组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-20
阅读理解(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分 22.5分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和 D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

Physic book or e-book


April 16, 2020

I'm a book addict (书迷). I have loved reading books—I mean physic books, ever since I learned how to do it, I read them while eating, on the bus, and even in the bath! As an adult, I have just graduated with a degree in English Literature, so I have spent the recent three years doing even more reading than usual!


Dec. 12, 2019

I have lots of books. My room is full of books, not only my childhood favorites but also those I haven't even read yet. When I decided to move to Spain to work as Language assistant, I faced a big problem. I had only one suitcase for a ten-month stay, so I had to pack lightly.

It would be impossible to pack enough physical books for nearly a whole year. My only choice was e-books.


Dec. 23, 2019

I agree with my friend, physical books are better than e-books. But a big problem is about the cost of physical books. And another problem, we have to cut a lot of trees to produce paper.


Sept. 9, 2019

I have always been hating e-readers! I even wrote an article about it when I was at school. I love physical books so much. Compared with physical books, e-books seemed emotionless (无情感的). But while traveling, my choice was e-books or no books, so my brother bought me an Amazon Kindle for my birthday. Now I am on my sixth e-book, and I'm starting to love my Kindle! The e-reader means I never have to worry about there's nothing to read. Yes, there is something I hate, but in general it has become one of the most important parts in my life!


One day, Anna Du was walking along Castle Island's beach. She found there were lots of plastic pieces in the sea and some were too small to pick up. She began to think about how to solve the problem.

First, she did a survey. The result showed there were already 150 million tons of plastic in the sea, and every year there would be another 8 million tons. She realized something must be done. So she decided to invent a robot that could work under water. She tried again and again. At last her ROV came out. It could move through water and pick up plastic pieces, especially the tiny ones.

With this ROV, Anna Du took part in the Broadcom Masters competition which is one of the top STEM competitions. It's for young students around the world. This year, more than 5, 000 students were interested in the competition, but only a few got the chance. Anna Du's ROV caught a lot of attention. It had a camera with three different kinds of lights which could find plastic pieces easily. Dana Yoerger, an expert, said, "The ROV is nicely done for a 12-year-old girl. It's very clever."

In fact, Anna Du is always learning to solve the world problems and her parents are always supporting her. At the age of five, she began to go to workshops to learn engineering skills. When she was asked about the future plan, she said, "I want to be an engineer because I like building things. I think many world problems can be solved with new inventions. Right now, I'm just caring about plastic problems because there is still a long way to go. "


In summer, the high heat always makes you feel uncomfortable. Actually, to stay cool and comfortable, you can try lots of natural ways, including water, fans, cool drinks and more. Here let's see how to use water to cool down.

Drink water more often. Your body will feel cooler if you do that. Try drinking at least eight bottles of water every day. Adding orange. lemon. or tomato pieces to your water makes it more refreshing.

Freeze a handkerchief (手帕) and put it on your neck, forehead, arms or legs.

When the handkerchief heats up, simply wet it and put it back in the fridge. You can also put an ice pack behind your head.

Run cold water over your wrists (手腕). Wet your wrists and other parts, such as your neck and your inner elbows, with cool water for 10 second each. This will lower your temperature for a little bit. This can be especially helpful for cooling down right before you go to bed.

Fill your bathtub (浴缸) with cool water and get in. Once you are used to the temperature, let some water and refill it with cold water. Keep doing this until you feel cool enough.

With the right ways, you can avoid the heat while saving money by turning off the air conditioning.

A. Take a cool shower, if you prefer.

B. So you should drink more water in summer.

C. Placing it on your body can help you beat the heat.

D. It may be easier to drink more if your water has a taste.

E. Your body will stay cool for a long time after you get out.

F. Have you ever thought about getting through the hot summer without air conditionings (空调)?

单词拼写, 根据句意和括号中所给中文提示,在句中空格处填写上正确的单词每空填一个单词)。(共5小题∶每小题1分,满分5分)