothes and some food at this special time of year. He2let the poor people die.

One foggy evening, Scrooge met his old friend Marley3died seven years ago. He told Scrooge that4ghosts would come and haunt(困扰) him. Without their visits, he5avoid bad fate(命运). The first will come when the clock strikes one. The second will come on the next6at the same time. The third ghost will come just after the second one.

The first ghost of Christmas Past was very strange. It was the7of a child but it looked like an old man. Its long hair was8like an old man's, but there were no wrinkles on its face. It took him to a country road where he9and made him think of some happy days.

The second ghost of Christmas10wore a green robe, bordered with white fur. Its feet were bare(赤脚). They visited many homes. The Ghost made11well again and poor people rich. The Ghost taught Scrooge to leave happiness in all of them.

The last ghost of Christmas Yet to come wore a black robe. The robe covered its head, its face and its body. The only thing that can12was a hand. The Ghost didn't speak or move. Scrooge followed it to a13scene and a graveyard. To his14, the name on the stone was his.

After that Scrooge15a lot. He became as good a friend, as good a boss, and as good a man.

—taken from "Christmas Carol"

阅读理解(本大题共15小题, 共30. 0分)

Camelback Mountain Resort—Tannersville, Pennsylvania


Located in Pocono Mountains, this resort (度假胜地) offers year-round family fun. Rooms include studio, one-and two-bedroom suites (套房), as well as flats that sleep up to 12 guests. Kids can have fun indoors or out. Indoor activities include rock climbing, a game center. Outdoor activities include a water park with slides (滑梯) and rides, skiing and snowboarding.

The Tyler Place Family Resort—Highgate Springs, Vermont


If you're looking for a vacation with kids in New England, you'll want to check out this hotel. There are countless activities included with your stay. For example, you might want to ride bikes, take boat rides, or enjoy some fishing. This is a great resort for anyone looking to focus on nature during their vacation.

Big Cedar Lodge—Ridgedale, Missouri

Phone:( 417)335-2777

This hotel offers activities for all ages. Mini golf, a lazy river, pools and Big Cedar Beach are just a few amenities (生活福利设施) included with your stay. The Big Cedar Kids Exploration Club provides four-hour outdoor exploration classes for children ages 4~11, so parents can explore the resort. In addition, many special events are planned, like horseback riding, boat trips.

Fairfield Inn &Suites—Fair Oaks, Indiana


The 99 guest rooms of this hotel include 31 specialty suites. This family-friendly hotel has an indoor pool and water slide, and lots of kid-centered activities. You can take part in many activities of farming like the Dairy Exploration and Crop Exploration. There's even a dog park if you want to bring your pet family member.


Name a few jobs you can think of that need to work with animals. Animal doctors, zookeepers, pet shop owners…

He Shitao has been working with animal friends for 18 years, but in his case, his partners are police dogs, and he is a police officer. "For me, raising and training police dogs is a pleasure, rather than a burden(负担). They are very smart and trustworthy partners, " He said.

Born in 1981 in Henan Province, he dreamed about being a police officer as a child. Gaining admittance(录取)to the criminal Investigation Police University of China in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, he gained the basic skills of training, and learned to get along with police dogs. After graduation in 2003, he began working in a police station in Fujian Province and brought the dog he had trained at college with him.

Training continues throughout a police dog's life, which is usually between 12 and 15 years. "Like human beings, dogs have different characteristics and abilities. We're not able to communicate through language, so it is important to watch their behavior for mutual(相互的)understanding, " He said. To train police dogs to work with humans, trainers need to practice running and fighting with their dogs. "When training, it's easy to get bitten accidentally. It is a process of getting to know each other, " He said. "Police dogs can be trained to be security guards, to search for drugs and blood, to find dangerous goods, etc. "

The dogs are tested when they're 6 months old. If the animal is up to standard, it will receive training for further three months in different ways. A final test is needed before it officially becomes a police dog.

19. 阅读理解

Besides their obvious value of monetary,theyall carry their own cultural value as well.

You may have seen this kind of photo before:an old fisherman with a long white beard and a bamboo that can be seen standing with cormorants(鸬鹚)on a boat. He became famous among the most well-known features of the Lijiang River in Guilin. Many people believed the fisherman on the back of the 20-yuan renminbi banknote was based on his image.

For example, on the back of the 5-yuan banknote is Taishan Mountain in Shandong. For thousands of years, many emperors would go there and pray for the country's prosperity(繁荣). On the back of the 1-yuan banknote are the Three Pools Mirroring the Moon at the West Lake in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. Since ancient times, the location has been a great attraction for moon watchers during Mid-Autumn Festival.

According to the News, fisherman Huang's life shows the true spirit of the Lijiang River in Guilin, Guangxi. He was a positive and kind man. In his 90s, Huang could still move his boat with great agility(敏捷).

The image of the fisherman on the back of the 20-yuan banknote is not just about one man, but instead stands on its own as a unique cultural symbol of the Lijiang River. It is a symbol that makes the Guilin landscape what it is, commented Guangming Daily.

In fact, the different backsides of the fifth kinds of Renminbi banknotes show the most typical landscapes in the country.

The Renminbi pictures have helped make these classic Chinese landscapes even more popular among tourists. Many love to find out where the picture were originally taken. For example, Pan Jinyu from Chongqing went on a "banknote tour" of China, appreciating all the sights presented on Renminbi banknotes of the fifth kinds from 1 yuan to 100. "I want to finish ceremonial(有仪式感的)journey and feel the beauty of our country".


My daughter is ten. I can feel time creeping up on(开始影响) us. And recently it's been hitting me in an unexpected location—bedtime reading.

From the earliest days of my daughter's life, I would read to her when it was time to go to sleep. It was our nightly tradition and we loved it. I got great parental satisfaction from how well my kid spoke at a young age.

But she's getting older. And our bedtime reading tradition is starting to show signs of that age. Her books are getting more complex(复杂的). In the old days, we'd read a few picture books before bed. But her literary (文学的) tastes have developed so greatly now. She spent months reading the Harry Potter series, and once done, she was eager for more. She wanted bigger, longer, more meaningful books. If we read one of these books together at bedtime, it can take weeks or months for us to get through it.

Besides, she's getting bigger. In the old days, it was fine that I took up 90% of her twin bed, but now she needs more room and we struggle to both fit onto the bed, which makes our bedtime reading even more uncomfortable.

I am not willing to give up on bedtime reading yet, and neither is my daughter. I once tried to bring up the subject of not reading any more and shesquashedit at once. I could tell she was also worried that our reading tradition might come to an end.

However, I don't think I need to worry about my daughter not reading any more. It's part of her DNA. I'll let her read her books by herself and I'll read mine by myself and I will force us to exchange opinions on them over breakfast the next morning. If I'm going to lose our old reading tradition, I will start another. Some things are worth fighting for, and reading is one of them.

任务型阅读-多任务混合(本大题共1小题, 共10. 0分)

After some more time had passed, it was time for the trial of Muff Potter for the murder of Dr. Robinson in the graveyard. Tom found Huckleberry Finn.

"Huck, have you told anyone what we saw?"

"Of course not !"

"I feel sorry for Muff sometimes. He didn't kill Dr. Robinson, but I think they will hang him. "

"I do too, Tom. He never hurts anybody and he taught me how to fish. "

"He fixed my kite once. Maybe we could help him escape. "

"They'd only catch him again. "

"That's true. "

They went to the jail and brought Muff Potter some tobacco and matches.

"Thanks, boys. You have been very kind to me. Nobody else is kind to me. Let me shake your hands. They're only little hands, but they helped me a lot. "

Tom went home, feeling very bad.

He stayed near the courthouse for the next few days. Injun Joe told his story again. Everybody believed it . They all thought that Muff Potter would be hanged. Even his lawyer looked sad. That night, Tom felt worse than ever. He went to see Muff's lawyer. The next day, the witnesses told their stories. Muff's lawyer spoke.

"Call Tom Sawyer!"

Everybody was surprised. Tom came into the court. He told the judge what he and Huckleberry had seen. Injun Joe was frightened when he heard this. He jumped out of the window of the courthouse and ran away.

Now Tom was really famous. His name was in the newspaper. He enjoyed being famous, but at nighttime he was very frightened. Everybody looked for Injun Joe, but nobody could find him. Tom dreamed about him every night.

The days slowly passed by. Tom's fearful dream of Injun Joe was replaced by another, more pleasant, dream. He and Huckleberry decided to dig for buried treasure. Tom had read about it in a book.

Taken from "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"

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