组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-20

Nowadays, the Moon is a wonderful thing to see. But many years ago, the Moon gave no1at all, so she felt sad and lonely in the sky at night.

T wish I weren't the Moon!” she2to the stars. UI would rather be a star like you, because you're so3. Or I might be a night-time flower. Then a pretty lady might4me and wear me on her hair!"

The stars didn't reply and kept5. The night-time flower heard the Moon's wish and felt6for her. T can't turn you into a7with a sweet smell! But I know a lady lights up people's lives with her8. She often visits this garden. I will ask her to come here to share the secret of her9with you." said the flower.

The next evening the lady came to the10. The Moon couldn't speak at first because the lady's smile was so lovely. Finally, the Moon said, "Can you tell me why you are always happy? Your smile lights up the night!"

The lady said, "I only try to be11to everyone I meet. " They talked for a long time. And the lady12to accept the Moon's invitation to meet her again.

The next evening, the lady and the Moon both shared their own stories. The Moon was thankful to the lady and said, "You have13a lot. Your kindness and smile made me feel kinder and happier, too." Finally the Moon forgot her trouble14and became brighter than ever before. After some days, the Moon could light up the night and15on every place on the ground. People down on Earth all enjoyed the beauty of the moonlight.


At 12:46 p. m. on May 4th, 2022, thirteen Chinese scientists reached the top of Mount Qomolangma. They built eight world's highest weather stations from 5200 to 8800 meters on the mountain and four of them were above 7000 meters.

" The first research began in 2017 and it was an important moment of China's second scientific travel to Qomolangma. The station at 8800 meters would be the world's highest weather station,” the leader Yao Tangdong said. To finish the work, Chinese government made up 16 teams with more than 270 scientists. They've gotten a training of over three years.

This year researchers will use the newest technologies to these weather stations. They can study the natural environments and human activities on Qomolangma. The newest technologies will also help scientists study different weather, so they can make right decisions about climate (气候)change.

With these technologies, strong help from government and hard work from scientists, China will become a front-runner in fields such as information technology, science, mountain climbing and geography about the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (高原)in the world.

Mount Qomolangma was around 8848. 86 meters from the research of China and Nepal in 2020. "There are many key scientific questions left unanswered. If our researches go on, I believe we will have more findings and developments to share with the world, " Yao added.


⑴John's mobile phone doesn't work because something is wrong with the battery (电池).He wonders how to deal with the battery.   

⑵Ifs a Clean-up Day for Tim's family.

There are some newspapers, glasses

and plastic (塑料的)wastes in the

house. Tim has no idea what to do

with them.   

⑶Betty will finish middle school and

she has many old clothes which are

too small to wear. She thinks it is a

waste if she throws them away.   

⑷Jacky collected many juice bottles. He wants to sell them so as to give away the money to the students in poor villages.   

⑸Lily's grandma likes shopping online and there are many paper boxes at home. She has no room for them. She wants to find a place to put them in.   

A. Don't throw glass bottles everywhere. You can put them into the dustbins. Don't break the bottles, either. The broken glass may hurt cleaners.

B. If you have useless paper, plastic bottles or glasses, please send them to the factories. The workers can use them to make something new.

C. Do you have any paper boxes you don't need? Why not give them to our handmade center? We can reuse them to make toys for kids.

D. In a waste collection station, people can sell old things, such as paper bags or bottles. A good price for them.

E. If you have something bad for our earth, be careful not to throw it everywhere. There is a special dustbin for this kind of thing.

F. You can put the waste in this kind of dustbin. Cleaners will move it to a certain place to make it good for our plants to grow well.

G. The students in poor villages don't have enough clothes to keep warm in winter. If you have old clean clothes, you can help them.
