组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-20

Michael Jordan is a former professional American basketball player,Olympic athlete, businessperson, and actor. Considered one of the bestbasketball players ever, he dominated (主宰) the sport from the mid-1980s to the late 1990s.

Michael began his professional basketball career when he was chosen bythe Chicago Bulls in 1984. Then, there was a time when the Bulls kept addingnew players and changing coaches, but they didn't win. Seeing that, Michaelfelt like he needed to do all the scoring as he couldn't trust the otherplayers'skills. Many people thought that Michael Jordan might never win achampionship (冠军) if he kept trying to do it all by himself.

To improve their performance on the court, Coach Tex Winter taught theBulls his triangle offense. It included sharing the ball and moving around thecourt in a specific way. Michael was unsure. He thought he was the only onethat could make the big shots. Tex Winter told him he should learn to trust histeammates to make the triangle offense work best. But that was difficult forMichael.

The Bulls faced the Utah Jazz in the 1997 National BasketballAssociation Finals. After four games, the series was tied 2-2. Finally, Michaelscored thirty-eight points and the Bulls won. Then, they had a chance to winthe series in Game Six. Michael had the ball near the end of the game with Jazzplayers swarming (拥上) around him. Instead of trying adifficult shot, he passed the ball to a teammate, Steve Kerr, who made thewinning basket. Michael finally trusted his teammates and he didn't always haveto take the big shot.

From then on, Michael Jordan led the Chicago Bulls to six NBAChampionships and earned the NBA's Most Valuable Player (MVP) Award five times.With five regular-season MVPs and three All-Star MVPs, Michael Jordan becamethe greatest basketball player of all time.


Before the age of the smartphone, not everyone had cameras and it tookskills and a good eye to capture and create a great photograph. Today, with thehuge range of camera apps on our smartphones, we're all amateur photographers,and pretty good ones at that, since the quality of smartphone images now nearlyequals that of digital cameras.

The new ease of photography has given us a strong desire for capturingthe magical and the ordinary. We are obsessed (痴迷的) with documenting everyday moments, whether it's a shot of ourbreakfast, our cat — or the cat's breakfast.

Cameras are everywhere — a situation that is transforming the way weexperience dramatic events. With cameras observing most urban centers, have wegotten to the point where cameras don't need photographers and photographersdon't even need cameras? When there are political events or natural disasters,it is ordinary citizens with cell phones not photojournalists who often providethe first news images. Quality still matters, but it's less important than what'srelevant and instantly shared.

Before digital images, most people trusted photographs to accuratelyreflect reality. Yet photography has always more stories than we assume. Eachpicture is a result of a series of decisions where to stand, what lens(镜头) to use, what to leave in and out of the frame. Images can also becolored, brightened, faded, and scratched to make photographs more artistic, orto give them an antique look. Such images may be more useful in communicatinghow the people behind the camera felt than in documenting what was actually in frontof the camera.

It's not clear whether this flowering of image making will lead to apublic that better appreciates and understands images or simply numb us to thedeep effects a well-made image can have. But the change is unavoidable. Perhapswe are witnessing the development of a universalvisual language,onethat could change the way we relate to each other and the world. Of course, aswith any language, there will be those who produce poetry and those who makeshopping lists.


I love travelling, but it hasn't always been my passion. In my firstyear of university, I started to travel during the holiday. During theChristmas holiday I went to Paris, and during the spring vacation, I visited Athensand various cities in Italy. I was very excited because this was the first timeI had travelled abroad with just my friends. This desire to travel started offsimply as a way to have something to look forward to after exams, but I soondiscovered how important it is to travel.

On my travels I have had the opportunity to not only experience new andexciting cultures through the art, history, language and food, but alsocommunicate with people who have different views on life. Travelling is alearning experience for both yourself and the people you meet. Some people Imet during my travels had never heard of Gambia and it was very delightful toshare my African roots with them. When you travel you will meet people who havedifferent cultural backgrounds and as a result, sometimes your own ideas andopinions might be challenged. It's important to learn to see things from otherpeople's perspectives (观点) and to challenge your own.

This is how I realized that travelling is the realization of home. Whenyou travel, you are exposed to a different setting, a different language and adifferent way of living. All these factors, mixed with a new and excitingadventure,make you realize your own home. Not just the physical location of home,but you're your way of life and your outlook.

Travelling is truly an enriching experience and I am always excitedabout the discoveries that wait for me in my next adventure!

任务型阅读(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5,满分 12.5)

How to Cheer up Your Friend

The following tips will make your friend cheer up. Try one or more ofthe suggestions below, and hopefully your friend will be happy again in notime.

. If your friend isangry about a situation at work, help her see the positive side of things. Hearout her problem before reacting (回应). But try to help her asking questions such as, "What things canyou do to make the situation better?" or "What's been happening atwork lately that's been good?"

Send her a card or postcard. Not many peopleget handwritten notes any more. It's so rare (稀少的), in fact, that it's certain to put a smile on her face. Drop a note inthe mail to her .

Build up her self-esteem (自尊). Everyone needs to hear they are smart, strong, and beautiful sometimes. , as they canhelp her build confidence and self-esteem. Try to make your praise unique. tothe person, so she knows you truly mean what you say.

Try out new things together. True happiness isin part about the adventure. It may mean you may need to step outside of what'scomfortable and try something new. If you want your friends to be happy,encourage them to try new things with you.

Bring her one of her favorite treats. . Maybe she can't live without anafternoon coffee, or maybe she has a special love for black forest cake.Surprise her by bringing one of them to her when you know she's having a roughday.

A. Encourage your friend

B. Help her to see the positive side

C. You know what your friend likes

D. In turn, discover new things you love

E. Don't be afraid to tell your friend these things

F. Similarly, your happiness will affect your friends

G. If you include one with a funny card, that's better


Five years ago, a friend asked me to look after his cat while hewent on holiday, and I realized the idea had potential on a bigger scale. So Imoved to London and decided to1 cat sitting.

For me, cat sitting is about2two groups of people who need what the other can offer. I getto stay in people's 3without rent while they're on holiday. The owners get4cat sitting. It also means that there issomeone to keep an eye on their homes while they are away. It seems a fairer 5than just watering plants or walkingdogs—I'm more of a cat person.

I have alwaysloved cats, and their gentle temper makes them ideal6for someone working from home. Cats have such differentpersonalities, so it's not surprising that I7morewith some than others. An owner once told me not to8hercat to sit on me, as it had happened only once. But just four days later, thecat came over and sat on my lap. I sent her a photo!

Cat sitting helps me with my9anxiety disorder, too. Iwant to be around people, but sometimes I can't. Sometimes, this anxiety even10mefrom leaving the house. But since becoming a cat sitter my mental health has11Havingmy own12gives me the power to plan my day. I canrecharge when I need to and can go out and meet people when I want. The catshave13helped.

Now I have stayed in 25 houses,1430cats and saved more than 10,000 pounds that would have gone on15Oneday I want to save up for a flat so I can have a cat of my own.

写作(共两节,满分40) 第一节(满分15)

Easton retired(退休) as a school teacher, and he didn't have enough savings. What's worse, his wife, Cassandra, had heart disease that needed expensive treatment.

To save his wife's life, Easton didn't have a choice but to take up a job, and he found one as a pizza delivery(递送) man at Rooster's Pizza. On his first day on the job, his co-workers judged him because the sight of an 84-year-old pizza delivery man was undoubtedly a rare one. But Easton didn't care.

After delivering the first two orders that day, Easton was on his way to deliver the third one, when he realized his car was low on gas. He stopped at a gas station, worried he would be late for his next delivery. Determined to make it on time, Easton grabbed the steering wheel and drove as fast as he could. However, as he reached one of the main roads, a police car stopped him.

When Officer Jenkins and Officer Matthew walked up to Easton's car, they were shocked to see an 84-year-old behind the wheel of a pizzeria car. Moreover, they didn't expect an old man to be speeding.

"You see," Easton said nervously, "I am running late for pizza delivery. We have a policy of delivering pizza within 45 minutes, or I'll have to pay for it out of my pocket, and I need money for my wife's treatment. I hope you understand…"

Officer Matthew looked at Easton's teary eyes and trembling hands and felt deeply sad for him. However, he couldn't go against his line of duty. They had to give him a ticket anyway. Easton was late for the delivery that day, prompting his manager to deduct(扣除) it from his salary. He was also warned that he would have to leave if he repeated the mistake.

Not losing heart, Easton set out for his deliveries the following day. "Rooster's Pizza!" he shouted as he rang the doorbell of one of the houses on his list.

注意:1续写词数应 150 左右;


When the door opened, Easton recognized his customer was Officer Matthew!

Easton couldn't believe what had just happened and was surprised by what Officer Matthew did for him.
