组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19

⑴John's mobile phone doesn't work because something is wrong with the battery (电池).He wonders how to deal with the battery.   

⑵Ifs a Clean-up Day for Tim's family.

There are some newspapers, glasses

and plastic (塑料的)wastes in the

house. Tim has no idea what to do

with them.   

⑶Betty will finish middle school and

she has many old clothes which are

too small to wear. She thinks it is a

waste if she throws them away.   

⑷Jacky collected many juice bottles. He wants to sell them so as to give away the money to the students in poor villages.   

⑸Lily's grandma likes shopping online and there are many paper boxes at home. She has no room for them. She wants to find a place to put them in.   

A. Don't throw glass bottles everywhere. You can put them into the dustbins. Don't break the bottles, either. The broken glass may hurt cleaners.

B. If you have useless paper, plastic bottles or glasses, please send them to the factories. The workers can use them to make something new.

C. Do you have any paper boxes you don't need? Why not give them to our handmade center? We can reuse them to make toys for kids.

D. In a waste collection station, people can sell old things, such as paper bags or bottles. A good price for them.

E. If you have something bad for our earth, be careful not to throw it everywhere. There is a special dustbin for this kind of thing.

F. You can put the waste in this kind of dustbin. Cleaners will move it to a certain place to make it good for our plants to grow well.

G. The students in poor villages don't have enough clothes to keep warm in winter. If you have old clean clothes, you can help them.


Mark is a unviersity student who wants to take a holiday this summer, but he doesn't have much money. He is dreaming of going to France.

Kevin is a busy company manager who needs a rest, but he does not have much time for a holiday. He is going to get away from city life and stay somewhere near the sea. He is interested in cooking.

Sally has three weeks to spend on holiday. She doesn't like sports, and she doesn't like relaxing on the beach either. She enjoys sightseeing and learning about foreign countries' history.

Jenny takes an interest in writing. She has some free time and would like to attend some kind of activity to learn about children literature.

The Wilsons like outdoor holidays. They have never tried sailing, but they would like to learn. During their three-week holiday, they want to enjoy themselves in a beautiful, quiet fishing village.

A. A group of famous writers will be present at this reading camp, offering talks about children literature (文学). You can learn to write children tales or poems here.

B. History Tours: We offer tours to Egypt with guides. The tour includes lectures about the history of Egypt and visits to museums. Travel by coach or riverboat. You may live in top hotels. Tours last 2 to 3 weeks.

C. Hawaii is a beautiful place for a summer holiday. You can go sailing and swimming or just lie down on the beach and do nothing at all. You can also make many new friends here as beaches and hotels here are always full of tourists.

D. East Island Hotel is famous for its excellent cooking. It provides chances to relax and enjoy the heated swimming pool, beautiful music and top class bars and restaurants. All rooms have a sea view. Short stays (3~4 days) available.

E. A sailing holiday for all ages. You can learn to sail in 3 weeks. Places to live in are provided in a beautiful, quiet fishing village. Breakfast, dinner and a packed lunch are included in the price of the holiday.

F. Paris, known as the shopping heaven, is a popular place with tourists. You are sure to have a nice shopping experience and get what you want in the capital of France.

G. students' Working Holidays: A really cheap but healthy holiday. You can enjoy picking fruit in the heart of France. You can live in farmhouses. All meals included. Free rides are also provided.


Alice is an Italian girl in Guangzhou. She takes great interest in the stories of China's "Four Great Beauties".

Dave is an American boy. He is a Chinese art lover. He becomes interested in anything about the silk Road and Dunhuang art.

Lisa comes from Russia. She is learning ballet. Her teacher told her the ballet about a girl with white hair. She wants to enjoy the performance.

Jack is studying music in Guangzhou. He likes Cantonese music very much and learns a lot about it.

Alan has read a lot about the history of China. He loves to enjoy the dance and music of the Tang Dynasty.

A. Ballet the Red Detachment (分遣队) of Women

The story happened in Hainan Island in the 1930s. It is about a servant girl who runs away from a local family and grows into a soldier.

B. Ballet the White-Haired Girl

It tells a story about a girl named Xi'er. Her father is killed by a local landlord (地主). She has to run to the mountains and lives there. She lives a hard life. Her hair turns white.

C. Dance drama Silk Road, Strewn (撤满) with Flowers

It tells about the friendship between a Chinese painter Zhang and a Persian trader. It is from the Silk Road and Dunhuang murals (壁画).

D. Dance drama The Past of Shawan

It sets the story at the Shawan ancient town in South China's Guangzhou city. It follows the main storyline of musicians' creation of the Cantonese music piece Dragon Boat Racing.

E. Dance drama Li Bai

It tells about the great poet Li Bai with a fresh new look. It also brings to life the scenery (风景), dance and music of the Tang Dynasty.

F. Dance drama Dunhuang Dream

It is from the thousands of years' creation history of Dunhuang art treasure. It follows the storyline of a young painter and the daughter of a general.

G. Dance drama Princess Zhaojun

It is from a true historical event in the Han Dynasty. It tells a story of one of China's" Four Great


配对阅读。左栏是五个学生的兴趣爱好及需求, 右栏是七个暑假夏令营介绍,请为左栏的每位学生选择一个合适的夏令营(有两个为多余)。

Tina's parents are always away on business. She wants to learn to cook so that she doesn't have to eat out.

Ken has always liked inventing things. He wants to spend the summer holiday making new things.

Amy is good at dancing and singing. She wants to be an actress when she grows up.

Jason is crazy about rock music. He has his own band. He wants to improve his skills and meet real musicians.

Dan usually spends his time making short videos. He dreams to make his own movies one day.

A. Come on a holiday course in our theatre studio in Cambridge, and learn to act, sing and dance. Our teachers are all professional(专业的).

B. Cooking is fun, so why be afraid of it? We teach you to make delicious, easy-to-cook meals. So you can eat at home and save money.

C. On our summer course here in Bristol, you make your own film! You don't need any experience. Your teachers are professional and they guide you from start to finish.

D. Would you like to paint and draw, and do sculpture (雕塑)? Then come to our summer school in the beautiful village of Aston. You can relax and be creative in our wonderful historic house.

E. Do you want to be in a rock band? Write your own music? Improve your drumming or keyboard skills? Then come to our summer school in London. Our students come from all over the world and our teachers are real rock musicians.

F. Do you dream of becoming an astronaut? Then you may join us. You take a tour to the Space & Rocket Center. You talk with real astronauts. You visit spaceships.

G. Are you interested in science? Do you want to build a robot? Do you want to make you own invention? This is the camp for you.


Anna is very busy with her job. She often feels nervous and tired. She hopes to do some exercise to relax herself at weekends.

Maria comes from Australia. Now she is studying in Guangzhou University. She is very happy in China. But she is getting fatter and fatter because of eating too much delicious Chinese food. So she'd like to find a way to keep fit in her free time.

Bill has won the first prize in the National English Speech Contest. He is going to invite his classmates to a place to have a celebration and fun.

Lisa is a smart girl studying in a university. She does well in all her subjects except computer science. Now she has made up her mind to improve her computer lesson because it is necessary for many jobs.

Jimmy is a middle school student. He loves nature and has a wide interest. He is especially interested in visiting some places where there are lots of animals and plans.


There are many free computer learning materials here. There are levels from low beginners to high beginners, from simple computer using articles to computer operating videos. You certainly can find what you need.

B. Night Adventure

Put on your warm clothes, and come for a night walk along the Wild Animal Park. A guide will lead the tour.

Many of the animals you'll see on this trip can only be seen at night. Call 86791286 to join us

C. Lohas Art Gallery

You can learn the skills of painting a bird, flower, or person with brushes. Tools and materials are provided.

We have both day and night lessons. Tel: 67816279.

D. Nineteen Cafe

This is a good place to enjoy wide choices for different kinds of parties. We will offer freshly-made dessert, hot drinks and dishes. And you can decorate (装饰) your party as you like. Here you can find good service and great fun.

E. The Keto Diet Program

The two-month program helps you discover how to be thin and healthy with a very low-cart, high-fat diet!

Call us at 75763457 to get more information.

F. Butterfly Club

Join Butterfly Club, the professional Yoga center! Yoga is a good way to stretch your bodies and relax your minds. Unlike ball games or climbing, it doesn't exhaust you, especially after five days of work

G. A Speech of Science& Health

Is it possible to build up our health without much exercise? This weekend Dr. Cheung will tell you how massage helps you improve your health and relax your body in an easy way.


1)    After reading the book, I learn a lot about the truth of life. Tolerance, struggle, patience, love, peace and joy are all the real life. Family is also a treasure for us. When we meet difficulties, family always stand by our side.

2)In my opinion, Robinson is a real hero. He is smart, brave, kind, strong, hard-working, and full of knowledge. We all need his spirit of never giving up and doing our best to solve problems.

3) About the book, I think Dickens wants to let readers know the darkness, violence and terror in London in the 19th century. Oliver had a tragic life, but he didn't lose his kindness.

4)    In my opinion, Jim is a smart kind-hearted and brave boy. He can always find the ways to beat the bad guys and find the treasure. This book gives me a lesson that we should save money and not waste it.

5)    Everything in the book is so strange and interesting. It is full of adventure and fantasy. It brings us a beautiful world. This book is a magic journey for children, even for adults.

A. Alice in Wonderland

    This is a work of children's literature by Lewis Carroll. It tells the adventure of Alice who fell down into Underland. In that magic world, she met with lots of strange people, animals and events. In the end, everything turned out to be only a dream.

B. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

    It is a story of a clever boy called Tom Sawyer. Tom, a naughty boy, liked having adventures with his friends on the Mississippi River. He was a brave and kind boy, too. He always tried his best to help people.

C. Treasure Island

    This is an exciting adventure story about a poor boy named Jim who found a treasure map by accident one day. Then he with some of his friends and sailors set out on a journey for the treasure.

D. Oliver Twist

    This is a famous novel written by Charles Dickens. It tells the story of Oliver Twist, a boy whose mother died after his birth. He grew up in a workhouse and then ran away from it and became a thief on the streets. The book reflects the tragic and dark life in Britain in the 19th Century.

E. The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

  This book tells the story of Robinson, who was born in a rich family but interested in sailing. He once came across a big storm and his ship sink. But he was lucky enough to survive and drift to a lonely island. He began his new life there by using his head and hands with his new friend Friday.

F. The Old Man and the Sea

    It is a story of an old fisherman, who didn't catch any fish for 84 days. But he didn't give up. After another three days' fighting, he finally caught a huge Marlin fish.

G. Little Women

    This is a story about family love, tolerance, patience and struggle. It follows the lives of four sisters – Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. The four girls had their shortcomings and suffered many difficulties. But they were well on the way of self-perfecting.


If someone has stopped breathing, you must try to start his/her breathing at once.


If the person is bleeding badly, you must try to stop the bleeding.


If you are bitten by an animal like a fierce dog, you must do something at once. The cold running water is the best and doctors are needed.


If you are burnt (hurt by fire or something very hot), deal with the burnt part at once. The cool water is better.


If there is a fire in a building, stairs are safe and lift is dangerous.

A. Don't use lift. The lift may get trapped( 被困) between floors. Use the stairs and leave the building at once.

B. Clean the wound. Use cold running water to clean the wound. Then stay at home to have a rest at once.

C. Wash the wound. Wash the wound under running water. Cover the broken part, if there is any, with a piece of clean cloth. Then see a doctor as soon as possible.

D. Press hard. You should press on the bleeding point with a piece of clean cloth and hold up the part to the body which is bleeding.

E. Perform CPR. Blow into the person's mouth then press on his/her chest and then repeat the process.

F. Use the lift. Lift is convenient. Take the lift to the first floor and you can go to see the doctor quickly.

G. Cool the burnt. Run cool (not cold) water over the burnt part until it is less painful. Put a piece of dry clean cloth over the burnt part.


Kate just learned from TV that there are many homeless children in the world. She wants to do something for them.

Jeff loves dogs and thinks they are people's friends. He wants to give some help to homeless(无家可归的) dogs, but he's busy with his studies.

Dave has professional(专业的) skills in health care, and he wants to help people in need.

Joe thinks that volunteering is great. He wants to help others, but he doesn't know how to be a volunteer.

Mary wants to do something for our earth, because the environment on the earth is getting worse and worse.

A. We provide volunteers with training lessons. With the help of these lessons, you can know what to do when you are a volunteer.

B. There are fewer trees on the earth, so the air gets worse. We can volunteer to plant trees in the parks and mountains. If you can, come and join us.

C. Do you feel sorry for those homeless animals? Here you can do something for them. We welcome you to work with us when you are free.

D. Who wants to help care for sick dogs and cats? If you want to be one of us, you should be able to work at least 3 hours a day.

E. There are many children without parents. We help to provide them with good education. We also give out food and clothes here. Become a volunteer today!

F. At least 130 million people around the world do not get enough health care. This is often because there are no workers with professional skills to take care of them. We need the right workers with the right skills.

G. Lots of old people usually live alone. They have few people to talk with and don't get enough care. Please join us and help them together!


A. Soul

It is an animated (动画) film about a talented pianist who has near-death experience and gets caught in the afterlife (来生). On his way back to the real world, he helps others find their passion for life and discovers what it means to have souls.

B. The Blind Melody

It is an Indian horror (恐怖) film. It tells the story of a piano player who unknowingly gets himself involved in the murder (谋杀) of a former film actor.

C. Heidi

It is a Swiss family film based on the novel by Johanna Spyri.  Heidi is a kind, clever and lovely girl. The film shows how she gets along well with her grandfather. And in the film, Heidi also helps the girl in a rich family find her long-lost happiness.

D. A Dog's Journey

It is an American film and a sequel (续集) to the film A Dog's Purpose. Bailey, the dog finds the meaning of his own existence (存在) through the lives of humans he meets.

E. Maria by Callas

It is a French documentary film about the life and career of opera singer Maria Callas. Through performances, TV interviews and family photographs, the film shows the audience an unusual woman.

F. Hi, Mom

It is a family film based on the real-life story of the Jia and her mother. In the film, Jia is time-travel back to 1981, the time when her mom was young and she dreams to understand her mom better and becomes friends with her.

Bill has watched a film about a dog called Bailey before. He still wants to know what else will happen to the dog and the people Bailey loves.

Tina likes family films based on real-life stories between parents and children. She can learn how to get on well with parents through these films.

Most people are uninterested in scary movies, but Jimmy enjoys them very much.

Mandy shows great love for singing. And she likes reading books and watching films about famous singers.

Jerry always tries to find out what it is like after people die and if humans have souls in the afterlife world.
